Oh Please, Please, Please Let This Be True!

February 15, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rumor has it that Stormy Daniels has a Monica Lewinsky dress.

And she’s having it tested.

You know, part of me doesn’t want this to be true, but another part – oh please, let it be true.

If it is true, it is a strong reminder that this country has truly fallen permanently to the Ken Starr depraved mentality that sex matters more than anything else.  (Remember Starr got tossed out as President of Baylor University for knowingly allowing the rape of coeds and doing nothing about it. The man is just a sex pervert.)

On the other hand, if it is true, my neighbor across the street can quit with the damn Clinton/cigar jokes. They really are getting old.

If it’s not true, at least it’s fun to think about Trump wondering if she does.

It’s sad to think that sex would bother Trump supporters more than lying, treason, colluding with the enemy and paying off all your friends with government jobs and contracts.

Thanks to Phyllis for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Oh Please, Please, Please Let This Be True!”

  1. Read this earlier was praying it was Blue no such luck by reports shimmery gold

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    k – shimmery gold to match Donnie’s ‘taste’ in what would be porcelain fixtures in a normal home.

    Mrs. B., don’t be too sad. It’s only Democratic sex that upsets Dotard45’s retinue of repulsive. The grabber tape didn’t bother them. Child molester Roy didn’t bother them. Their double standard is working just fine.

  3. First, eeewwwwww.
    Second, really, has it come to this (no snark—ok, maybe a little)?

  4. Aggieland Liz says:

    If I were little Stormy I’d watch myself crossing streets and never EVER put my drink down. Prez Donnie’s BFF Prez bVlad has any number of detractors that have met untimely (and inaccurately described) ends; exhibit A is the guy who died of a heart attack after or during an entirely unrelated fall from a 4th floor window…or maybe the heart attack caused him to stagger out the window? Anyway, there was nothing suspicious about it, move along, move along, nothing of interest here…

  5. slipstream says:

    And in other welcome news, Bannon has been interviewed by Mueller for about twenty hours.

    One can only imagine the stories that Bannon has to tell.

  6. joel hanes says:

    Assuming it’s true:

    it won’t bother Trump’s supporters in the slightest.
    They already know that he sexually assaults women.
    They already know that he treats women as a commodity to be purchased and used under contract terms.
    They already know that he felt entitled to walk into the Miss Teen USA dressing rooms to inspect what he felt he owned.

    They don’t care. They won’t care.

    Trump is their bulwark against all the things that liberals want: equal treatment for women and people of color and the disabled and LGBT people, a working social safety net, Christianity treated as one religion among many and the state walled off from favoring it, gun control, environmental regulation, confidential affordable birth control available to all women, the right to choose abortion, antitrust regulation, a free public K-12 education and strong state support of universities.

    Trump’s voters resent most or all of those things. They resent being shamed for making bigoted remarks, or for bigoted actions, and don’t want to be told ever again that they’re race and gender bigots, even though they are. He’s their man because he obviously, openly resents those same constraints.

    Compared to such resentment, a little contractual sex with a porn actress is simply not important, or is even an occasion for envy and admiration. His core voters will look at the pictures of Stormy Daniels and think “I’d hit that.”.

  7. Where are they going to get the sample to match it to? I don’t seem Orange Cheeto offering to give a sample?

  8. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    This dress news is just too, too smirk-a-licious. Can’t wait for Trump’s base to learn about which African tribe his ancestors birthed his ‘superior bloodline’ before their trek out of Africa before moving on up to the west side after Brooklyn.
    Mine is Bantu pygmy…short person sigh…not the regal long lanky cool jewelry wearing Bantu Zulus.

  9. Mine was a generic “0.3% sub Saharan Africa. By the Jim Crow standard, any (African) ancestry, there isn’t a “white” person in this country.

