Oh, So That’s How They Get Rich

August 15, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

David Dewhurst, Lt. Governor of Texas who gained famed for cheating on the timesheets during the Wendy Davis filibuster and lost the GOP senatorial primary to Ted Cruz, is getting even more bad press.

His failed campaign for senator still owe $1 million in debt to vendors, lawyers, and consultants.

Dewhurst is blaming it on his campaign manager —

In a written statement, Dewhurst spokesman Travis Considine pointed to the alleged embezzlement by former campaign manager Kenneth “Buddy” Barfield. Lawyers for Dewhurst’s state and federal campaign committees have accused Barfield of stealing as much as $2 million from both his state and federal campaign coffers.

Having learned and served in Texas government, Dewhurst thought this level of inefficiency, failure, and finger pointing made him highly qualified for national office as a Republican.

He’s probably right you know.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

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