Oh No, Trumpese is Contagious

November 06, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here’s the deal.  Tony Buzbee is a rich as the dickens lawyer in Houston. Just out of meanness he decided to run for mayor.  There’s video shot of him last night before he found out that he made a run-off with incumbent mayor Sylvester Turner. Houston is very progressive and has not elected a Republican mayor in 40 years, but Republicans keep trying.

ABC News shot a video of Tony Buzbee last night before he knew he had made the run off.  Please take a few minutes out of your day to watch Tony Buzbee weave his way through storytelling like a bushel basket of wire coat hangers.  He goes off on a Mommathon (My momma was an angel. Everybody loved my momma.  My momma sacrificed everything for me.). Mommathons are very popular among the drunk crowd.

The video is 17 minutes long but feels like several hours.  It is laugh hysterically out loud funny so treat yourself to the first few minutes.  By the way, he never tells us what happened in 1980 so don’t keep waiting on that to happen.  He has spurts of sanity in a sea of Holy Mother of Mary what’s he talking about?

So now he’s either speaking Trumpese or he’s so drunk he’s holding onto to grass to keep from falling off.



Lucky Houstonians get another month of these speeches for the election.  We are some damn lucky people.


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0 Comments to “Oh No, Trumpese is Contagious”

  1. I’m sure he would be holding on to grass if only he knew where he could find it.

  2. fenway fran says:

    I think he already smoked it.

  3. Sam in Superior says:

    I believe 1980 was the first of many times he was dropped on his head.

  4. Linda Phipps says:

    let’s have Fairfax Virginia show them how it’s done.

  5. Rosemary in Indiana says:

    Drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    I’ve got December 14th on my calendar!

  7. “he’s so drunk he’s holding onto to grass to keep from falling off.”


  8. Good God! That dumb sumbitch can’t even complete a sentence. He makes Sarah Palin look like an elocution expert.

  9. His poor momma……17 minutes she will never get back…
