Oh Sure. Wait Until The Craziest Things of the Year Lists Are Already Written.

January 03, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh, Barack Obama, what insanity you cause.

erik_rush_fox_aPlease meet Radio Chatterbox Erik Rush.  In November, he predicted that the President was going to bomb 90% of the United States so that he and Valerie Jarret could live in luxury bunkers while George Soros made billions of dollars betting against the US dollar.  This plan also includes that “Bathhouse Barry” … “will blackmail every politician, military leader and police officer in America to get himself a third term.”  See, it makes sense – that’s why Soros needs so much money.

And the main place to be bombed is Charleston, South Carolina because … hey, your guess is as good is mine.  Something about Lindsey Graham, I suspect.  I’ve been to Charleston South Carolina, and honestly, it doesn’t look that dangerous to me.  It’s too hot and humid to get off the porch most days.

Well, since that didn’t work out, Obama had a backup plan, and it’s a doozy.

This plan involves Barack Obama using aliens and Canadians to hurt you.  Yes, you.  You personally.  It was brought forth by Jim Garrow.

“What we’re going to see soon is an unveiling of the concept that we have in fact been contacted by and have been in communication with people from other civilizations beyond earth and that will be part of the great deception that is forthcoming soon from Mr. Obama,” Garrow told Rush.

Garrow added that Obama will claim he is in contact with aliens as part of “the greatest deception that mankind has ever faced” all in order to increase his popularity and help his low poll numbers. But according to Garrow, the man who revealed the details of the plan, which he says was devised in the 1960s, was murdered by Obama in Hong Kong!

Okay, okay, if this plan was devised in the 1960’s that mean that Barack Obama, who was born in August of 1961, is a damn genius child prodigy.  And let’s face it, everydamnthing that happened in the 1960’s is scary as hell to these people.

And there’s the whole Canadian/Chinese whatyamacallit.

As for the Americans who rise up against Obama and aren’t deceived by his alien plot, Rush predicted that patriotic civilians and soldiers will fight Obama’s Chinese-United Nations army. Garrow even said that Obama will send in troops from Canada to bring down the insurgency: “Obama can ask [Canadian Prime Minister] Harper to send troops into America to help quell the rioting and vice versa.”

And vice versa?  Whoa, there’s rioting in Canada?  You never mentioned rioting in Canada.  Who’s rioting in Canada?  And we have a Chinese Army?  Where did we get that?

Kinda makes you look forward to what stories they’re going to come up with about the first woman President.

Thanks to John for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh Sure. Wait Until The Craziest Things of the Year Lists Are Already Written.”

  1. OldMayfly says:

    We probably could order a Chinese Army–most everything at Walmart is made in China.

  2. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I can’t imagine what it is like to live in a world where you have to be afraid of Canadians.

  3. If these clowns aren’t something then they need to be.

  4. Whoops. Should have added “on” before something.

  5. Um,
    This strikes me as Progressives laughing at the Crackers (Fox News & the rest of the Idiots) who take this sh*t seriously. and have no ability to know when they are being made fun right in front of them or distinguish sarcasm from reality…..
    MR Rush is mortified all the way to the bank…

  6. Attacked by Canadians? Wait till I tell my cousins who live all over Canada! Yeah, you remember them! The country that helped to rescue about a half dozen Americans who were not in the U.S. embassy they day it was attacked in Teheran and spirit them out to safety disguised as — get this — Canadians? Will never forgive Ben Affleck for not making that much of a point in his film “Argo”.

  7. Re: bombing Charleston, SC.
    As I have said to often in this example exchange about the Pantex plant in Amarillo… “What if a nuke goes off out there?” “How do you know it hasn’t? Have you SEEN Amarillo?????”
    Charleston, SC, same thing. Hot humid hot…

  8. Uncle Dave says:

    Do people pay Rush good American money to deal this crap? I bet they do. I am thinking about adopting a new pseudonym and becoming a conservative commentator: Still Uncle Dave to my friends, Rev. Reagan Limbaugh-Beck to the paying customers.

  9. Marcia in CO says:

    Dear Sweet Jesus … these creatures are so friggen nuts … what the hell are they drinking, eating, smoking, putting in their suppositories to help them poop out such idiotic CRAP!!

    I am definitely sharing this on Facebook … my friends enjoy the lunatic fringe that show up on JJ’s blog!!

  10. daChipster says:

    Why Charleston, SC? Because we’ve already got footage of Charleston being nuked:


    And why secret alien contacts?


    And why Chinese?


    (Okay, this was North (bwa ha ha) Korea, but it was supposed to be the Chinese until the producers realized that cut a billion potential movie-goers from the overseas box office.)

    And why Canada?


    And what about Hong Kong?


    Ya know, I don’t mind wild-eyed conspiracy theorists spinning amazingly improbable tales of evil genius masterminds taking over the world because the Barack Obama is PwB (Presidenting while Black).

    What I DO mind is that they’ve stolen all their plot lines from much more entertaining stories. AND that they say Jessica Fletcher got the whole Hong Kong thing wrong. Nobody disses Dame Angela Lansbury in MY presence and gets away with it!

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    The inevitable has happened to the pressure cooker of crazy. Blown completely of its lid, the conspiracy folks are cooking up crazy out in the open. How crazy must they be, before involuntary commitment becomes an option? No wonder they are afraid of government in any form or degree that does not follow their narrow evangelical definition.

