Oh My, Poor Tennessee

February 28, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so this is not a good time to be a Republican in Tennessee.  They seem to have caught a mild case of George Santos.

Let’s start with Governor Bill Lee, a major supporter of shaky masculinity.

On February 23, with Governor Lee’s strong support, The Tennessee House passed ”a bill [that] criminalizes the act of taking part in an “adult cabaret performance” or a drag show on public property, particularly in the presence of minors.”

And that would just be silly.  However Lee’s high school yearbook elevates it to having it floored in neutral.  Wanna see?

Of course you do.


Yep, that’s Bill Lee in drag.  Nice legs, though.

Update:  NBC picked it up.


Honey, nobody who gets that outraged is telling the truth.  This kinda stuff is what leads me to firmly believe that outrage is Republican foreplay.

Oh, but Tennessee didn’t stop there. Oh, no.

Tennessee Congressman Andy Ogles has long contended that he is “an economist.” Maybe not so much.

Copies of his transcripts show he took one economic class his first year of college and made a C. That’s all the economics he took. The rest of his transcript doesn’t look much better.  Two semesters, he failed everything.

Our investigation also discovered other claims that have been exaggerated, including his claims to be “a former member of law enforcement, worked in international sex crimes, specifically child trafficking.”

Yeah, if it’s a Republican, you can’t leave out sex somewhere.

Okay, so this week’s score on Republican goofiness puts newcomer Tennessee in the lead.  I’m sure Texas or Florida will ask Tennessee to hold their beer and watch this by at least Thursday.


0 Comments to “Oh My, Poor Tennessee”

  1. Downstate Illinois could be in the running for that title any given week, just ain’t nobody cares what they think. They ran a guy for governor that wants to kick the Chicago Metro economic area out of the state. That region is the economic machine of Illinois. Downstate is just a poorer version of Tennessee.

  2. LOL, nice legs was my first reaction too. Otherwise, he doesn’t do “female” very well.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Such righteous fakes. A cabaret is criminal but lying as a candidate is quite fine. Actually a requirement in the repugnantican party.

  4. Bill Lee, George Santos redux or simply the average Republican? Seriously. MAGAT Marge better up her game as there’s a new low for the GOP that might swamp her game. Lordy. No wonder that Screwy Louie Gohmert cashed out of Qevin’s House of Crazy.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Couldn’t open the article above about the Ogles guy but this article is pretty good-

    And speaking of MTG-
    this article says that she claimed to be attacked by some “insane woman” screaming at her in a restaurant, and that the woman had no respect for the people around her. Let’s see, seems to me I remember someone looking a lot like MTG insanely screaming at Joe Biden during his SOTU address. That’s OK I guess, and she wasn’t showing any disrespect to Congress or a few million people watching.

  6. slipstream says:

    Kinda makes you wonder just how Ogles acquired his expertise in international sex crimes and child trafficking, doesn’t it?

  7. “particularly in the presence of minors…”

    I guess the photo of teenaged, high school Bill Lee and friends is a good example of the long term trauma, the damage …

    Wait, why are they smiling?

  8. “Do you remember dressing in drag in 1977? Is it only illegal when gay people do it?”

    Jesus wept. That was my high school graduation year. There was something strange in the water that year – it was a bumper crop of future MAGAs. 🙁

  9. Jeez, another wingnut caught with his panties down, err umm, on.

  10. The Surly Professor says:

    Apparently Bill Lee has said that it was done “in high spirits” and for humor. Making it all OK for him to do what he is now signing into law as a crime.

    Sadly, this will not change the mind of any Fox news viewer or Trump or Bill Lee voter. They seriously believe it’s ok for them, but a nasty character defect when “those people” or “the woke” do it.

  11. He realised that he liked cross-dressing too much ………..

  12. There aint no such thing as cross dressing!!!It is an invention of bigoted hate filled woman haters known as religious nut-jobs! I have skirts and dresses at home that were the fashion for most men, but to make males feel better they changed the names of the clothes. Most religious dimwits have no idea what is meant by ‘don’t wear woman’s clothes’ and if they did it would still be a st00pid reason!

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    One of the best evuh comedy revues at Lake Tahoe featured the legendary James “Gypsy” Haake as emcee at the Horizon Casino which later became the Hardrock Casino. If he was still performing there, Jane and I would take our young boys to his performance. It included so may impersonations of classic music stars and great comedy. https://repeller.com/james-haake-oldest-working-drag-queen/

    Lordy. Expose our sons to true talent or send them to Buy-Bull Schools to learn bigotry and hate? Yeah. Let’s give them an education to ruin their thinking skills with a festering untreated boil of hate.

  14. G Foresight says:

    Lethal injection has apparently been too complicated so
    Tennessee politicians were just discussing increasing the number of methods that the state of Tennessee can use to kill people. A new bill would let death row inmates get executed with a firing squad. R State Rep. Paul Sherrell chimed in and said he wanted to amend the bill to add hanging as another method: “Could I put an amendment on that it would include hanging by a tree, also?”

    Feedback from people who passed history classes led to him apologizing.


  15. Harry Eagar says:

    Natve Tennessean here: I’ll believe they are concerned with illicit sex when they pass a law requiring owners of sheep stumps to grub them out.
