Oh Lordy, Y’all, She Wants to Fight
I think y’all probably remember Elaine Palmer. The woman running for judge who put the stock photo of an Asian couple in her email blast and claimed they were supporters? She even gave them names – The Nguyens. Bless her heart, she lied so bad that now she has to get someone else to call the dogs because even they don’t believe her.
And you know how sweet I was to go out and get her some more supporters? I’m a sweet woman.
Well, here’s the thanks I get: she says I’m a stinkin’ racist, and she wants to fight me.
Dude, I’m a hairdresser. I know how to hurt you. This ain’t smart.
Ms. Palmer, who fancies herself the Rosa Parks of all elections ever held, sent out another email blast about the column I wrote. While she was too poopie-del-pollo to call me by name (I suspect she might have heard that there are 4 1/2 lawyers in my immediate familial vicinity), she did quote me extensively and even used my funniest line in the subject part of her email. I don’t know this for a fact, but I suspect that she’s had a humorectomy.
Subject: A Quart or Two Low on Estrogen – Elect Elaine Palmer Judge 215th District Court
Now, I am totally clueless as to why she’d want people to know that she’s a quart or two low on estrogen, but – hey – I’m not running for judge so I’m not real familiar with the qualifications. It could be that’s a plus in judicial circles.
So she decided that I must hate Barack Obama and freely use the N word because I said she was a nincompoop for fibbing on her campaign material. Here’s the actual screenshot of her actual email in actual living color. Click the little one to get the big one.
Seriously, Honey?
The actual quote was —
And the next time she wants to get involved in a grudge match and be a pawn for a idiot lawyer, have her call me first and I’ll get her some estrogen because apparently she’s a quart or two low.
She left out some parts there.
But, there’s more. Oh yes, she ain’t finished.
The whole quote is, “The best the writ twit could do is a woman named Elaine Palmer and she’s a no-class nincompoop.” Yep. I stand by that, on top of it, under it, and will lift it on top of my head if need be. She’s a no-class nincompoop.
Now, I have no need to defend myself, but I would like to taunt Ms. Palmer just a tad: I have given very generous donations to three African American female judicial candidates this election season alone, and many more in past elections. None of those three would include nincompoops who lie on their campaign materials, misquote me, and then are too chicken to call me a racist in public. In short, none of them are you, Ms. “You-Mean-I’m-Not-The-Only-Female-African-American-Running-For-Judge-In-Texas?” Palmer.
Now, I’d like to do a little more math here: There are 11 or 14 people who come to this website every damn day. You can bet your bottom dollar that Carl Whitmarsh, who is the owner of the largest Democratic listserve in the entire state of Texas will reprint this. He’s got about 25,000 people on his listserver, probably more with election time approaching. I’d be willing to bet my best pair of pink boots that between Carl and me, we reach more people than Ms. Palmer does with her email blasts. And our people will know the truth: she’s a nincompoop.
And just one little word of advice to Ms. Palmer: don’t go bear hunting with a stick.
I still think I am a sweet woman.