Oh Ted, We Hardly Knew Ye

May 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so this is fun.

If you go to our local GOP website, you will see this.  (Click the little one to see the big one.)

I have nicely circled the thing you need to click if this wasn’t a picture.  You have to go  to the actual website to make the link work but I was a afraid they’d take it down once they discover their mistake.

Once you click it, you are taken to a supposedly Hispanic pro-GOP website called GOPisforme.com

And today’s news story there is about Ted Cruz.  And it ain’t nice.

Yep, it says, “Ted Cruz’s actions are poisoning the waters among Hispanics.”

The Hispanic author blasts Cruz for not favoring the Dream Act and for pandering to the far rightwing.  The jest of the article comes in these paragraphs.

Why does Ted Cruz oppose citizenship for those living here illegally, yet support the Cuban Adjustment Act, which grants citizenship to Cubans for the same residency issues? It makes no sense, and his actions are poisoning the waters among Hispanics in Texas which are 80 percent Mexican.

Our Texas Senator should understand the dynamics of his state better. I am saddened to know he thinks so little of the immigrants who came here for a better life, whether they came legally or just crossed the Rio Grande for survival.

So, I suspect we should take it that the Republican Party of Fort Bend County and The Republican Party of Texas  does not support Ted Cruz because they are endorsing opposition opinions.

That kinda makes me happy.

Thanks to Skip for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh Ted, We Hardly Knew Ye”

  1. That was a pleasure to read. Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving guy.

    But this caught my eye…”For many of us republican activists fighting to overcome the negative perceptions instilled by decades of Democratic propaganda”…to which I responded, Huh?

    Did I miss something there?

  2. “It illustrates the difference between a compassionate approach (Sen. Marco Rubio’s) and one with no tolerance of illegal immigrants.”

    I think they are trying to make Marco Rubio look good. I mean by comparison, you know.

  3. Another Ellen in Texas says:

    It’s gone. Darn it all!

  4. Marge Wood says:

    The Democrats and the Republicans have different mindsets. Now, the Independents are all over the place but if you truly believe that the GOP is the best for our country, it’s kind of like trying to justify bombing a country that wasn’t bothering us. Many GOPs really believe that the Dems are busy putting out negative perceptions of the GOP. Well, duh. I sure am. (Refer back to the time the only nice thing I could say about our guvner was that he had nice hair.)

  5. ‘Compassionate Marco Rubio’, is a common fraudster- used the GOP Gold Card to feather his nest, secured a mortgage in Tallahassee thru the greased wheels of the GOP, paid off some of his student loan debt using GOP funds, and Ran out on all of it when the koch sugar daddies rang his phone to run for Senator. FL Hispanics have his number in neon, and if you think they don’t talk, you’ve already missed the boat. Florida will Make Sure Rubio doesn’t go above where he is, and it will be Hispanics blocking every step.

  6. maryelle says:

    We Dems don’t have to open our mouths to “…put all kinds of negative stuff about the GOP out there…” We just have to sit back and allow them to do it to themselves. Asparagus anyone?

  7. Ted Applewhite says:

    Gist not jest. Unless you were trying to be humorous. Oh, never mind.

  8. Umptydump says:

    They may have discovered their mistake, JJ, as you suggested, because as of a few minutes ago the link you talked about no longer works. Walk into the Republican kitchen and turn on the light, and sure enough the cockroaches crawl back under the baseboards.

  9. Only eight minutes between when I read the entire thing and Another Ellen in Texas couldn’t get it. Those kochroaches are fast! Too bad somebody didn’t capture it before they scuttled it. It was beautifully brutal.

  10. GOP outreach for one day. This is hilarious. Texas will go blue, hopefully sooner than later.

  11. Umptydump says:

    Way to go, Lynne! Thanks!

  12. This fascinates me: I work with several Hispanics, one woman and several men. One is a late career senior manager the rest middle-aged mid-managers. Each is Conservative and a Bush 43 loving Republican. I have known them long enough to know they were all born in Texas, etc etc. They aren’t stupid. How can they not realize Boner and his zombies would kill and eat them without missing a breath? Rhetorical question I know, but go figure. I’m done.

  13. There is no “goop” in GOP, but it comes close.

  14. With apologies to Mama, I read that as Go Pis For Me. Huh?

  15. The link worked for me this morning.

    They are surprised that Ted, supposedly one of their own, has betrayed them? How naive. Teddy is poison. Period.

