Oh Virginia, It’s Catching You!

April 06, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The issue is about “using public land to develop 1,000-1,500 units of affordable housing on a 3-5-year timetable for families earning $30,000-$50,000 a year.”

A little known fact:  people who support that are going to burn in hell.

Screen Shot 2014-04-06 at 10.08.42 AMIn a debate with the upcoming county board candidates, one of them, Stephen W.C. Holbrook, is powerfully upset that … well, it’s hard to tell amid the words he says but he’s just real certain that burning in hell is involved and even sent Cardinal Dolan a “strongly worded” email attesting to such hell burning.  I do not know what Cardinal Dolan has to do with housing in Virginia but I suspect he might be an expert of the burning in hell part.

Mr. Holbrook is also not real happy with Baptist.  It’s unclear if he thinks they’re going to burn in in hell but he certain thinks they are a dirty bunch.  Following a debate in the  St. John’s Baptist Church, where candidates were urged to support the low income housing, Mr Holbrook announced …

“I am a Catholic and that meeting in that church was the first time I ever went into a church and came out feeling dirty and that there was evil in that church. I thought that God was going to send down a lighting bolt unto those church leaders and their people and I didn’t want to be around them.”

“It took me two days and several baths to get the smell of greed and sin off of me but the other people there will go to hell for what they do and their church leaders are to blame,” Holbrook continued.

Okay, I guess I was wrong about him being unclear about Baptist burning in hell.  He’s pretty clear about that.  There’s fire involved.

Oh, and by the way, teachers are going to burn in hell, too.

Holbrook blames the teachers group for the county’s increased spending on public schools, which he opposes.

“The teachers’ union has already bitten the forbidden apple by showing their willingness to take unearned taxpayers’ assets for their vote for the Democratic candidate here and they will burn in Hell for their sinful deeds,” he writes.

Okay, so we have teachers, Baptist, people who favor affordable housing, and I am certain there is a bus driver or two who have pissed him off.  It’s gonna be a pretty decent size bonfire, folks.  It might be worth a trip with grandma and the kids to see it.

Thanks to Monty for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh Virginia, It’s Catching You!”

  1. Bob in TN says:

    What can you say? The man is a loon. Also, this guy was an FBI agent? Ay! Caramba!

  2. I’d like to know this “Catholic’s” feelings about the current Pope.

  3. You are “greedy” if you want affordable housing for other people? Up is down. War is peace.

  4. Teh Gerg says:

    He’ll probably be re-elected.

  5. Who does he think paid his salary when he was working for the federal government?

    Just so I understand. It’s perfectly o.k. with this “catholic” that the Bishop over in Atlanta built himself a $2 million dollar mansion to live in, but poor people can’t have housing?

    Yes, after a lot of screaming and yelling, the Bishop has seen the error of his ways and is moving to something a little more scaled down……… but the $2 million….. has still been spent. And, not on the needy. But you know…. on the ______fill in the blanks.

    I’m just hoping this guy didn’t go all nuts, until after he left the F.B.I. Like maybe they do have some standards for who they hire. Maybe???

  6. June Bug says:

    He has a U.S. government pension – very generous of us to give him don’t you say? I want my part of it back.
    Somebody better watch this Kook – he’s about to blow, probably with a gun. Attention FBI!

  7. Lorraine in Spring says:

    I bet if he had any of his taxpayer funded paycheck or retirement money invested in this construction project, he’d be all for it.

    Typical Republican Religionist Hypocrite.

  8. Clearly Holbrook equates God with Money, much as John Roberts equates Free Speech with Money.

    And with the same degree of logic and decency.

  9. He must have a copy of the Bible where Jesus says the poor shall burn in hell, and all those who help the poor shall burn in hell.

  10. IronCelt says:

    While I do not consider it my place to condemn people to hell, I do have a deep faith that Mr. Holbrook is going to mighty surprised at his own particular judgment; he may find his own eternal housing to have come at a high cost. And despite my naturally human impulse to flee the Catholic Church because of people like Holbrook, people like him are also the reason I stay, because I don’t want people like him to be the “face” of the church.

  11. maryelle says:

    Unfortunately, I’ve known several ex-FBI agents who have gone over the edge. Don’t know if it’s the type of people they attract or if the organization pushes them over, but they are carrying and shouldn’t be.

  12. Edward Starsmith says:

    If Hell is going to be full of Baptists, I think I’ll decline the trip.

  13. RepubAnon says:

    Jesus kicked the moneylenders out of the temple – thus “stealing” their normal place of work. Does this mean that Jesus is now burning in Hell?

    Or does it mean that Stephen W.C. Holbrook’s is showing how little his Kristian belief system of hatred and intolerance is related to Christian beliefs and Christ’s teachings?

  14. Marge Wood says:

    Good grief. Take your marshmallows and a coupla straightened out coat hangers.

  15. Robin Frazier says:

    He must have encountered “Prosperity Gospel”. These days Baptist have an angle on everything.

  16. Larry McLaughlin says:

    Proof there is no intelligence test to be in Virginial Guvmnt.

  17. One big sign that you made up your god is that he hates everything that you hate. This is not a comment on Jesus because this clown has never read anything that Jesus is supposed to have said.

    I can just see him if someone cuts in front of him at the QuickieMart: “And YOU’RE gonna burn in hell TOO!”

  18. When any politician says anything about going to hell, I know one thing for sure…He DOES NOT get my vote for him or anything else he stands for. Threaten me with being put into an imaginary pace only proves he’s an idiot.

  19. Old Fart says:

    Just wondering, if the public land is paid for by taxpayers explicitly endorsing their taxes being used for public housing, will this “firebrand” go for it? Then it couldn’t be stolen since it would be a gift. So if this is put up for vote, say by electing people that endorse public housing, it doesn’t count?

    If he doesn’t like the taxe money being used that way, then let him move (… far, far from us).

  20. yes, we do have some goofy roman catholics in our church

  21. If I could figure out what the **ll he is sayin’, I just might comment on the particulars. According to my old Diagnostic & Statistical Manual, he is rambling like he is on something. Anybody check his meds? Right now he comes across as more sad and stooopid.

  22. June Bug says:

    Anybody want to bet he’s a member of Opus Dei like Alito, Scalia and Thomas?

  23. JAKvirginia says:

    OK! Well, now… let’s parse this out. The county is Arlington, just across the river from DC, and housing is VERY expensive. (!) The cardinal is from New York. Couldn’t find the cardinal for VA? (!) 10,000 people signed a petition for the initiative, so that makes it stealing. (?)

    I’m not the sharpest tool in the drawer but can this man be any more wacko? Texas, don’t feel bad about your crazies. Virginia has them, too.

  24. Marge Wood says:

    Equal opportunity craziness. I wonder what he did growing up, or his parents did, that made him so fearful.

  25. BarbinDC says:

    Help me understand this, people. He is a Catholic running for County office in Arlington, VA (a suburb of DC). We have our own Archbishop of Washington–Cardinal Donald Wuerl–for him to take his grievances to. Not Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York. And, he now has a Pope whose main emphasis is on the poor and ways to help them.

    Arlington is also one of the more expensive areas to live around these parts and has been losing affordable housing at a clip almost as fast as DC has (which has lost almost 50% of out affordable housing in the last few years).

    Nonetheless, Arlington is most emphatically BLUE and will not elect this guy as dog catcher. They expect a lot more empathy from their dog catchers than this guy exhibits.
