Oh, The Humanity

October 24, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

And the symbolism ….

A blimplike aircraft displaying a Mitt Romney campaign ad crash-landed in a field in Davie, Fla.

The craft, which was flying a sign with an image of the presidential candidate that read, “America Needs Romney,” was on its way from Boca Raton, where Monday night’s debate will be held, to North Perry Airport in Pembroke Pines.

Before ....

But, that’s not all.  No, siree, the symbolism marches on.

Teri Balter, a neighbor who witnessed the emergency landing, told NBC Miami, “We saw the blimp hovering over the house, and it was floating backwards.

Backwards.  That would be NOT Forward.

... After

And, no, I know what you’re thinking.  I did not stick pins in a voodoo airship to make that happen.

But, I would have if I had thought about it.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh, The Humanity”

  1. Happy Dance. More happy dance. I love the crash of Romney…now if the polls would just match that flight path for his numbers.

  2. TexasEllen says:

    Giggle. So much inflation turning to deflation. May the poll numbers mirror the blimp.

  3. Not long ago, a plane Ann Romney was on had to land at Denver because there was smoke inside the plane … remember, Mitt the Twit wanted to know why the windows wouldn’t roll down … and now the deflated blimp … hmmmm … seems like aircraft may be out to get them! LOL

  4. Well…we all knew he’d run out of HOT AIR eventually……..

  5. Judi, that was just magnificent! I bow in humble adoration to the best line I have heard EVAH!

  6. Gramiam : Awwwwww…..I’m blushing. thanks!!!

  7. I read the article and scanned the comments below and one had me rolling on the floor. “Large yellow bird seen flying away from the scene. Swat teams converge on Sesame Street. Big Bird wanted for questioning in flyby.”

  8. Sam in Kyle says:

    Should have had Paul Ryan on hand to blow it up.

  9. America needs Romney like gas tanks need sugar.

  10. JJ, I am so proud of you. You used the word humanity in an article about a Republican, and Mitt Romney at that. Proud, proud, proud…

  11. I’m a little disappointed actually. I would have preferred that it zip around the sky like a released balloon.

  12. It should be illegal to have so much fun at the expense of clueless Republicans…but I’m glad it’s not!

  13. This is why you should buy steel blimps.