  10. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    Henry speaks the truth! I live to troll our shiny twinkly white supremacists and Nazis by reminding them blue eyes are a from a broken gene aka a birth defect….that still exists via incest perpetrated by Blue Eye Patient Zero. The bonus info that cause flames out of their nostrils: Blue eyes originated in the Caucasus mountain region of the middle east.

  11. Robin Frazier says:


    The difference here is Donnie and Stormy (sounds so cute together) actually did have SEX. You know the kind that makes babies. I have always argued, not defending Bill’s behavior, that he did not have sex but did have intimate relations with Monica. But Mericans not being able to properly talk about biology is anther topic.

  12. ThrowCautiontotheWind says:

    @BrianE–someone needs to swipe the straw from Drumpf’s nex t trip to McDonald’s for a DNA sample

  13. That Other Jean says:

    @Henry: Nope. I had my DNA analyzed, and I”m the whitest white person since Stephen King. I have British, French, Irish, Danish, and one lone part of a percentage point from somewhere in the Caucasus Mountains, but not a trace of Asian, African, American Indian (or any other kind of Indian, for that matter). Nada. Zip. Zilch. There go all the stories of my Southern ancestors about the Cherokee relative from way back, or any of the other possibilities. Strictly whitebread. I was so disappointed!

  14. NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING will disappoint or disturb the Trumpeteers until their FeerMore Leader is out of the White House. And, if he’s impeached, they will have a collective nervous breakdown the likes of which have never been seen before. Why do you think they are so adamant about keeping their guns?

  15. So does that make Michael Cohen Stormy’s Linda Tripp*?

    * As the agent of revelation of the facts of the affair…

  16. I doubt that there is any DNA evidence on the garment. Nothing with Trump has a “happy ending.”

  17. joel hanes:
    “Trump’s voters……..resent being shamed…..he’s their man because he obviously, openly resents those same constraints.”
    Well put.
    I’ve been thinking around and about this same idea a lot lately.
    I believe that THIS has been the biggest wedge/tool/leverage that the right has used for decades to turn people away from progressive beliefs and behaviors. No one wants to be made to feel guilty, or the need to apologize. Least of all bigots, misogynists, homophobes, etc.
    But the right wing think tanks figured out that they could make decent, average Americans believe that liberals didn’t just want to make things better for everyone. No siree. “Liberals want to shame anyone who don’t think like they do.” Rush Limbaugh has convinced people for decades that they can’t listen to liberals without being overcome with an uncontrollable desire to self-flagellate.
    It probably sounds simplistic.
    Hell, it is simplistic. It’s primal. That’s why it works.

  18. SomedayGirl says:

    I read a suggestion that she, and she alone, has the power to end the Trump presidency. She just needs to get out there and say he has the tiniest winkie she’s ever seen. Next thing you know he’ll tweet a pic of it and we can send in the men with butterfly nets.

  19. The number of off color jokes from this is endess, could spend days writing them.
    If he learn nothing else from Bill Clinton. Donnie shoud have learned, ” Always, Always pick up the dry cleaning bill.

  20. NOTHING this cheeto wannabe does will ever sway his cult. They worship (literally) this creep, and remember – he said it himself – he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and they wouldn’t care. He advocates violence and they fall in line. He mimics the handicapped and they laugh. THEY are just as sick as he is.

    So he has had affairs. They could/would do the same. Women are just objects to them. The men want them barefoot and pregnant, and then find another vessel; the women want to be Stepford wives.

  21. Trump’s supporters won’t care because he looks like what they all want to be: rich and surrounded by sexy women. They would behave the exact same way if they were in his place. And the more outrageous his behavior the better they like it, all to snub their noses at liberal snowflakes.

  22. I’m guessing that the dress as evidence will be useless. DNA degrades if stored incorrectly such as in plastic. Ms. Daniels probably doesn’t have the skills needed to preserve the specimen. Hope I’m wrong on this one.

    And it probably won’t matter. We are sunk in such a sewer of corruption that one more pile isn’t going to make a huge difference.
