Oh Y’all, Paul Ryan is Running for Veep

July 02, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We know that Paul Ryan is running for Veep because he’s talking to God.  However, I am still questioning if the vice versa is true.

Talking about the Affordable Care Act (aka Obama Cares), Ryan went all, “Take off those glasses, brother, because if God wanted you to see, he wouldn’t have given you an astigmatism, which, of course, you got from listening in sex education classes and eating Michelle food like fruits and vegetables.

“I think this at the end of the day is a big philosophy difference,” Ryan told ABC’s “This Week.” “We disagree with the notion that our rights come from government, that the government can now grant us and define our rights. Those are ours, they come from nature and God, according to the Declaration of Independence – a huge difference in philosophy.”

No, no, Paul Honey, under the Republican plan, the right to get health care doesn’t come from God, it comes from insurance companies, which, conveniently, truly are the Republican God.  The difference being that God doesn’t have as big a profit motive on whether you live or die as insurance companies do.

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0 Comments to “Oh Y’all, Paul Ryan is Running for Veep”

  1. Every once in a while…. I talk to God. I don’t think, in all my long years, of conversations to the Almighty…..He’s talked to me. There have been times I’ve had indications He heard what I said.

    It may not at all be God talking……. but something, or Somebody is telling me…..and had been for months…..

    We HAVE to get these idiots out of Congress before they totally ruin a great country.

  2. It’s very simple…a nation of people is only as good as how it treats the least unfortunate among its citizens.

    Sadly, the Paul Ryans of the world don’t believe such people are “worthy” of the “privilege” of adequate health care (never mind that such people exist right in his own Congressional district).

    Well, the Paul Ryans of the world are not worthy of the title, “Member, U.S. House of Representatives”.

  3. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I beg to disagree.

    “the right to get health care doesn’t come from God, it comes from insurance companies,…”

    There are 30 million uninsured like me who will tell you that healthcare is not a right, it is a privilege.

    For most of us it is a privilege we can not afford. ObamaCares will address that issue, but it will not make healthcare a right.

  4. Lorraine in Spring says:

    So, the Koch Brothers are Paul Ryan’s God since everything he does is based on what they want, right?

    Paul Ryan is weird. And maybe a little nuts.

  5. According to Wikipedia, “philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language.”

    Paul Ryan shouldn’t be mentioning anything about philosophy. His positions on issues, and his knowledge and understanding of the needs of Americans are un-realistic. He’s trying to serve two masters, but God isn’t one of them. The lead sister (sorry, I forget her name) on the Catholic nun bus tour told him a few weeks ago that his mouth talks about Jesus, but his budget doesn’t address the things that Jesus told us Christians to do. His two masters appear to be the Republican Party and super rich Americans. It’s impossible to negotiate with people who live in an alternate universe. This is what President Obama and the democrats in Congress have been dealing with for 3+ years–people who have no idea what the lives of the majority of Americans are like. It’s surprising that they were able to get ANY of their legislation through Congress, and it’s also what makes the ACA a monumental achievement.

  6. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    According to Republicans, health care is a privilege afforded to those who are able to pay for it. Everyone else is allowed to die. This helps with their plan to cut Social Security by raising the age of eligibility — with more people dying before they get a chance to retire, Social Security doesn’t need to pay out as much except to those long-lived people who can afford to pay for health care.

  7. Uncle Dave says:

    Sometimes one can determine another’s character from his appearance. A case in point is that weasel face that stares back from Paul Ryan’s photograph.

  8. Gramiam says:

    The face of Eddie Munster!

  9. daChipster says:

    NO, Paulie, we don’t disagree as to the source of these unalienable rights as being inate within the human condition…endowed by their Creator, if you will. We are in total accors with you on that. But let’s not quote our Founders out of context! What does the NEXT clause say?

    “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men…”

    In other words, sonny, the US Goverment protects those rights. Identifying and protecting a right is the OPPOSITE of tyranny. Claiming the god on the other end of your tin can and string – and ONLY yours – used to be known as the divine right of kings and is a favorite tyranty trick.

    So the government is the true guarantor of our rights…not Col. Colt, or Smith, Wesson, Browning, Glock or Uzi or any other second amendment profiteer.

    In fact, that right there is the one right that was not endowed by the Creator, but truly by the Other One with the pitchfork and red spandex: the right to a profit.

    By elevating that right above all other Paul, you’re not doing God’s work. Actually, you’re doing Satan’s.

  10. The Republicans keep saying it is not the government’s business to take care of people with things like healthcare and food, but rather those things are best left to the churches and charities. If that were true, and I don’t believe it is, then why are the Republicans trying to have their religious beliefs enforced on all of us by the government by passing bills based upon their particular interpretations of the Bible?

    I’m sorry, but I don’t believe a hungry child should have to listen to an hour plus long, boring sermon on the evils of anything in order to have a good meal, a roof over his head, a pair of decent shoes or medicine. No where in the Bible does Jesus say that.

  11. Mary in San Antonio says:

    When a man’s basic philosophy is based on the writings of a hack writer like Ayn Rand, Paul Ryan and his infamous budget is what you get. And what I find so typical of today’s Repubs is that whole I’ve got mine, too bad about yours attitude they all seem to have. Especially ones like Paul Ryan. He wants to kill Social Security, but he sure didn’t mind taking survivors benefits after his dad died when he was a teenager. But then that goes along with his idol, Ayn, who also had no problems taking Social Security and Medicare after all her words on a Gaultian society.

  12. Concerning Ayn Rand, the last word was had by Dorothy Parker, who said of “Atlas Shrugged:”
    “This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force.”
