Oh, Y’all

March 08, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump, Jr. is outraged and mad and appalled and, well, if I had a thesaurus I could tell you more words, but the story goes like this.

The former Washington Redskins football team changed their name. So far, they are named The Washington Team, which is kinda catchy.

So they went on Twitter and announced some coming attractions.  This is where they announced that  they will replace cheerleaders with a coed “dance team.”

So, along comes Donald Trump, Jr. and he’s acting like a popcorn popper with the lid off.  He says he’s concerned all to hell and back over the “lack of decency” for the cheerleaders to learn on Twitter that they are being fired.

Decency.  The boy child wants to talk about decency.

Trump Jr.’s father announced numerous administration employees’ dismissals on Twitter during his four years in the White House, without notifying them personally prior to alerting social media. Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper, White House counsel Don McGahn, DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Director Christopher Krebs, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, Chief of Staff Reince Preibus, Department of Veteran Affairs Secretary David Shulkin, and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson were each fired in this way.

Yeah, but cheerleaders are whole different class of people.

I guess that Trump firing them on Twitter was more decent than grabbing them by the you know what.

Decency – that word even oozing out of his mouth …


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0 Comments to “Oh, Y’all”

  1. el lagarto says:

    Why is he wasting time on this when there are so many more important things to rant about like Dr. Seuss, and Potato Head Genitals? Won’t someone please think of the Oreos???

  2. Grandma Ada says:

    Does he realize he can still go to a “gentlemen’s club” and see women dressed as cheerleaders (for a while) and performing?

  3. Bob Boland says:

    Not having a scintilla of interest in pro sports and the teams represented there, I missed the original story, so maybe my question is answered there. Were the cheerleaders dismissed en masse or will at least some of them transition over to the new dance squad? I mean, cheerleading is a pretty strenuous activity with at least some elements of dance incorporated into it so many, if not all, of the current cheerleading squad would probably fit right in.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Junior has way too much time on his hands. He’s one of those that if they don’t have anything good to say, they just blab on. I hope he gets busy soon trying to defend Trumpf organization criminal fraud – and loses- then he’ll really have something good to complain about (good for us).

  5. “Decency”

    Were the cheerleaders separated from their families, then forced to live in metal cages? Expect presumably on Sundays for the big game?


  6. Neither Beavis nor his brother Butthead Trump can even spell “decency” much less define it.

  7. I would like to propose the new mascot for the GQP: the irrelevant. An obese animal that is non a mammal in that it has neither a backbone nor the milk of human kindness. It’s Orange colored and is bald with a bad combover.

    The motto could be: ” I took the I out of IQ!”

  8. megasoid says:

    The world is closing its doors to him.

    Outcast, quickly tossed away, flushed, 20 year guest of New York State, Dead man walking.

  9. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Don’t forget James Comey, whose finagling of Hillary’s emails was an important part of trump’s “victory.” He didn’t even get a tweet; he learned he had been fired on television.

    What’s wrong with coed cheerleaders? Wasn’t W a cheerleader at Yale?

  10. thatotherjean says:

    @megasoid #8: We can only hope. If deserving such fate plays a role in what comes to pass, he’s shoo-in.

  11. BarbinDC says:

    As usual, he’s a day late and a dollar short on this one. There have been several scandals involving the former “Redskinettes” that made the whole enterprise iffy going forward. By scandals I mean sexual harassment and indecencies involving the owner and his cronies and other old, white men he was trying to impress. Scantily clad cheerleaders became an anachronism some time ago. We want to see women on the field doing the officiating and, occasionally, kicking field goals, and on the coaching staffs and in the executives offices.

    What a dope!

  12. Oh, Ted, you are *definitely* not the 1 who is supposed to represent this state in the Senate! You are a *riot*!

    BobBoland and Barb in DC, I went to Southwest Texas State (now just Texas State) when the Strutters were the role model for the pro-football “cheerleaders”–not so much “cheerleaders” as “dancers as close to the line of x-ratings as they could push it.” A family friend was in Strutters (naturally, called “Slutters” by a *lot* of the university), and apparently the first criterion was to “fill out” the “uniform” appropriately.

    In my first teaching job, I watched a cheerleader tryout where 1 of the winners did something like a double forward flip to get onto the stage. Co-ed cheerleading like that is lots of fun to watch.

  13. Bob @3. From what I bothered to read, the contracts for all the cheerleaders were up and so there was no guarantee if they kept it as all-female cheerleaders that each of these ladies would have passed the selection for new season.

    And the article included that they could audition for the dance team.

    It does sound like some house-cleaning of litigiously inclined is happening too.

  14. Harry Eagar says:

    djw. Yeah. There is even a cable teevee series and a movie about the dancers at black colleges. Don’t forget the hair requirements: long, flowing, glossy and brunette.

    When I was covering sports at black high schools in Virginia, more than 50 years ago, the girls, some of them portly, would do leaps ending in complete splits. The Olympic gymnasts couldn’t have equaled it.

    BarbinDC The outcry against long lingering shots of the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders forced the teevee networks to show only the briefest flashes of them, but the dances continued. That occurred, if memory serves, in the mid-’70s.

    The cheerleaders make, I understand, rather less than minimum wage; the medium of exchange here is not dollars.
