September 25, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, we are taking bets and bragging rights right here at The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc.  You will win bragging rights and public recognition with your beauty shop name posted on the bulletin board over by the hair washing sinks if you win this thing, or you come closest.

Crazy Butt Moore

Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell went to Alabama to campaign for Luther Strange in the GOP primary run-off election for US senate. Strange’s opponent, one Crazy Butt Roy Moore, is leading by 10.8 points today.  Another poll shows him leading by 8.6 points.

The election is tomorrow.

Crazy Butt Moore is leading. As a connoisseur of cornbread and friend okra politics, I enjoy watching these things and will be tuned in tighter than usual because the Astros have already made the playoffs.

Here’s the bet: you pick the winner and the point spread.  You post it here by midnight tonight.  You get your name on the poster board and I will send you a copy of Timothy Snyder’s “On Tyranny,” which I’m reading now and think it’s worth your time.

You must enter the exact number, as in 3.8 or 12.1. If you enter just the number 5 or 7, you’re automatically disqualified for not reading to the end of the post before getting all excited for Thelma to write your name on poster board.

Okay, here’s a REVISIT on this race.

Donald Trump went on an Alabama talk radio show this morning claimed he knew why Luther Strange should win the primary.

A primary win by “Ray” Moore would open Alabama’s U.S. Senate seat to Democrats, President Donald Trump told radio-hosts “Rick and Bubba” this morning.

Trump repeatedly called Roy Moore the incorrect Ray Moore.

When host Rick Burgess clarified that Moore’s first name was Roy and not Ray, Trump came back with why it’s “not a good sign” when the president doesn’t know your name.

No, not so much.  Especially when the president doesn’t know diddle squat.

Hellfire, Trump didn’t even know who Frederick Douglass is or that Luciano Pavarotti had died ten years before Trump declared him his “great friend.”


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0 Comments to “Oh Y’all. REVISITED.”

  1. Maria Gonzalez says:

    Roy Moore by 11.2% over Strange.

  2. It’s Alabama. They’ll choose the worst possible candidate. Moore by 7.5%.
    BTW, my home, Iowa, seems to have jumped on the worst-possible-candidate bandwagon, too.

  3. Moore by 13.8.

  4. Crazy Butt Roy Moore by 14.7%.

  5. Moore at 9.3

  6. OK. I’ll split the difference. Moore by 9.7.

  7. Keith Kennedy says:

    We’re talking about Alabama right? OK then. Moore by 25.6.

  8. Moore by 10.2. Why go for only slightly bigoted and crazy when you could go full-bore?

  9. Moore by 6.66%.

  10. John Jasynes says:

    Crazy whack-a-doodle Moore by 9.1.

  11. Crazy Butt Roy Moore by 9.3!

  12. Damn it – read the comments before submitting guess. I am changing mine to 9.4 points!

  13. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Nah, we can have ties and I’ll make Thelma draw a name out of a hat for the book.

  14. Jonathon Hubbert says:

    Luther Strange by 1.1%

    ‘Bama native knows ‘Bama voters s that nd how they vote.

    ‘Bama native knows ‘Bama voters and how they treat surveys.

    But this ‘Bama native knows better than most ‘Bama voters that trumplthinskin isn’t ‘Bama’s savior. It was O’Bama.

  15. Aladamnbama always goes for the batsh*t craziest, (I know this because I lived in Georgia during the late 60s/early 70s and people there used to brag about being a degree less batsh*t, except during football season.)

    So, in honor of the hallowed ‘bama tradition of promoting evil to ever higher pedestals, I predict Moore will win by 51.50 (the California Penal Code section dealing with the criminally insane.)

    An endorsement from the Orange One these days is more kiss of death, only Big Luther’s too dim to see it, especially now that Sarah Palin’s tossing up word salad all over the state in yet another attempt to prove that resurrection is possible after a political suicide. Since everybody else on the planet is hip to her schtick, she finds her relevance at the bottom of the deplorables basket.

    Because most men in ‘bama will never say ‘no’ to a former beauty pageant ice princess who kills animals with an assault rifle from a helicopter for sport. I think it’s even writ into their state constitution.

  16. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Jonathan – here’s a real true story you’ll enjoy, Bubba worked hard for Obama in 2008 so a week after the election, we went on an extended road trip for some fun. In New Orleans we went to lunch at NOLAs. Bubba wore his Obama hat. I know gentlemen aren’t supposed to wear hats indoors, but I couldn’t get him to take that hat off. Hell, he slept in it!

    So there’s a couple about our age at another table over to the side who would occasionally glance over at Bubba and smile. We figured they were just Democrats admiring his hat.

