Oh Sure, Then Who Will Text YOU?

December 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I told you about Judge Elizabeth Coker last October.  She’s the District Court Judge who sent strategy texts to prosecutors during a trial she was overseeing.

Yeah, she was the judge and she was sending secret messages to the prosecutors on how to win.  That’s kinda illegal, even in east Texas.  So, she resigned on December 6th.  On December 8th, the filing deadline in Texas, she marched her sweet little cheatin’ patootie over to Republican headquarters and filed to run for District Attorney.

No, I am not kidding you.  A State Commission on Judicial Conduct started an investigation after the texting incident and found —

rawimageThe commission noted that she “allegedly exhibited a bias in favor of certain attorneys and a prejudice against others in both her judicial rulings and her court appointments.” Investigators also expressed concerns that Coker “discussed the Commission’s investigation and [her] written responses to the investigation with a material witness prior to that witness’ testimony before the Commission in an apparent attempt to influence that witness, and that the judge may not have been candid and truthful in her testimony before the Commission when questioned about her contact with the witness.”

I mean, here she is acting all Lizzy Borden to Lady Justice, and in her Republican mind, the fact that she doesn’t follow the rule of law and has made witness tampering an art form means she’s perfectly and uniquely qualified to be District Attorney.


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And there are people in East Texas who are encouraging her.  Well, not really people.  Republicans.  Republicans are cheering her on because dammit, we need more East Texas justice.

And, Honey, public servant doesn’t fit you real well.  But, I guess that drooling blood-thirsty lying cult leader doesn’t fit on a bumper sticker.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh Sure, Then Who Will Text YOU?”

  1. Wonder how much the D.A. job pays and what she made as a judge. Probably realized she lacks the legal competence to make it in private practice.

  2. e platypus onion says:

    Her college diploma came from,I’m guessing here,a box of Cracker Jacks? She shows bias and a preference-those are two litmus tests necessary to get a judge job in Rethuglican neighborhoods.

  3. I like that: “still want me”. She may yet be redeemable. Or not. Greed is a powerful instinct.

  4. Lorraine in Spring says:

    The DA requirements in East Texas apparently include “experience in lying and cheating, no integrity & no sentience”.

    The only thing she might be qualified for is being Louie Gohmert’s nanny.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Amazing! Instant rehabilitation, Republican style without a word of remorse, or an admission to her “errors of judgement,” and bingo she’s good to go as DA.

    Not so fast Liz. About those “supporters who still want you as a public servant,” let’s discuss why they may not have your best interests at heart. As a judge, you stepped into a load of gohmert serving them. Think about the favors they will want from you as a DA for a quick minute. Does head on collision with the US attorneys office really seem like your next best career step?

  6. Lil' Texas in CA says:

    Why hasn’t she been disbarred by the Texas Bar Assn.? Seems her offenses merit that at the very least!

  7. Any chance she learned “ethics” from Michele Bachmann’s alma mater? I wouldn’t trust anyone graduating from Oral Roberts U. None of them probably couldn’t find the law library, even with an escort.

    Her hubris, her sense of entitlement, her cloak of republican-supremacy — oh, Texas, shame on you!

  8. e platypus onion says:

    naomi45 may have uncovered the truth. Maybe she was an escort-a paid escort,a very well paid escort. Got her mink the same way minks do.

  9. This is the gal who was always told that she just doesn’t listen. “Course, she didn’t hear that either.

  10. Because if she went back to practicing law she’d be disbarred?

  11. Repuglican, thou hast no shame.

  12. Her grandfather used to sit as a retired visiting judge back when I was a young puppy lawyer (and we presented motions etched on clay tablets). He had very thick Coke bottle glasses (and even with them used a big magnifying glass to read things), and frequently asked for things to be repeated. The running joke was that he proved that not only was Justice blind, but it was deaf, too.

  13. e platypus onion says:

    A state commission on judicial conduct appointed by the Guv,I assume? What could go wrong?
