Oh My, It’s Nixon Again

June 01, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, I’m finding this hard to believe but  New York Times has reported that a Trump aide, Margo Martin, routinely recorded interviews Trump gave, so there might be more audio recordings in the hands of the special counsel.

More. Tapes. Kapow!

And since even Nixon had a better grip on reality than Trump, Bozo Boy will claim the tapes are AI with enhanced audio affects provided by Elon Musk and Jimmy Carter.

Every picture I’ve seen of Jack Smith he looks serious and downright grim.  You know he’s smiling in private, right?

One more thing.  Republicans are saying that Joe Biden is senile. Okay, let’s pretend that is true.  Then, I gotta say this: a senile Joe Biden is still a helluva lot smarter than Kevin McCarthy.


0 Comments to “Oh My, It’s Nixon Again”

  1. The irony of claiming Biden is senile and at the same time claiming he outsmarted them is totally lost on Republicans.

  2. Biden pantsed the GOP and then ate their lunch. Hell, I want to be that good when I’m nearing 80.

  3. I think Jack Smith looks like someone from Game of Thrones. I wouldn’t want to mess with him.

  4. What happened?
    I thought there were no notes taken or phones allowed in Trump
    meetings. Gotta love tfg inconsistencies and big mouth.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Biden is 300 house votes smarter than Mccarthy and the freedumb caucus. Not even close.

  6. Harry Eagar says:

    angela @ 4. These were not gummint meetings but interviews. So, probably no plots were being hatched

    Also, too, if reporters were at all these meetings, anything of interest that was said ought to have been printed or broadcast by now. So, as an old newspaperman, I am puzzled by the ‘furniture’ around this ‘revelation.’ Something is not right but I cannot tell what.

  7. eyesoars says:

    Harry Eagar@11:

    Given 45’s love of bloviation and public pomposity, I’ve no doubt there are thousands of hours of audio and video in recorders’ hands that haven’t been thoroughly vetted since their recording. With any luck, more reporters/recorders will look through those tapes and find more suggestive/incriminating comments.

  8. thatotherjean says:

    Even if Joe Biden were senile–which he’s not–he’s smarter than most Republicans in Congress, and any Republican even thinking about running for president. The Republican Congresscritters that he might not quite match in IQ, though (looking at you, Sen. Kennedy), have to pretend they’re idiots to make their base happy–so it doesn’t count.

  9. Cannot possibly get into the Old Is Bad jazz. Biden has been around a lot longer than the average Congresscritter. He knows the ropes inside and out and can dance a jig blindfolded while he runs McCarthy et al. into a rut with no escape hatch. And this is coming from someone who is actually older than the Prez!

  10. The Surly Professor says:

    ” … Bozo Boy will claim the tapes are AI with enhanced audio affects …”

    This is something we all need to guard against. Especially given a subject with lots of video and audio to draw upon, it’s possible to make a film that will convince all but a handful of experts. Especially if the forgers avoid things like auto-generated backgrounds or lots of people in the frame, the capability is already there. If someone really wanted to, creating a version of the Trump Moscow Pee Tapes is imminently do-able already. Or showing a dim, drooling Biden eating a bowl full of dead babies.

    Plus there’s the flip side: if someone produces a tape of DeSantis admitting that he’s been selling immigrant children to his wealthy supporters, then GOP operatives can modify it to have a detectably fake background, or with enough changes to let them claim it’s not really Desantis, but some actor. They then flood the net with those versions, and can drown out the authentic one.

    Already there’s a demand by some creeeps for porn movies modified to have them as the “star” – and not just a pasted on face. [and why are all the actors in porn always described as “stars”?].

    Anyone else remember when Dan Rather had the proof that Bush II had blown off his already trivial guard duty in the Vietnam era? The “proof” relied on a typed letter that used a font that did not exist at the time. In spite of being warned repeatedly about it two days before the show, Rather went ahead with it. Immediately Karl Rove was able to show that it was fraudalent, and that convinced many that Bush was just the poor victim of literal fake news. That’s the kind of reverse play that AI capabilities bring to the table … or at least to the cesspool.

  11. The AI-generated tapes may have something to do with this (it even mentions Elon Musk):


    If you’re going to use AI to scam someone, well, some people are easier to scam than others…

  12. Texas Expat In CA says:

    I love Jack Smith’s smart use of his image. The only photos we see of him look like a hired killer.
    When I did substitute teaching for a year, I learned to never, ever smile for the first 20 minutes of a class, to intimidate the troublemakers who always think they can mess with a substitute. It worked beautifully. Jack Smith is a master of not smiling. May he prevail!

  13. Harry Eagar says:

    Surly @ 10

    History offers us plenty of successful political fakes done without the help of AI (which is not intelligent but just a kind of powerful sorting machine).

    The most consequential was perhaps the Donation of Constantine, and I date the beginning of modernity to 1440 when Valla published De falso credita.

  14. Tony Deen says:

    Tricky Dick –> Pedantic Pat
