Oh, Oh, Oh, They Are Whining!

May 06, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I could not be more excited.

The Republican Party breeds little monsters, feds them carefully and nurtures them, then sets them loose.  And then Holy Smokes, the little monsters come back to eat Republicans.

You guys remember James O’Keffe and Hannah Giles, the pretend pimp and hooker who doctored ACORN tapes to get themselves publicity?  And how I told you about Hannah’s grandmother being a big deal in the Republican Party in my county and how proud she was that her granddaughter, who had never had acting lessons, could pass herself off as a hooker and how that just didn’t seem proper braging material for a grandmother?  And how Congressman Pete Olson, at grandmother’s insistence, got Hannah and James honored at the House of Representatives of the the whole United States of Damn America?

Then the plot thickens when O’Keefe, who I call Mr. Snappypants, and Hannah’s husband, Joseph Basel, break into Senator Mary Landrieu’s husband.


Joseph Basel

Well now Hannah and her husband Joseph have taken their show to Austin, where crazy people don’t stand out, and called it American Phoenix Foundation.

And what, you ask, does The American Phoenix Foundation do?

Oh, I can hardly wait to tell you.

An Austin-based nonprofit with ties to activists arrested in the past for targeting legislators in other states has collected hundreds of hours of secretly recorded video footage of Texas lawmakers to use against them in the upcoming election cycle, a representative from the group confirmed Tuesday.

The undercover video campaign represents a new front by conservative groups to target incumbent Republicans and tilt the Texas Legislature further to the right.

Okay, so I know you are asking yourself how in hell could Texas be further to the right?  Is that even possible considering the laws of physics?

Okay, if you are a woman and you live in Texas, are you wearing a burqa yet?  Well see, there ya go. And you know how several Republicans do not believe there’s going to a military takeover of Texas? Well, that’s several too many.

So, the Basels have hired about 16 people with hidden cameras to follow around the more moderate Republican state reps and senators to blindside them in restaurants and out with their families to secretly tape them.  They claim to have 800 hours of secret tapes they will use in ads against these moderate incumbents.

The little chickens have come home to roost!  And Democrats are snickering at all the whining.

“It’s like they were almost stalking us,” said Rep. Patricia Harless, R-Spring, who navigated a detour through the Capitol with another female lawmaker last Friday to avoid the group.

“It’s a sleazy campaign tactic,” state Rep. Charlie Geren, a Fort Worth Republican who was approached three times last week, said of the secret videotaping. “There’s some real scumbags in this business.”

But, Charlie, Honey, they are YOUR scumbags.  You taught them to do these things and honored them when they did.

I didn’t hear you hollering scumbag or stalking when they were breaking into a Democratic Senator’s office or unfairly altering a recording causing an African American woman to lose her job. Oh no, no whining then.

Hey Guys, you made your bed.  Now nighty night.

Thanks to Lorraine in Spring for the heads up.

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