Oh, Lookie Here

November 05, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember when I told you about the kinky SuperPAC formed by a triple rich guy in Plano, Texas, to hide his name from the FEC and the public until after the election, but allows him to deposit the money in his own bank?  His name is Andy Beal, and we wouldn’t have caught him if he hadn’t gotten greedy and deposited the PAC money in his own bank.

Beal hired a political consulting firm to front for his shameful PAC.  So, the PAC is listed under the name of Thomas Datwyler, a political hack who works for a Washington, DeeCee firm called Campaign Solutions, where he is listed as “an accountant.” They named the PAC “Save American From It’s Government.” They chose to leave off “And Let Bankers Run Everything.”

Well, this PAC took out a full page ad in the Las Vegas Review Journal.



And down at the bottom in little print it says —




Here, let me fix that:

Paid for by Andy Beal who wants to charge 25% interest on loans

Thanks to Dawn for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh, Lookie Here”

  1. That ad has appeared twice, including today, in the Minneapolis Star Tribune. In Minnesota? Does he think the Mangled Apricot Hellbeast has a chance here? Beall is not only slimy, he’s stoopid.

  2. If they drained that swamp they’d find a lot of Repugs, wearing scuba gear, making lucrative deals for themselves.

  3. JAKvirginia says:

    That ad was written in Republican Gobbledy-gook. For those of you unfamiliar with the language I will translate:

    – Create good-paying jobs and grow the economy.
    (Working at a Trump-related enterprise and hoping you get paid)

    – Make sure every kid gets a quality education.
    (At Trump U. Or they may have been talking about actual goats.)

    – Make our cities safer.
    (Making them so expensive only the mega-rich can live there.)

    – Cut taxes and stop with the silly rules, red tape and regulations.
    (Saving you money to spend fixing the things broken by having no rules and regulations.)

    – Stop paying for things by borrowing money.
    (Like Trump who apparently does not pay for anything. Ask around.)

    – Stop letting government get in the way.
    (So we can do what we want, any way we want and if it goes bad, demand that you suckers pony up the cash to fix it.)

    I hope you’ve found this helpful.

  4. Old Quaker says:

    Same ad in Denver Post.

  5. WA Skeptic says:

    Thanks, but I’ll take clean water, clean air and safe food, not to mention sufficient Rules & Regulations to ensure our society is free to all members to enjoy.

  6. So, is this PAC hiding its real agenda? I suspect their real target is English grammar.

  7. Sandridge says:

    “Drain the Swamp” is their current propaganda babbling point. Watched some noon nooz today and there was a vid clip of the apricot cheeto-faced shitgibbon ranting at his drooling, delusional minions and howling that idiotic phrase (just on the evening nooz too, sound-bite of the day…).
    Those idiots don’t seem to realize that if you drain a swamp, all those critters move on out looking for new homes, and things to eat.

    It will all be moot Tuesday.
    Donnie Dollar$ may not know it, but there is a huge bullseye silk-screened on the back of his cretinous ‘MAGA’ hat.
    And that there is an 1000Teraton ICBM (Inter-Clinton Ballistic Mama) aimed right at that bigly fluorescent bullseye on his fatuous cranium.
    ETA: The MIRV’s (Multiple Incensed Reality Voters) impact “The Hat” Tuesday. He’s gonna get incandescently vaporized into wingnut oblivion.

  8. Sandridge says:

    PS: Banker Beal has also hidden that website ownership info.
    The innaartoobz registrar is the ubiquitous GoDaddy, but the registrant Admin info is hidden with a proxy:

    Registrant Email: saveamericafromitsgovernment.com@domainsbyproxy.com
    Registry Admin ID: Not Available From Registry
    Admin Name: Registration Private
    Admin Organization: Domains By Proxy, LLC
    Admin Street: DomainsByProxy.com
    Admin Street: 14747 N Northsight Blvd Suite 111, PMB 309
    Admin City: Scottsdale
    Admin State/Province: Arizona

    BTW, What is the name of Beal’s bank?

  9. Barb ohalloran says:

    Ad also has appeared in the Arizona Star based in Tucson.

  10. JAKvirginia says:

    OT: GOP Senate Candidate Toomey (PA) is running ads with Obama praising him (from years ago)! An R using Obama for votes… not Trump! Bwahaha…. Now I know what desperation sounds like.

  11. Barb ohalloran says:

    Ad also appeared in the Tucson Arizona star the last two days.

  12. JAKvirginia says:

    OT: Fight breaks out at Trump rally in Reno NV (8 pm their time) right in front of the stage. Trump rushed off stage by Secret Service. Meanwhile Hillz was partying onstage with Katy Perry. Interesting. Foreshadowing of a Trump presidency?

  13. Sandridge, I very much like your ICBM and MIRV weapons. They’re the best we have. There is also this one that hits January 20:
    BITCH. Boys I’m Taking Charge Here.

    BTW, there was a big fight at a Mangled Apricot Hellbeast rally tonight. Secret Service grabbed the Cheetoh-faced Shitgibbon and ran him off the stage. Well, as close as he could come to running. He’ll probably sue them for not treating him with the proper decorum and respect. Or whatever he can think of to sue them for.

