Oh, Y’all, I Gotta Go Out But This Looks Like It’s Gonna Be Fun!

July 15, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I don’t have time to write about this right now, but, Darlin’, this is going to be a great story.

Two Republican Attorneys General have been arrested.  The learned nothing from Jack Abramoff.

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0 Comments to “Oh, Y’all, I Gotta Go Out But This Looks Like It’s Gonna Be Fun!”

  1. Brian E says:

    Any bets on how long it is going to take one of them to blame the other?

  2. Separate trials, right? Wait a minute. I have the feeling one of them is going to fly the coop before trial. And as for Jack A., ten to one they never heard of him, as absorbed as they were in their chicanery. Hope they get the book thrown at them. They remind me too much of Whitey Bulger.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Utah, land of the pious and morally bankrupt politicians.

    As Marge would can link and list like none other, we are in a serious drought here in the West. The morons in the Utah legislature missed the entire Fukushima nuclear disaster. Seriously, they want to drain the Green River for ‘safe’ nuclear technology. Morons. Anyone west of the Mississippi River knows we can provide our energy needs with wind and solar.

    Oh yeah, when you morons can find a way to safely dispose of your waste, and not deplete our water supplies, we’re all ears. Until then, STFU and realize all that money you fools are amassing will be worthless to you without clean air and water.

  4. Zyxomma says:

    Oh. Em. Gee.

  5. 1smartcanerican™ says:

    I certainly hope this is the beginning of the end for many many corrupt politicians or those in office due to political patronage, don’t care which. JJ, you made my day by posting this – thanks!

    PKM, anyone who wants to build more nuclear plants is a total, tone-deaf, uneducated (should I continue?) moron! But we already knew that for sure.

  6. True, Brian, though I would add “any bets on how long it is going to take both of them to blame the liberals?”

  7. AlanInAustin says:

    Well, if you’re going to bribe law enforcement, there’s nothing like going straight to the top.

  8. Obama first, then liberals, environmentalists, humanists, working mothers, welfare queens, divorce, latchkey children, immigrants…they’ve got a long list to play with.

  9. maryelle says:

    Republicans sure do have a knack for making crime (politics) pay. Not sure how threatening “Polynesian ” enforcers are these days, but I guess it’s a unique way to threaten somebody. One can only hope that the Perry investigation reveals his own version of threats.

  10. Miss Prissybritches says:

    It’s all Obama’s fault, of course.

  11. e platypus onion says:

    None of the stuff wingnuts do would have ever happened if Obama hadn’t been elected. Wingnuts found out life is much different than a box of Jujubes candy. They can’t pick out the black ones and throw them away. Of course once the box is empty you can still rip off one end and blow through the box to make noise. Not that wingnuts need excuses or any more noisemakers.

  12. “They can’t pick out the black ones and throw them away.” e platypus, I am definitely stealing that line.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    DROUGHT. etc.