  16. barbinbastrop says:

    Cruz does not care what Texans think of him. He is not running for reelection for years. His eyes are on a bigger national target.

  17. Elizabeth says:

    I would like to know how it was that Ted’s parents immigrated to Canada. Ted’s father Rafael arrived in the US in 1957. He benefited from a very special provision in our immigration laws that grants legal residency to all Cubans. He met and married an American citizen. Somehow he and his wife were able to move to Calgary, Canada and work there. I would like to know if they got work visas or did they just cross the border for a better life? Ted was born in Calgary. The family returned to the US when he was 4 years old. For someone whose family has benefited so much from the immigration policies of TWO countries Ted is very harsh towards people who are trying to build better lives for their families. By the way, Ted’s father did not become a US citizen until …2005! 48 years after the US welcomed him.

  18. The link is slow but it was still there is you scroll down. The individual post is here

  19. Republican Hispanics are just now coming forward with their unhappiness concerning Carnaval Cruz? This has been kind of sub rosa for awhile but I knew it would have to pop of its own strength! And the Cuban Adjustment Act! Now there’s a show stopper of its own. If I remember it correctly it is the Attorney General of the U.S. who makes the decisions per that Act. Think blue, blue, blue! Make it happen!

  20. Miss Prissybritches..... says:

    It’s back up on GOPisforme.com/archives8466
    I just posted it to Facebook. Should have Prissybritches cousins ALL up in the air by dinner time. Some of them literally live, eat, and breathe Crudz’s every word…. St Carnival will “send those non-English speaking Mezcuns back across the river where they belong, By God.” Bigotry against Hispanics is atrocious in Texas….but of course the GOPgentry all just love their housekeeper they pay $5/hr, provide a shower and a uniform to wear while working, cooking, cleaning, and babysitting their snot-nosed brats while they get their mani/pedis, cuts, and colors… do lunch with friends, and go to bridge club….(sorry JJ, I hope you make a damned mint off those SOB’s.)

    Texas is just part of the puzzle for Carnival Cruz. A big chunk of red electoral votes. He won’t be running for re-election for his Senate seat… he’ll have bigger fish to fry.

    Yea, Go Pis For Me, too.

  21. Hello, and thanks for continuing the dialogue on this issue. For your information, the link was never down. It has been posted on our site, as well as others, and has never been “down.”

    Also, not all Republicans voted for Ted Cruz, so there are plenty of Hispanics who did not vote for him.

    I am the author of the article you’re commenting on.

    Lynne, the negative propaganda I speak of is that which comes from the Democrat Hispanic community. You know…the “Republicans want to deport you” crowd?

    I’m not like most Republicans. In fact, there is a large segment of us who are not happy with the way things are done in our Party. That said, if we don;t work to improve it, then no one will. It is a challenge, and when Ted Cruz or any other Republican elected official goes around presenting amendments and shouting “STOP AMNESTY NOW!!!” then the efforts f people like me…are damaged.

    I meet and talk with many people…Hispanics, who are learning about the political process. They’re uninformed, but interested in the process. They’ve been conditioned to vote Democrat…but don’t know why they do it.

    Unfortunately, People like Ted Cruz make it easy for uninformed voters to continue voting against Republicans because of their perception.

    Micr, you mentioned you were baffled as to why Hispanics would support Republicans. I can explain…
    Freedom is a powerful force, and the fear of losing it is a motivation for many. You see, the way I see it…the Democrat Party is no longer the Party of my grandfather. There’s no way, if he were still alive, that he would support the tactics and agenda of the Party. He was a compassionate man and helped hundreds of people during his lifetime. He gave and gave…but the people he helped had to be willing to help themselves.

    Today, that’s not the case. Free hand-outs, free housing, free, etc…etc…he would be sick to his stomach.

    You have to admit, as much as you may not want to, the Liberal agenda is dominating the Democrat Party, and the “moderate” voices are shut down.

    Here’s one thing we should all be able to agree on…

    We want to prosper, and we want to be able to keep more of the money we earn. We want lower taxes in order to keep more money. We want to be able to chase our dreams and provide for our families.

    Government should create that environment…not strap us to lifelong mandated medical payments, etc. I do believe in common ground. I know that unless something has bipartisan support, it will not succeed.

    As I mentioned earlier, the Republican Party isn’t perfect, but people like me are trying to make it better.

    Look forward to the continued dialogue…