    After they finished eating, they started walking over to us, so Bubba stood up to shake hands … and that’s when they realized that they had been sitting at an angle to our table and Bubba’s hat didn’t say BAMA. That’s when the woman shouted, “Oh, sorry. Thought your hat said BAMA.” Then she fumbled around for a minute and felt the need to add, “We’re Republicans.”

    Bubba said, “Too damn bad. I was going to pick up your ticket.”

  17. 0.49999% of the vote for Moore, triggering a recount and much expenditure of red state $ for something stoopid.


  18. Charles R Phillips says:

    Ray Moore by 5.1!

    Thanks for the correction, JJ!

  19. Moore by 13.7%.

  20. Moore by 9.9. I am eternally grateful that Trump does not know my name. Just the thought makes me want to vomit. My senators Corker and Alexander would recognize it if they ever actually looked at their emails.

  21. I got no numbers, because I’m not really a betting man. But I just wanted to say that with a choice between Moore and Strange, the term “run-off election” seems more appropriate than ever.

  22. I came in to vote 6.66% for crazy butt and was disappointed to see BarbinDC beat me to it, but since ties are allowed I’ll let it stand.

  23. People!!!! DOUG JONES in the general election!!!!

  24. Roy Moore by 7.7%

  25. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Moore by 10.3. As we used to say, when I lived in Georgia, the best thing ever to come out of Alabama is I-10.

  26. ‘bama: ‘Cuz why have crazy or corrupt, when you can have crazy AND corrupt?

  27. Sam in St Paul says:

    Moore by 16.2 cause Jesus loves white bigots.

  28. Moore by 16.66 because he is batchit nuts, and Aladamnbama seems to full of nuts.

  29. Annabelle Lee says:

    Moore by 9.2

  30. Motor mouth Moore 10.1

  31. Annabelle Lee says:

    And @Opinionated Hussy, in TN we used to say you could send the stupidest man in TN to AL and raise the IQ of both states.

  32. 1smartcanerican says:

    I like Marlarkey’s prediction so I’m going there too, but at 0.51% for Strange since Moore will not give up at that number, demand a recount, and still refuse the result!

  33. See what I did there? I meant Roy. But I like Ray better. Blame it on my 7:00 am migraine this morning.

  34. Crazy Roy 2.55 and I pray to my invisible sky demon that he has given me a bum steer.

  35. Moore by 18.6

  36. This is really a difficult decision. Both candidates represent the very best that America has to offer the world. Moore by 1.0 because he is slightly more wonderful.

  37. I’m calling it for Roy “Can’t Stay Judge For Long” Moore by 13.2%

    This is Alabama we’re talking about here. Where nothing about rule of law, generally recognized standards of decency, or reasonable qualifications for public office really matters.

    It’s all about conservatism, Jesus, makin’ sure those rich folks stay rich, Jesus, them homos, Jesus, guns, Jesus, those brown-skinned folks who talk funny and don’t belong here, Jesus, and mebbe summore Jesus.

  38. Ray Less (See what I did there?) by 13.7.

    Then Jones walks all over his empty head and hairy a$$ in the general.

  39. yet another baby boomer says:

    Moore by 10.0% cuz commandments.

  40. Dud Lee Moore wins this Strange election by 9.9 points. Lots of Republican Senators are pulling for Moore so they will no longer be known as the craziest Senator in Washington.

  41. I’m calling it for Strange by 2.1 points for a lot of the reasons some of you folks called it for Moore. I think the folks in Aladamnbama are less susceptible to actual coverage (fake news), and more susceptible to endorsements from Donnie Douchebag.

  42. Ormond Otvos: Just to be safe, you should revise your stated prediction to 0.1% to eliminate any chance of disqualification due to number of digits.
    I like your stated reasoning. But fair warning. Your choice of moniker is probably gonna trigger some serious eyeballing when you’re in this joint. For reasons purely out of self-preservation, you might wanta refrain from sudden movements.:-)

  43. Moore, by 14.8.

    tRump driveled out about “Luciano Pavarotti” by mistake, one of his youthful idols was Lucky Luciano and he mixed it up.
    After all, our illustrious SOBOTUS is a wholly mob-operated puppet of several flavors of organized crime enterprises (both the traditional Mafia and the Russian one, et al.).


  44. Jonathon Hubbert says:

    Thanks. Bubba, ya done good. Pushing a republi-can’t’s words back down the gullet is diplomacy at work. Seems like Bubber’s a good lawyer, too/two/to his Mama.

  45. JAKvirginia says:

    Oh, my, this is idiot’s delight, y’know?

    Um… (closes eyes, spins wheel)… Strange by 1.3%.

    And I’ll donate my winnings to charity. Just like Donnie.

  46. Moore 12.9
