Oh. No. You. Don’t.

August 25, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Jeb Bush thinks I’m crazy.  Me, personally.  And you.  You, too.

Remember when he used the term anchor baby?  You heard it.  It was on all the channels. He shrugged when asked if it was a derogatory term and challenged, “Give me a better one.”

jeb-bushFirst he tried to back it down by saying, “I said what was anchor babies as they are commonly described.” He insisted that it wasn’t his term but just a “commonly used term.”

That didn’t work so hot, mainly because it’s a damn lie.

So he decided that a double damn lie would work better.

GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush claimed on Monday that his use of the term “anchor babies” was not offensive because he was referring to the practice of people, primarily Asians, coming to the U.S. and “taking advantage” of birthright citizenship.

Oh no.  Bush never said the word Asian any time he was asked about his use of the term.  He did not learn the word Asian until yesterday.  What he is talking about is called birth tourism, not anchor babies.

So who ya gonna believe, him or your lyin’ ears?

This guy creeps me out. Even worse that the other Bushes. I don’t know what it is but there’s something creepy as hell about this guy.


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