Oh Right. It Just Had To Be a Texas Congressvarmint

May 16, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Mark Sanford slithers back to Washington DeeCee and opens his congressional office with a reception.

On to the party. A couple dozen Sanford friends gathered and supped on subs, macaroni salad, chops, water, cookies, and Coke products. Sanford’s paramour-turned-fiancée Maria Belen-Chapur arrived shortly after noon, wheeling luggage behind her and kibbitzing with the new congressman’s friends. In 20 minutes, no other members of the House GOP conference showed up, though one sent an avatar.


Okay, Steve Stockman, I think we could have done without the balloons and crap.  This ain’t junior high school … oh wait.  Never mind.

Thanks to David for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh Right. It Just Had To Be a Texas Congressvarmint”

  1. maryelle says:

    What if you gave a party and nobody came? Oh.

  2. aggieland liz says:

    it was the interns y’all…they probably cut their poster teeth doing football banners in Kountze! Surprised there aren’t some verses on it too! Bleah!!

  3. I’d like to see the avatar … LOL

  4. Rubymay says:

    How very tasteful and elegant, just like Sanford and his cutie. I have to go throw up now.

  5. Bet they had cheerleaders, too!

  6. While I am not happy that Sanford won, I am looking forward to the next Sanford scandal that will make South Carolina look silly. Given his recent actions–trespassing against court order, arguing with a cardboard cutout–and his interesting fiancee, it doesn’t seem as though it will take long.
