Oh Lordy. Ebola is the Fault of Fat Lesbians

October 13, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

First off, we have David Vitter, congressimbecile from Louisiana.  Vitter is asking members of congress to “block any additional funding to combat Ebola until the Obama administration more clearly details its plans to stop the deadly outbreak.”

DavidVitterHandRaisedThe reason that Vitter wants a a detailed plan?

“Instead of using powers given to him, the President is requesting $1 billion for a plan that has not been presented to members of Congress, focuses on Africa, and largely ignores our own borders,” he wrote.

Okay, but when the President tries to use his powers, y’all call for his impeachment so, you know, this kinda looks like a trap to me.

And Vitter opposes fighting Ebola at the source.  It would be much smarter to wait until we’re fighting it in Baton Rouge.  Or freekin Dallas!

And then we have Erick Erickson, the conservative commentator who says that the fault for the spread of Ebola lies not with Republicans in congress who cut funds for research but at the true source — fat lesbians.

Yep – not a typo – fat lesbians.

Erickson pooh-poohs the budget cuts to agencies like the NIH and the Centers for Disease Control. All the evidence you need that the agencies have plenty of cash, he argues, is in some of the research items they’ve funded.

Erickson’s post, titled “Fat Lesbians Got All the Ebola Dollars, But Blame the GOP,” cites an NIH-funded study examining why lesbians confront higher rates of obesity; the research is in line with other demographic studies examining public health challenges, but Erickson seized on the study to wage a demagogic attack on the agency for frivolously “studying the propensity of lesbians to be fat.” He also attacked CDC research on gun violence and smoking cessation.

Congratulations, Erick!  You keep the “crazy homophobe with severely limited IQ points” title.  And that, my friend, is quite an accomplishment considering the conservative competition.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up!

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0 Comments to “Oh Lordy. Ebola is the Fault of Fat Lesbians”

  1. Methinks, Diaper Dave is afraid that any effort in Africa will limit the availability of adult diapers in the US.

  2. As Vitter wrote in his letter, “However, I ask you to oppose fully allowing the additional $1 billion in reprogramming requests until previously requested additional information is available for members of Congress to be fully briefed.”

    That’ll take a bit of time for translation … Vitter requires that he be educated in words of no more than one syllable each.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    When the st00pid is heaped that high, it’s difficult to begin dismantling the hill of bull. Start with Vitter, (as if facts could be drilled into his head) and explain to him that the problem in West Africa is because the infection rate is hovering around 2:1. That means that for every infected person, two more become infected. If the infection rate can be decreased to 1.2, the disease will basically ‘fold in on itself.’ We do not have a problem in the US where approximately 7 cases have been treated with only one possible case of new infection. Compare 2:1 to 1:7, David. We’re good, we really are and will continue to be good, if we send the resources where needed, West Africa, to achieve a 1.2 or lesser rate of infection.

    Erick Erickson, the pot meet kettle of hefty heifers is a pundit beyond the powers of education, so to him I leave a “squirrel, Benghazi, squirrel™” bumper sticker to apply over his fat mouth. No need to compare the pennies to dollars analysis of and diversion from the facts the study that set off his spew.

  4. Vitter and people like him are Terrorists, holding human lives as hostage so they can play politics. He’d rather see thousands of people dead so he can pretend that he cares about the couple of Americans in the US that had/may have ebola. He obviously doesn’t care about the Americans who are in Africa trying to deal with this issue.

  5. The fat lesbian study is what went wrong with ebola?

    That must be one powerful $1.5 million!

  6. If stupid hurt the perpetrator, instead of the rest of us, Vitter would be in SO much pain!!

  7. Vitter and Erickson are the new Dumb and Dumber!

  8. re: Vitter
    Back in ’07 or ’08, didn’t he have the DC Madam on speed dial?

  9. So with Islamic terrorists, even imaginary ones from the wrong country (Iraq), we’re supposed to fight them there so we don’t have to fight them here.

    But with epidemic diseases, we’re supposed to wait until they cross our borders and do diddlysquat about stopping them in their homelands.

    Do you have to have a lobotomy performed to be an elected Republican, or are those just the people Republicans vote for?

    Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives. — John Stuart Mill

  10. Micr: yes, he did.

    Erickson is doing exactly what Hitler did: using the Jews as scapegoats and blaming everything from the time of day to the rising of the sun on them. I guess he doesn’t know that we beat the caprolite out of the Nazis. Not to worry. He will never figure it out, even when he is eyeball to eyeball with the Fuerher in the fiery hereafter.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    maggie, if Dante was correct about the rings of hell, our politicians and pundits will only have a fleeting glimpse of Hitler as they sail on down to lower levels.

    maggie & Micr, were there not also diapers involved in the Vitter moment? So many GOP pervs, it’s difficult to keep up with the who’s who of the infamous.

    The Desert Beacon has done an excellent graphic on the threats and probabilities: http://desertbeacon.wordpress.com/2014/10/13/a-message-from-your-gop/

  12. PKM: that’s an affirmative on the adult size Huggies. I will never, ever be able to think of Vitter without that image in my head! And I cannot imagine why anyone would vote for him. My sympathy is entirely with Mrs. Vitter. She was blown away by this. I vividly remember her standing as far back as she could from her husband when he gave is mandatory public apology speech. Not one did she do the stand by your man thing.

  13. Some small (and I mean small) sympathy for Vitter:
    The jump (so to speak) from dealing with your Congress ho colleagues to street hos, regardless of how much one should respect the street ho’s entrepreneurial spirit, must be such a small one as to be confusing in the dim moonlight.

  14. Then there’s Little Booby Jindal who says that it’s the lack of more buildings that caused the problem.


  15. Marge Wood says:

    So if my yard is invaded with bermuda grass (achoo achoo) that crawled under the sidewalk from next door, I’m just supposed to keep whacking away at it and hope that it quits spreading?

  16. Well, we can wring a small chuckle out of this idiocy by acknowledging–as Dave Barry would have observed–that “fat lesbians” would be a good name for a rock band.
