Oh Louie, Why Must You Taunt Me So?

October 07, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, it’s Louie Gohmert and his conspiracy theories again.

Louie Caught Us

Now he’s claiming that the American  Jobs Act is a giant conspiracy.  It’s a secret gift to …. you guessed it  …. the gays!  If you’re sitting at home reading this, please shriek and wave your arms around wildly when you read “the gay.”  If you’re in a public place, a slight gasp followed by an imitation of Anderson Cooper’s giggle will do.

Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert took to the floor of the House on Tuesday with a conspiracy theory — that President Obama’s jobs bill is actually part of his plan to destroy marriage.

“This president, by virtue of the power to tax, the power to destroy, takes a shot at traditional conventional marriage,” Gohmert claims.

Gohmert alleges that tax credits under the president’s plan would favor couples who live together but aren’t married.

Yep, that’s the ticket.  Nobody in America lives together without being married, except the gays.  Louie caught us. Damn, foiled again.

And then insanity just bubbled over the top and he began to rant about the Founding Fathers being so strongly tradition marriage.

He then goes off on a tangent in which he claims the founding fathers had expressed an opinion on same-sex marriage.

“Of course, the founders they all understood marriage to be between a man and a woman, that’s just the way the history of the country has been,” he said.

What Louie really means is that white men with property should be the only ones allowed to vote.

Poor old Louie, he’s got it floored in neutral.

Thanks to Brian E. for the heads-up!

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