Oh, So Now You Call For Civility
Texas Senator John Cornyn, who to his benefit is best known for keeping his mouth shut because at least he knows he’s dumb as a sack of hammers, has spoken out loud so I listened.
The so-called 21st Century Cures Bill is a Republican is a Christmas gift to drug companies. Honey, it’s got tinsel and bells and crap hanging all over it. Senator Elizabeth Warren spoke out against one particular portion of the bill in particular.
And finally, Warren criticized provisions designed to speed approval for stem cell therapies. Referring to a major Republican donor who would stand to benefit from the provisions, “This megadonor has poured millions of dollars into Mitch McConnell’s personal campaign coffers and into his Republican super PAC, and now he wants his reward. So the Cures act offers to sell government favors.”
The story then describes this —
After Warren ended her speech, a stunned-looking Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) rose and protested the senator’s language and tone. Cornyn called for more civility.
Numero Uno: John Cornyn always has a stunned look on his face. That’s his base line – stunned and confused. Words stun him and bygawd most of them confuse him.
Numero Twooh: More civility? Oh, so NOW you want damn civility.
So the suspension of civility is only for Republicans?
Thanks to Bunny for the heads up.