Oh Sure. Wait Until The Craziest Things of the Year Lists Are Already Written.

January 03, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh, Barack Obama, what insanity you cause.

erik_rush_fox_aPlease meet Radio Chatterbox Erik Rush.  In November, he predicted that the President was going to bomb 90% of the United States so that he and Valerie Jarret could live in luxury bunkers while George Soros made billions of dollars betting against the US dollar.  This plan also includes that “Bathhouse Barry” … “will blackmail every politician, military leader and police officer in America to get himself a third term.”  See, it makes sense – that’s why Soros needs so much money.

And the main place to be bombed is Charleston, South Carolina because … hey, your guess is as good is mine.  Something about Lindsey Graham, I suspect.  I’ve been to Charleston South Carolina, and honestly, it doesn’t look that dangerous to me.  It’s too hot and humid to get off the porch most days.

Well, since that didn’t work out, Obama had a backup plan, and it’s a doozy.

This plan involves Barack Obama using aliens and Canadians to hurt you.  Yes, you.  You personally.  It was brought forth by Jim Garrow.

“What we’re going to see soon is an unveiling of the concept that we have in fact been contacted by and have been in communication with people from other civilizations beyond earth and that will be part of the great deception that is forthcoming soon from Mr. Obama,” Garrow told Rush.

Garrow added that Obama will claim he is in contact with aliens as part of “the greatest deception that mankind has ever faced” all in order to increase his popularity and help his low poll numbers. But according to Garrow, the man who revealed the details of the plan, which he says was devised in the 1960s, was murdered by Obama in Hong Kong!

Okay, okay, if this plan was devised in the 1960’s that mean that Barack Obama, who was born in August of 1961, is a damn genius child prodigy.  And let’s face it, everydamnthing that happened in the 1960’s is scary as hell to these people.

And there’s the whole Canadian/Chinese whatyamacallit.

As for the Americans who rise up against Obama and aren’t deceived by his alien plot, Rush predicted that patriotic civilians and soldiers will fight Obama’s Chinese-United Nations army. Garrow even said that Obama will send in troops from Canada to bring down the insurgency: “Obama can ask [Canadian Prime Minister] Harper to send troops into America to help quell the rioting and vice versa.”

And vice versa?  Whoa, there’s rioting in Canada?  You never mentioned rioting in Canada.  Who’s rioting in Canada?  And we have a Chinese Army?  Where did we get that?

Kinda makes you look forward to what stories they’re going to come up with about the first woman President.

Thanks to John for the heads up.

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