Oh Louie, Oh No, Part Dos

August 01, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh, Louie.  Oh no.  Not again.  Please tell me you didn’t sell your soul to the devil again.

Even you folks from foreign states know Texas Congressvarmint Louie Gohmert as the craziest man allowed to walk around outside Casa Ratcrap Crazy.

He’s made headlines again.

Here’s the picture.

And here’s the story:

I would only note that the person Rep. Gohmert is standing next to, David Halvri, is someone I met in the 90s when he still called himself David Axelrod (no relation, as far as I can tell, to the other David Axelrod), and when he was a leader of the Kach movement, founded by the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, and of Kahane Chai, the successor organization to Kach. Kach men, of course, are fascist fundamentalists. HaIvri was arrested in Israel for celebrating the death of Yitzhak Rabin; he was also jailed for six months for desecrating a mosque. He has also been associated with groups that have been included on the State Department list of terrorist organizations. Just noting this for the record.

I haven’t seen Louie look that happy since …. well, since the last time somebody slipped a dollars in his pocket.

And the folks from New York had fun comparing Louie to Leon Trotsky.  Please let me assure them that Louie has no idea who Leon Trotsky is.  The only Leon he knows is Leon Frontage over at Big, No I mean REALLY Big, Leon’s Pulled Pork Emporium in Lufkin.

Thanks to David for the heads-up.

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