Oh Lord, It’s a Louie Gohmert Two-Fer Day

March 26, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, it appears that East Texas Congressvermin Louie Gohmert hits a double today.

Not only was he making up weird statistics on the House floor, but he spoke at Andrew Breitbart’s funeral.

The program lasted a little over an hour, and was filled with deeply moving and personal accounts of Andrew, to whom Congressman Louie Gohmert so aptly and eloquently attributed the following trait: “Testicular Titanium.”

Testicular Titanium.   What a lovely way to meet Jesus, Louie.  Is that what you teach at Sunday School?

Louie Gohmert would not know testicular titanium if they hit him in the face, and they probably have.

Louie, lookie over here.  I can trump your titanium testicles.  Texas Democratic women have Kryptonite Knockers.

Y’all, if I die, do not let Louie in the door.  Ya hear?

Thanks to Diane for the heads-up.

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