Oh, Sure, NOW You Go
Damn Old George Will. In my estimation, George Will is patronizingly smart. Nobody who is really smart patronizes everyone else. I am quite shocked that he hasn’t gone cross-eyed looking down his nose. That’s why it’s so much fun to pick on him.
Damn Old George Will has made a pronouncement: He’s leaving the Republican Party because of Donald Trump.
Well, if he has any intention whatsoever of coming over here to the Democratic Party, he better bring a ladder to climb over my dead body.
Let me see if I have this straight. Richard Nixon wasn’t cause to leave. George W Bush wasn’t cause to leave. Sarah Palin wasn’t even cause to leave. But, Donald Trump, well gee, gotta go!
George is an hour late and dollar short. He helped create this Trump monster but now he wants to run away?
Damn Old George Will.
Thanks to Deb for the heads up.