Oh No. Not The National Prayer Breakfast.

February 02, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, at least he’s quit pretending to be a Christian.

Y’all, the usually solemn National Prayer Breakfast is now all about Donald Trump.

President Donald Trump veered off script at the start of the National Prayer Breakfast Thursday when he asked a room full of lawmakers, foreign dignitaries and religious leaders to pray for Arnold Schwarzenegger so that ratings of his show — NBC’s “The Apprentice” — would go up.

Then he started drooling ….

The keynote speaker at the National Prayer Breakfast was Barry Black, the chaplain of the United States Senate.

Moved by Black’s remarks, Trump lauded him.

“Thank you as well to senator chaplain Barry Black for his moving words,” he said.

Trump added: “I don’t know, chaplain, whether that’s an appointed position? Is that an appointed position? I don’t know if you’re Democrat or Republican, but I’m appointing you for another year. The hell with it.”

To many, especially the religious leaders in the room, “hell” is a swear word.

Y’all, even Arnold Schwarzenegger was stunned by it, which is kinda crazy considering that Arnold ain’t exactly anybody’s ideal of manners and propriety.

To make matters worse …

Lawmakers and religious leaders from about 70 countries gather at the Washington event, first organized in 1953.



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0 Comments to “Oh No. Not The National Prayer Breakfast.”

  1. Mark Schlemmer says:

    I have taken to praying every day at breakfast that Trump and his whole Grabinet and cabal of creeps are last seen swirling around before disappearing. After the coffee does its job I play act this event each morning. (wink wink)

  2. That Other Jean says:

    Lawmakers and religious leaders from about 70 countries. . .are now convinced that we are out of our collective minds to have elected this idiot, and are as flummoxed as the citizens as to what to do to mitigate the effects of our error.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Sad. A battle of wits and the Toddler Twit loses to the Gropinator. Arnie had a pretty snappy response:

    “Hey Donald, I have a great idea. Why don’t we switch jobs? You take over TV, since you are such an expert in ratings, and I take over your job, so people can finally sleep comfortably again.”

  4. Mark Schlemmer: Not sure where the annual Academy of Snark Awards (The Snarkies?) are held this year, but you better start working on your red carpet presence.:-)

  5. Hey, Repubs.

    The “Be Careful What You Wish For” is with us for a reason.

    There’s also the warning about grabbing a tiger by the tail. (Or by the pussy, for that matter.) It’s dangerous and difficult to let go. At least, it is right up till the tiger removes your hand.

    I am so glad Trump is yours and not ours.

  6. From now on you will pray in the name of the almighty Trump.

  7. Republicans in congress are still rubbing their hands in glee for all the things they can now destroy and patting themselves on the back for their majority; they can rubber stamp everything Trump wants but I’m going to laugh my ass off when they wake up one morning in the near future and find that Mango Mussolini and Bannon have taken away or ignored congressional powers to do something illegal or treasonous. But then again Republicans would probably be ok with treason as long as a white republican man is doing it; they’ll even try to change the law to make it legal.

  8. There’s a lot more praying going on all across the country, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Not so much for Trump, or Schwarzenegger, but for those who really need God’s help at a time like this:


  9. Marcia in CO says:

    I keep praying for that stray silver bullet or lightning bolt!! But not the N. Korean missile Un Jr. is playing around with.

  10. Trump just outed himself again as a violator of the Emoluments Clause in the Constitution, by using his position as President for
    financial gain from The Apprentice. Is ANYBODY in the Justice
    Department awake? Grounds for impeachment?

  11. or how about a grand gesture from the Almighty, like a meteor strike?

  12. treehugger says:

    I hate that I keep wishing something would happen to rid us of these awful people. It’s wrong. And the whole time I’m praying for forgiveness, I’m bargaining with the almighty to please do something. How can we live with another week with this, let alone another 4 years?

  13. AliceBeth says:

    Only a pretend Christian would say “the hell with it” at a prayer breakfast and only one who had no idea of appropriate behavior.

  14. I’m not surprised. The Orange Mutant is seriously mentally ill, some kind of delusional disorder. His peeps are trying to say it was all a joke and he intends to be funny. That’s the go to cover when he behaves insanely. Which is several times daily.

  15. WA Skeptic says:

    Oh, Donnie, Donnie, Donnie; Arnuhld can’t take over–he isn’t a “natural citizen”. You know, like the guy in office before you took over.

  16. WA Skeptic says:

    Oh, Donnie, Donnie, Donnie; Arnuhld can’t take over–he isn’t a “natural citizen”. You know, like the guy in office before you took over. But, not Kenyan he’s Austrian.

