Oh, Sweet Lady Karma Kicked Mike Huckabee’s Butt

August 30, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember that whole Kim Davis mess where Huckabee grabbed the stage and pranced around so damn excited because he thought he won another war to hurt people in Jesus’ name?

Remember how he had them play Eye of the Tiger like he’s Rocky?

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Well, now he’s deeply in debt Rocky.

He was sued by the guy who wrote that music.  Huckabee argued in court that it was a religious assembly so he didn’t have to have permission to use it.

Huuummmmmm…. That flew like a 50 pound turkey. Wanna know why?  Because Huckabee’s political campaign for president paid for the event.

So Huckabee got stuck with a $25,000 copyright infringement.  He paid $12,500 of it in May.

Since Huckabee’s campaign was perpetually broke, the 2016 washout petitioned the FEC to allow him to set up a special legal defense fund, but the FEC told him to bootstrap it up and pay the money himself.

Thank you, Madam Karma.  You done good, girl.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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