Oh Y’all, Rick Perry Again

March 25, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry is now calling pay equality “nonsense.”  And he knows that for two reasons: (1) there are already laws on the books to protect women from discrimination but he’s not real sure what they are, and (2) he appointed a female Secretary of State.

“They have my support, as do all women across — my chief of staff is a woman,” he said. “I mean, I probably got more female chiefs of staff than anybody in Texas history.”

Perry_ClarkKent_1And exactly what he means by “got”, I dunno.

Having Rick Perry run for President is like putting six pots on a four burner stove.  He just ain’t got enough smarts to handle many pans.

I guess Ole Rick hadn’t head that the Republican wanting to live in the Guv Shack next has some gender pay problems.

Meanwhile, the San Antonio Express-News was compiling salary figures from the Texas attorney general’s office. The newspaper reported Wednesday that female assistant attorneys general make less on average than do men in the same position under Abbott.

The average salary for the 343 male assistant attorneys general in Abbott’s office is $79,464, the Express-News found, while the average salary for 379 women is $73,649.

Perry says there are other things we folks in Texas should be worried about:

“If they want to talk about substantive issues in Texas in this governor’s race, let’s talk about tax policy, regulatory policy, legal policies,” he said.

Cue the Hallelujah Chorus.  He remembered three things! However, I think he just made up that legal policy thing because Lord knows, Rick Perry ain’t lined up straight with the statutes.  Plus, I have no idea what legal policies means.  He just made that up because he forgot the third thing, didn’t he?  Oh well, pack up the Hallelujah Chorus and turn out the lights.

So, Rick wants us to talk about tax and regulatory policy, huh?  You know, men things.  How ’bout this?  Rick wants to pay women less so he can tax us less and he wants to regulate what we do with our bodies.  You’re on, big boy.  I’m hittin’ the ground runnin’ on that one.



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