  17. Of course he behaved this way. What the heck! He has already conflated himself with God.

  18. I wonder how many of 45’s electors are in ecstasy right now. To them the whole manners and Sunday best thing being trashed is a fantasy they could never attain. They always scream about Marxists and such, but don’t understand that Democracy isn’t an act-like-you-want-to ticket, but a polite-compromise-if-we-can journey..

    God help us, and our POTUS 45…

  19. I think Hillary Clinton is a very kind and civilized human being. But right about now she must have at least momentary bouts of schadenfreude.

    Electing Donald Trump President is the national equivalent of winning a Darwin Award.

  20. Opinionated Hussy says:

    >Electing Donald Trump President is the national equivalent of winning a Darwin Award.

    LynnN, I believe you win the Internet today.

  21. LynnN for the win, along with Mark Schlemmer!

    For this atheist, probably the only amusing (rather than horrifying) aspect of a Trump presidency is that he’s so obviously pretending to be Christian, as opposed to the ones who are better at faking it up to a point. Donnie can’t even fake it right.

  22. Marcia in CO says:

    I love Arnold’s comeback to this idiocy!

    Papa … can a meteor pinpoint the pinhead of Trump? A bolt of lightning or a silver bullet is more direct.

    Treehugger … I do the same as you!! Pray for his demise and ask for forgiveness for doing so … it’s a vicious circle!!

  23. Soooo Hair Drumpf would you like a side of epic with all that plate of fail?

  24. The word I have in mind after “eat” also ends in t. But I respect mama too much to say it.

  25. I saw a Facebook link from a bible thumper of a prayer circle taking place somewhere-maybe-the-white-house, where BT was *so* relieved to “see prayer return to the white house.” I couldn’t stop myself from commenting that Jesus commanded his followers to pray in their closets, which I much prefer to photo ops. I’m so sorry these yahoos don’t see where this is going to take us…

  26. Lunargent says:


    I almost feel sorry for all those evangelicals who voted for this shrunken-souled clown, instead of for Hillary, who by all reports is a true woman of faith.


    Of course Trump doesn’t really believe in God. How could he even conceive of a Being greater than himself?

    And yes, the comments were meant as jokes. He can’t understand why they fell so flat. They killed when he tried them out on his sycophants.

    He is both an existential national threat, and a constant national embarrassment.

  27. @djw

    Not recently but during the campaign I saw posts like that from what I presume to be empty-skulled mouth-breathers. I don’t presume to analyze another’s entreatment of their deity, but it is logical to me to think that EVERY POTUS since Geo Washington has prayed at least once while occupying the White House.

    I suspect Drumpf prays to himself, but then I’m not a fan. Maybe he’ll choke on a a personal obsession or sexual perversion.

  28. Lunargent reminds me of Horsey’s editorial cartoon from 2008: Hillary Clinton at the door asking a boy, “Are your parents in? I want to tell them about my Methodist upbringing.” The boy yells over his shoulder, “Mom, the Antichrist is here to see you!”

  29. JAKvirginia says:

    The wise and wonderful Madame de Stael once said something like ‘A man betrays himself with his own words’. And so has Donnie. “I don’t know…” but he comments anyway. The SENATE Chaplin, you butthead! No, you don’t get to appoint everybody. And thanks for taking the time away from arguing with world leaders on the phone to brush up on this Prayer Breakfast so you will go in prepared. No, no, no. YOU are the loser here. YOU wouldn’t have lasted on The Apprentice if you were competing.

  30. Sandridge says:

    Let’s not get to excited about this damned “National Prayer Breakfast” pseudo-event.
    It was originated and continues to be run by the absolute worst of the theocratic christo-fascist dominionist lunatics out there (whose previous ‘Chosen One’ was the execrable loser DetesTed Cruz). It iis closely linked to the shadowy dark-religio group “The Fellowship, which has thoroughly infested OUR military and government.

    Why any rational President (like Obama) chooses to permit this annual event to occur in OUR White House is beyond me.

  31. Jane & PKM says:

    Marcia in CO, thought about the North Korea ‘solution’ during the Dubya years, but for obvious reasons found it too extreme. Another 2 weeks of Donnie, and it may be back on the table.

  32. Sandridge, it’s not held at the White House. Since the 1980s, it’s been held at the Washington Hilton. It’s organized by a private foundation.

    It’s amazing that so many religious people think Trump is a devout Christian. He’s obviously not.

  33. After much thought and a burrito or two, I can only conclude that the prayer breakfast was never much of a prayer anything. The term “prayer” seems to have been stretched to fit the behind of a nuclear created Greyhound bus size lizard. Ya know, when it gets to that size fuggedaboutit! I think the Arn Man’s response was totally right on! Obviously Arnie is not overwhelmed by Hair Trump. Arnie is a total Republican and his crack made me feel good!
