Oh Lookie Here, Mr. Republican Going to Jail

July 07, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Please meet Richard Tatum, owner of Associated Marine & Industrial Staffing Inc. (AMI), which a temporary staffing company.  Richard lives in Humble, which is dangerously close to Houston.

Everybody thought AMI was very successful because Ole Richard was living pretty high on the hog.

Then the cover came off

Tatum withheld from his employees approximately $12 million in payroll taxes from March 2008 through December 2012, but did not pay over any of this money to the IRS. Tatum also failed to pay $6 million of AMI’s required share of social security and Medicare taxes during the same quarters. Instead, he used the money for his personal benefit, including making payments on his ranch and traveling to Las Vegas, Hawaii and France. Tatum admitted that he caused a tax loss of more than $18 million.

So, Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen just had a hunch and check campaign finance records.  Sure as the nose on your face.

Right smack dab in the middle of all his stealing taxpayer money, Alfredo found:


So, if you check the Handbook and Guide to Being a Dick, it says that you should start stealing money from little children’s healthcare and grandma social security check, and step 2 is to joint Republican Party.

Tatum is going to jail for three years and then has to figure out a way to pay back all the money he stole from us.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh Lookie Here, Mr. Republican Going to Jail”

  1. I love me some Alfredo!

  2. Let’s see, we have one Republican who hasn’t paid taxes in seventeen years due to “losses” running his businesses into the ground. Now another Republican who lives high off the hog from tax money his employees paid, but he kept for himself. At least one is going to jail. So far.

  3. I am giving 4 to 1 odds on a pardon.

  4. Wingnut Welfare.
    life will be rosy once again as going to jail for tax evasion (damn big Guberment) is a feather in a Republicans cap and he will eventually be offered a job as Fox political analyst and a job in the Trump administration.

  5. Now look here. Are there any Club Feds in Texas? Thats usually where white collar thugs go. Doubt they can learn to repeat and atone between games of tennis and phone calls to their broker. Now if they were put to work building a Club Feb from the ground up . . .

  6. legion357 says:

    Please don’t confuse this jerks ami with the four other ones.

  7. Robert McClellan says:

    This is a lot worse than you think it is. You gave him your money with the understanding he would give it to the IRS, he didn’t and the taxes weren’t paid. If the IRS can’t get the money from him then they go to the original tax payer and that would be you It is the same as if you thought your spouse was paying your taxes and they weren’t you have to come up with the money.

  8. oldymoldy says:

    he must be pretty smart like the SCROTUS! just think, if he’d a stuck with smokin’ pot or stole a 6 pack from a c-store he’d a got 20 or 30 years and come out with nothin’. This way he spends a year or two in a county club wit full privileges and comes out with enough money to join mar a laamo!

  9. SliderCrank says:

    This is the same situation Joe Louis was in when his manager, who was supposed to be having his accountant pay Joe’s taxes, didn’t do it. The IRS put him on an allowance and took everything else he made, after the 90% personal income tax for the bracket hs was in.

  10. Tilphousia says:

    I like the idea of making these republican thugs build club fed from the ground up. Let them begin by making the bricks.
