Oh Ted, Inadvertent Kiss My Big Blue Butt
Get a load of this. Ted Cruz may have an ethics violation upcoming.
Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz potentially violated ethics rules by failing to publicly disclose his financial relationship with a Caribbean-based holding company during the 2012 campaign, a review of financial disclosure and company documents by TIME shows. The relationship originated with a $6,000 investment Cruz made more than a decade ago in a Jamaican private equity firm founded by his college roommate.
And then …
Cruz told TIME Thursday that the initial failure to report the financial relationship was an oversight that he corrected last May on his own initiative in his first filing after his election to the Senate. “It was an omission that was inadvertent,” Cruz said.
Inadvertent? How come when Ted screws up it’s inadvertent but when anyone else screws up it’s malicious and unAmerican?