Oh No. He Didn’t?

February 03, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump gave his own Super Bowl party.  For some damn reason, I can’t get the video to post here, but if you go here, you can see a stable genius enjoying the National Anthem by acting the fool

President Donald Trump has repeatedly said all Americans should “stand proudly” during the national anthem, and publicly chastises those who don’t as disrespectful of the troops.

But during the national anthem at his own Super Bowl watch party Sunday night, a brief video posted to Instagram shows Trump greeting guests, adjusting his chair, and straightening his suit jacket as other attendees — including first lady Melania Trump and their teenage son — stand with their hands over their hearts. As “The Star Spangled Banner” crescendoes, Trump raises both of his hands in the air, and twirls them around as if conducting the music.

He looks like he’s making fun of everybody else for standing and holding their hand over their heart.

And there’s this.

The video was included in an Instagram story by a real estate agent for a Russian-American firm who frequents Mar-a-Lago and other Trump properties and events.

I guess he was showing off for Putin.  Or on drugs. Ya never know.

Thanks to James for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Oh No. He Didn’t?”

  1. Well it’s tough on the ego when your a textbook malignant narcissist and everybody is paying more attention to the Super Bowl TV then to you.
    You gotta do something, ANYTHING, to get the attention back!

  2. The doddering old fool thinks he’s the Emperor, above all laws, mores and decency. My question is this: why are Melania and Barron holding their LEFT hands over the opposite side of their hearts? Confusion? Protest? Melania has a good hold of her implant–just saying.

  3. How many times to we have to prove that for BLOATUS there are the Rules, and what he is allowed to do.

    It is a tragedy that the need for “owning the Libs” cruelty is overwhelming to his base. But you knew that…

  4. slipstream says:

    Looks like the Haldol was wearing off. They really need to double his dosage.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Donnie* would never make it in NV as a dancer. Jiggles are good, if all the junk is in the right places. Centered around the burgeoning to exploding waistline of an impeached manho is the threshold definition Justice Potter Stewart was suggesting.

    slipstream, Donnie* only thinks that he is a hotshot. His hearing must be going the way of his hairline. What some people are saying is: we wish someone would give him a hot shot.

  6. Colin Kaepernick has got to be thinking, “I can’t get a job throwing a football, but they give that idiot has the nuclear codes every morning?”

  7. @AK Lynne: Limbaugh used to brag about smoking just to own the libs so I can’t feel any sympathy at all about this little bit of karma.

  8. lex @ 1:
    Nail on head.
    Rick @ 6:
    That was Sienfeldesque.
    AK Lynne @ 7:
    I think I can imagine the reason for your hesitation. And I respect it immensely. Stooping to the level of douchebagery his followers have come to expect is way beneath us. And yet when I remember that Limbaugh was the mouthpiece for the beginning of the slide down to where we’re currently at, the only thing that comes to mind is Zippity Do Dah! Zippity Day! My oh My oh my what a wonderful day.
    Sorry, sorry everyone. I had the right to remain silent.
    But I didn’t have the ability.

  9. Katherine says:

    Is it just me, or does FLOTUS have her left hand over her heart?

  10. Cato the Censor says:

    The man is senile, plain and simple.

  11. In the caption at the top, it basically says the video was taken from the selfie view, therefore reversed, or a mirror image.

  12. With regards to Limbaugh, I lost my mother and mother-in-law to cigarettes. My definition of Hell is the (final) month my mom spent in the ICU. Of course she went to the hospital 3 to 4 times a year prior to that. And we’ve all had friends/relatives that had cancer.

    I have sympathy, but it’s a horrible way to go that I wish smokers would understand. And avoid…

  13. It just occurred to me. This was specifically designed for maga consumption in real time. Probably on the spur of the moment by the arsonist-in-chief.
    Jager Bombs all around. The mosh pit stomp is just picking up bounce.

  14. Old Fart:

  15. To borrow from someone: “I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.”

    I can’t listen to his voice anymore than I can listen to trump. Two obits I will enjoy reading one day.

  16. @Katherine: I think the video is mirror imaged. Probably a wrong setting on the phone that recorded it. Of course if it was Michelle Obama right wingers would already be screaming that it’s a secret communist gang sign that proves she hates America.

  17. It has been reported that the transposition of details was because this was taken in “selfie” mode with the phone reversed. (Face to back)
    Alas having been a photographer ( Speed Graphix, Rollie, Retina Reflex) and more years then I like to admit as a computer consultant (Mac’s) this seems purposefully technically confusing explantion.
    To explain reversals I vote for video taken from reflections on mirror.
    Same effect plus added discretion while recording.
    Simplicity – much like my mind.

  18. Trump swears he does not imbibe in alcohol. Hmmmm. Well, there is such a thing as a “dry drunk.” Think the video proves that.

  19. The thing about dementia is losing all sense of what is appropriate. My recently deceased dad used to randomly say “Sieg heil, in case we lose!” in places like doctors’ waiting rooms. I guess it was funny in ’44 but it got very strange looks in 2018.

  20. We recited the Pledge of Allegiance every morning and this is what I was taught: hand over heart for Pledge of Allegiance not for the national anthem or God Bless America.
