Oh Louie, Louie, Take a Breath, Honey

June 14, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I will offer without comment Louie Gohmert’s observations about James Comey and Robert Mueller, Loretta Lynch, Donald Trump, the lions down in Africa, godfathers, the Doobie Brothers, Russia, Fitzgerald, waffles, purging training manuals, Hillary Clinton, hula dancing, Hillary Clinton, hammers, and yoga. Okay, so I made some of that up.  But not much.  All in three and a half minutes.



Oh my.

Thanks to Deb B for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh Louie, Louie, Take a Breath, Honey”

  1. JAKvirginia says:

    Um… is there a transcript available cuz there ain’t no way in hell I’m listening to that maroon. Uh uh. No way.

  2. I love this site. Miz JJ. The patrons.

    But I can not sit back and allow a Loonie Louie conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids. I simply will not watch a Loonie Louie tunes video.

  3. Hey Louie, rye whiskey will get you every time!

  4. So Comey wasted millions of dollars and time – sounds familiar – Benghanzi? emails? hmmmm

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Ms. JJ, encouraging Loopy Louie to “take a breath” is counter productive. He’s one waste of breath individual who should have written instructions for breathing tattooed on his forehead. There are 7 steps in the breathing process. Encourage our boy to read, and he should be gone by step 2.

  6. Louis sounds a tad nervous.
    Wonder if he has anything to hide too?
    Anybody know if he has visited Russia?

  7. Hate speech, Louie. Hate speech.

  8. @Diane

    From my POV aboot Louie Lou eye, I care less that he has visited Mother Russia and more that he never, ever, ever, ever, visits Texas again. NEVER.

  9. Nope, nope, nope. My brains would turn to guacamole and drip out my ears if I had to listen to anything that moronic.

    In Neil Stephenson’s book Anathem, there’s a sort of monastery where one of the punishments is to spend a certain number of days memorizing part of a long book. The chapters of this book deliberately make no sense at all, and it gets worse as you get into it. Rumor has it that anyone assigned to chapter 6 comes out completely insane. So I’m not listening to Louie’s ravings.

  10. Hillary beat the heck out of her cell phone with a hammer? Wouldn’t she have people for that?

    Yes boys, I’m sure you’d both like to think things are really turning around. That’s what it looks like when you’re dizzy. Or when you drink the “kool-aid” and the room starts spinning.

    It’s frightening to think anyone could watch 3 minutes of that stuff and think to themselves, “yeah, I’m glad Louie is keeping on top of the situation.”

  11. slipstream says:

    When hammers are outlawed, only outlaws will have hammers.

  12. OMG Aliens have landed!
    Hide the women and children !

  13. From the impressions I get about Texans here, Louie Gohmert is democracy in action…in the Churchillian sense.

  14. L'angelomisterioso says:

    @Jane & PKM# That would take a mighty large Jane & PKM ,since Louie’s forehead is very expansive.
    I figure the only people Louie is smarter than are the folks who reelect him time after time. I also figure Louie’s on a par for smarts with congressvarmint King, either of them.The one from Iowa runs Louie a close race for most insane congresscritter.

  15. Pancho Sanza says:

    Is Asparagus Brains always drunk, or does he simply sound and think like a drunk does because of the tiny number of working neurons in his empty coconut?

  16. Louie used to be a judge? Oh, my. I hope that was at least two centuries ago.
