Oh Snap! Cruz News Loses Lucre

April 06, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Not to belabor the point, well OK, belaboring the point, did you hear that after learning that their advertisement fees were being funneled to Ted Cruz’s Truth and Courage PAC, a PAC completely devoted to the re-election of Senator Ted “Cancun” Cruz, iHeartMedia advertisers are bailing?

It’s true.

“BP America told the Dallas Morning News it was unaware ad revenues from the podcast benefit the Truth and Courage PAC, a political organization that list its primary goal is ensuring Cruz is reelected to the U.S. Senate. The energy company said it’s since stopped buying ad spots on the show.”

Yes, the oil company that is co-responsible for the worst oil spill in US history was horrified to learn that they were feeding filthy lucre to benefit the re-election campaign of the man who read Dr. Seuss’s “Green Eggs and Ham” to an empty Senate chamber.

They just informed the media giant that they must “…remove our messages from any podcasts that direct advertising revenue to campaigns, PACs, or political parties.”

When you lose the business of the oil spill king of the world, British Petroleum, because they are averse to the idea of politically supporting you, something is seriously wrong with your message.

Pot, meet kettle.

0 Comments to “Oh Snap! Cruz News Loses Lucre”

  1. Maybe BP just wants a less public way of funneling cash to the Junior GOP Senator. The idea of an oil company having any compunction about supporting a GOPer in Texas seems like such an alien idea.

  2. BarbinDC says:

    I just wanna know if Texans are going to reelect this putz because he has an “R” by his name?

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    He has an “R” after his name, he’s an obnoxious loud mouth and is dumb as mud. That’s a winning combination I suspect in much of Texas, and in many red states.
    Not sure what’s in it for BP.

  4. Ted must have exuded too much desperation and defensiveness when he tried denial, and gear shifted into change the subject mode when avoiding the TV reporter’s question the other day.

    Big Oil knows what nothin’-goin’-on-here sounds like.

  5. The Surly Professor says:

    I’m sure that Jungle Jim Jordan will promptly subpoena BP. After all, he regards not advertising on Trump’s mouthpiece as a crime:


    And my conspiratorial lizard brain agrees with Montag@1. They just want a less obvious way to fund him.

  6. Professor, funny how that works dontcha think? The folks that screech the loudest about Freedom of Speech when someone criticizes some detestable thing that comes out of their mouths (or thumbs), are the ones who question your loyalty\faith\patriotism,etc. for NOT jumping on the bandwagon (to hell) and agreeing with them. Even it’s only because somebody hasn’t got the prerequisite amount of spittle flying out of their snarling mouth.
    Cuz nothing demonstrates the First Amendment more than having to demonstrate the hatred expected outta ya against folks you didn’t have a problem with before.
    You know, just to make sure you don’t end up on the wrong side of the same vitriol.
    In the future dontcha know.
    Just in case.

    Now THAT’S making America great again.
    Can I get a Amen?

  7. Amen!

  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Trumpf media stock down alm10% today in the mid$30 range. Tic tic tic till it’s in the sewer. Must be Biden behind it’s fall or the complete solar eclipse.

  9. Steve from Beaverton:
    If only there were a reasonable number of shares to short, DJT’s stock chart would look like a flaming red meteor on its downward trajectory.