  12. Is this a paranormal reincarnation of Art Bell?

  13. “Barack Obama, who was born in August of 1961, is a damn genius child prodigy.”

    Now that I can believe.

  14. Second post same subject, I beg a personal indulgence.

    Re: Presidentin’ while Black

    Those men in my generation of my families, my siblings and cousins and my dear wife’s siblings and cousins, are almost all GOP all their lives. There’s even a KKK or two as well. But they haven’t noticed their own personal reality. Our children have married into several Hispanic families. Our grandchildren won’t be “white”. Although they will have English and German sounding surnames.

    On a national scale, these 60+ yo white men viewed Bill Clinton as sociologically Black. Their proof to themselves was his personal conduct in the WH and having officed in Harlem upon the end of his 8 years as POTUS. They see President Obama’s Black parentage but do not acknowledge his white. Such is an inconvenient truth for them.

    If it comes to pass that we inaugurate President Hilary Clinton, and I hope that happens in 2016, some of these old farts will have literal and figurative strokes. BTW I poke some of them up saying I hope I live long enough to cheer the election of President Chelsea Mezvinsky in 2028, especially after they talk about the necessity of giving George P a turn in the WH.

  15. This kinda crazy sounds like a bad sci-fi movie from the 1960’s. Maybe a sequel from worst director Ed Wood, of one of his worst movies, Plan 9 From Outer Space.

    Although this is less like Plan 10, more like Plan Minus 10.

  16. Hey Uncle Dave,
    People have long paid for scary stories of things that go bump in the night. They then used those tall tales to get rid of unwelcome suspicious folks (I mean, they were going kill/enslave/marry-our-daughters us). What we need to do is figure out how exposure to Rush/Beck invisible waves is going to cause the ZOMBIE APPOCALYPSE by converting Red State folks into mindless, bloated goons that attack with whining shrieks (see, it’s already coming true!).

  17. An article in “The Examiner” describes Rush as
    “widely regarded as one of the most psychotic men on the planet”. Spot on, I’d say.
    Rush the Ranter is quoted as saying “… if there’s anyone left in congress with a spine…they should…rally behind Bachman, Gohmert and King.” Loony birds ALL.

  18. Am I reading the little bit of screen behind Rush’s head correctly if I conclude he was appearing on Fox News? Was he on Fox News when he delivered this nonsense?

  19. 16 continued…

    Oh yeah, and the only cure is to become a VEGAN!

  20. The aliens coming in (besides the Canadians, that is) are from outer space, not China. You know… ALIEN aliens! Run for your lives!

  21. Larry McLaughlin says:

    I should have known it was on Faux “news”

  22. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Is this the same Erik Rush who is calling for another government overthrow this Spring?


    “Conservative activists including Jim Garrow, Erik Rush and Paul Vallely are pushing a rally called Operation American Spring demanding the overthrow of President Obama.

    The organizer, Harry Riley, predicts that “millions of Americans will participate” but warns that “patriots may be killed, wounded, incarcerated” and harassed by the government. After successfully overthrowing Obama, the group hopes to install a right-wing tribunal led by the likes of Allen West and Ted Cruz. ”

    OK, Allen West and Ted Cruz would be in charge. Of what exactly, I have no idea, but freedom or something….

  23. Why isn’t this guy in the looney bin?

  24. @Lorraine,
    I succumbed to curiosity and checked out the link you posted.
    As I shook all the scrambled circuits of my former-English-teacher brain back into place after trying to parse the writing my “…do none of these people study the English language?” question was answered in Riley’s last sentence.
    “The best laid plans,….etc.” is a famous quote, yes, but its originator was Robert Burns not Walter Scott. Riley can’t write and he apparently can’t read, either.

  25. Marge Wood says:

    I sure hope that lots of writers are busy cranking out new novels, fantasy, sci-fi, historical, whatever, based on what’s actually being written/heard these days. I have a friend who believes that Obama is shipping water from west Texas to China and she is skeered to death. On the issue of water for west Texas, I’d be afraid of Greg Abbott but not Obama.

  26. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    President Obama is more likely to share the technology for clean water, as he should. Gohmert globs like Abbott are sufficiently Gohmert crazy to waste plastic and fuel to ship water.

    Certainly in response to any catastrophe we should ship water and necessary supplies without question, but on a sustainable basis ship the technology to provide clean water, food, medicine and housing.

    Abbott, Gohmert, Cruz, ____ fill in the blank with an idiot from other states, simply cannot comprehend the nuances of emergency and sustainable.

  27. Marge Wood says:

    A gallon of water weighs 8 lbs. Imagine the shipping costs on a tanker full of water.

  28. OK. In Minnesota we have teevee commercials about drunk driving, specifically referring to “buzzed” driving. “I had just a little I was only buzzed”. “Bbuzzed driving is drunk driving.” This is a little background to my having just read the above article in a “buzzed” state. I’m not drunk but almighty I feel an out of body experience after reading that. My mind instantly conflated “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” (don’t even think of looking at the remake of several years ago. Is nothing sacred?), MST3K – for those of you who must be educated it refers to Mystery Science Theatre 3000 (brilliant and from Minneapolis Minnesota thank you very much), X-Files, and other unidentified detritus in my mind. Beware the Smoking Man.

  29. @Dinah. Look to Ronald Raygun, as the reason this man is not in a looney bin.
