Oh Rudy

November 09, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Like most of America, I thought the Rudy Giuliani press conference at The Four Seasons (Lawn Care Co.) was so perfectly Shakespearian in its hubris that it became a thing a beauty.

And it gets better.

The first witness Rudy had testify to shenanigans in Pennsylvania was a man named Daryl Brooks.  Come to find out, Daryl is a convicted sex offender.  And that as a poll watcher, Daryl thought he was entitled to look at every damn ballot cast in Philadelphia.  And probably do weird things with them that you do not want to know about. Being next door to a porn shop probably was not an accident.

Some wise person is already making money off Rudy’s Show.



Lawn and Order. That’s good.

And Jake Tapper had fun.


Well, there is a crematorium there.

Thanks to everyone for the heads up.

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