Oh Y’all, We Are So Lucky

March 05, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Tom DeLay has finally found work.  I know.  It was scary there for a while.  We were kinda scared he’d be living on the streets, stealing blankets from old people.

The Washington Times is a written Fox news.  The newspaper was founded and owned by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon of the Unification Church, who by all accounts, ruled the editorial position of the newspaper.

And now, they have hired Tom DeLay.

TomDelay_Record_2Tom DeLay, once one of the most powerful officials in Washington, will join The Washington Times as a weekly columnist and radio personality.

Starting this week, Mr. DeLay will appear on a weekly on-demand radio show with Andy Parks, who separately hosts “Live from the Washington Times” on WRC AM-1260 on weekdays. Mr. DeLay’s 30-minute program will be streamed on the Kaliki-based, on-demand radio network that was recently established in partnership with The Times.

Mr. DeLay will elaborate on the themes he develops on air into a weekly column for The Times.

Hey, it’s a step down from Dancing With the Stars, but a step up from stealing kids’ lunch money, his former job.

Thanks to Jay for the heads up and John for the graphic.

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0 Comments to “Oh Y’all, We Are So Lucky”

  1. UmptyDump says:

    So nice to have a regular new source of stupidity to poke fun at inside the beauty shop.

  2. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    No, the Mooney Times isn’t Fox News. It’s even wackier, but it’s not part of Murdoch’s empire.

  3. BarbinDC says:

    I keep expecting the Mooney church to fold after trying to keep that rag afloat. It’s never made a dime.

  4. maryelle says:

    Great graphic, Jay! That mugshot says it all.

  5. bud malone says:

    Yes, but does he still have his smirk?

  6. SomedayGirl says:

    Did you HAVE to mention DWTS?? I’d nearly scrubbed the image of Tom “shaking his hips” out of my brain before that.

  7. I suspect he will still do his best to steal kids’ lunch money, or at least to get laws passed that will do the job for him.

  8. John Peter Henson says:

    I am surprised he did not return to his original profession of exterminator…….Oh wait….pest control……serious probability of poisoning himself..

  9. Zyxomma says:

    Well, I guess since Fat Tony Blankley’s dead, there was an opening.

  10. “On-demand” radio? Who’s demanding him?

  11. Marge Wood says:

    Hold on and fasten yore seat belts while I git riled up. I tell you who’s gonna be his audience: folks who want a human face on God’s voice (don’t blame God, it’s Tom’s idea. Or the Moonies. Who knows.). Tom’s idea, which I haven’t seen whether he got God’s approval or not, was to block the light rail in Houston. Finally, his arch nemesis, President Obama, reversed the blockage and lo, more folks than expected have been riding the light rail. Unfortunately, the riders haven’t made the connection between elections and stuff like transportation. Bunches of them are excited about
    Dan Patrick (remember him? He wants to repeal the 17th Amendment) who is big on charter schools and “home rule”. Maybe Tom can find a way to get his paws in the trough via charter schools statewide. Did I say statewide? Well, I can’t SAY it but I betcha a nickel they are THINKING it.

  12. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I wonder how he will explain his cult association to his Baptist brethren?

  13. Another job he can’t even begin to do! I remember his sojourn in the House. He couldn’t do that one, either!

  14. Corinne Sabo says:

    Can he spell words of more than 2 letters? Poor editor!

  15. maryelle says:

    Is DeLay’s overturned conviction going to be appealed by the Texas AG? Just finished reading about this old reprobate’s past and the article stated that it would. The House of Cards character, Francis Underwood, could have been based on Twinkle Toes.

  16. I wonder if he sees himself as Rush Limbaugh II? Though I’m pretty sure it’s $$$ that he really sees.

  17. Wait. Tom DeLay can string two sentences together? That shocks me.

  18. The Times is so bonkers that even Barbara Bush canceled her subscription, saying “Did you read about the man who died and his obituary … said, ‘Don’t send flowers, don’t send donations to anything, cancel your New York Times subscription.’ So I did…”


  19. Thanks, JJ, and you’re welcome!

  20. @maryell #4 That was John who did the graphic.

    I highly recommend that all Dems and liberal type peeps read and listen to Tom DeLay’s pieces. As we go into the midterms, his views will be very influential, especially with the Tea Party types who are voting in primaries right now. Whether or not you agree with his politics, DeLay has always been a force to be reckoned with in DC, and this newspaper/radio platform is BIG news, folks.

    His radio show is called “Getting It Right With Tom DeLay”, and the first podcast of it is available today on the Washington Times Radio page. I haven’t heard it yet, but I’ll get to that later on:


  21. Marge Wood says:

    Yeah, that’s what God told him, right in his ear: “We need a spiritual and a constitutional revival.” I saw it on one of my infrequent TV viewings. I told our son and he said oh, so he’s also schizophrenic. Ms. J, can you PLEEEEASE do the listening and reporting to us? I don’t think I can stand to listen to Tom DeLay. I’m still smarting from the primaries. How in the world are we gonna get ready for November? I know. One front door at a time.

  22. @Marge OK, will do! I think you already know what The Hammer’s gonna say, though. I think our interest here as Democratic political types is how his views will shape the conversation regarding strategy for the GOP to hold the House in 2014 — at least that’s what I would be listening for. The blurb for his radio show says in part: “… hear where Congressman DeLay sees the current Congress heading and what he views as important for the GOP to focus on going forward …” That’s what would be of interest to us as Dems who are trying to figure out how to flip those seven seats and take back the House. I’ll keep an eye open and let you Beauty Salon customers know if I hear of any interesting or enlightening strategic angles coming through on his podcasts. His columns will be a distillation of the radio shows, from what I’ve read. We would be remiss if we didn’t pay attention to this.

    And Marge, don’t lose heart. I know you Texans have a whole slew of wingnuts running for office — each one is trying to be more Tea-stained than the next. But Texas is changing for the good, so don’t give up! Yes, one front door at a time, one voter at a time! Just keep getting that message out there, Texas Dems!

  23. I meant to say the Dems need *17* seats to take back the House, not 7. Wishful thinking.

  24. maryelle says:

    Oops, kudos to John for the graphic and to Jay for the info.
    No smirking going on in that shot.

  25. Robin Frazier says:

    More like NO DEMAND radio.

  26. @maryelle You’re welcome!

  27. JuJuBee says:

    Oops, Mule Breath, Lady Bush cancelled her NY Times subscription, which though truly fair and mostly balanced, runs left. On the other hand, Tom Delay is working for the Washington Times, which is unfair, unbalanced, owned by the Moonies, and runs so far right it jumps off Central Florida way out in Bermuda!