    Anyway, it was fun to watch that hairy ass hustled off while his minions behaved normally- for them.

  14. We in PA have seen the “shitgibbon” (:)creeplizard rushed off the stage also– Chris Hayes had it fast, and it’s rare for him to be on Saturday nights– no one has really said what it was. Imagine that: violence at a dumpster rally…

    We also had the wonderful “Drain the swamp” ad in our morning paper, Lancaster, PA. The only swamps we are currently draining in PA are those where the dumpster creeplizards dwell. And yes, how weird for Toomey to use our Obama– that is the ONLY thing good that T has ever done. He and Manchin did band together to try to get extremely minimal gun safety regs passed…it failed, of course…Aside from that, T needs to be replaced– hoping for that, anyhow–

    Stay strong, everybody– we MAY prevail. Have to believe it, anyhow–

  15. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Seconding Sandridge: What’s the name of Andy Beal’s bank?

  16. slipstream says:

    Andy Beal’s bank is . . . Banky McBankface.

  17. “drain the swamp” is a part of a sign I saw as a teen in the best speed shop in my little hometown “When you are up to your ass in alligators it’s difficult to remember that your initial objective was to drain the swamp.” How insightful! How prophetic that the snacilbupeR would dredge that particular line up from the 1970s.

    Of course it also reminds me of Pete Seeger’s 1967 anti-war anti-LBJ song Waist Deep in the Big Muddy, with its lyrical “and the big fool said to press on”. And of course all the big fool snacilbupeR leaders mean “press on” when the say “come home”.

  18. Debbo, thank you so much. I firmly, heartily and happily embrace the BITCH! Just as I embraced NASTY WOMAN!

  19. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    The LVRJ now known as the Rag Journal is owned by Shelly Adelson. Might be of some edification to learn about the owners of the other newspapers who print this type of trash.

    Odd juxtaposition to print “drain the swamp” alongside a picture of Donnie, one of the biggest taker rats trying to become leader of the pack.

    I do have a question for the NV media. How did Donnie get a land deal in Las Vegas? The Nevada Gaming Control Board has serious rules about who can be involved or in proximity to gaming. Donnie does not qualify for a number of reasons. Mob connections are big on the list of no nos. Donnie’s list of failures in Atlantic City would also be high on the list of disqualifiers. Lesser creeps have been run out of town faster. What happened that Donnie slipped through the safe guards?

  20. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Debbo, two things we noticed. One, why didn’t the Secret Service push Donnie’s head down? They allowed him to shuffle off like the old man he is.

    Two, while Donnie II was busy tweeting the latest Drumpf victimization scheme, he left out the facts of the incident. Then they send out Kellyanne Conway to promote that meme. What really happened? A man with a “Republicans Against Trump” sign was attacked by Donnie’s thugs/supporters necessitating his rescue by LE and Secret Service. No word on the Drumpf thug who shouted “GUN” which could have led to the death of the protester.

  21. If we ever were to drain the Washington swamp we would find this guy and Trump in the slime at the bottom.

  22. JAKvirginia says:

    PKM: If I have it correct, Donnie’s presence in Vegas is just a hotel. He does not have a gaming license.

  23. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    JAKvirginia, true but, that “just a hotel” overlooks prime “The Strip” real estate, and yes it’s listed as non-gaming. Thing is “participation” laws are quite specific about who builds what and where. Without citing all the rulings by Gaming Control in the past ten years, it’s a surprise that Donnie would be allowed anywhere near Nevada for so much as a pushcart license to sell Trump water.

  24. Drain the Swamp?
    I think half these guys don’t even know how to drain the lizard.

  25. e platypus onion says:

    Former McCShame campaign director had some good advice for Drumpf- Steve Schmidt Offers Trump Advice: Spend Some Serious Time Preparing A Concession Speech

    Bwa hahaha

  26. John Walter says:

    Beal’s bank is…


    Beal Bank. HQ in Plano, TX (according to a little Google research)

  27. “Drain the Swamp” in today’s Strib too.

    If it was drained we’d find Rove, Franklin Graham, Christie, Ryan, McConnell, the Newt, Hannity, Adelsen, Beal, the Kochs and the rest of the snacilbupeR in addition to the Cheetoh-faced, Ferret-Wearing, Shitgibbon flopping around like dead and dying fish in the muck and mud and slime of the bottom.

  28. JAKvirginia says:

    PKM: The Aria Hotel sits dead center on The Strip, west side, as part of a larger complex of shopping, gaming, and entertainment. It IS significant that Trump’s presence is without gaming. He applied, they denied. The Commission cannot stop someone from building non-gaming businesses there. Almost across the street there abouts is a big McDonald’s if memory serves me. I suppose they can afford the property taxes. If Trump can too, he can build anything he can get approved… but NOT gaming. Besides, it’s a valuable location. He’d sell it in a heartbeat if the price is right. One of his rare smart business moves.

  29. JAKvirginia says:

    epo: I’m expecting a concession tweet. A nasty concession tweet. If he loses, I doubt he’ll even show at his “victory” party. I expect him to be holed up in T-Tower with his family and sycophants… only to appear at the party (a block away) if he wins. Let’s remember, this is not a man with a close relationship with the word “class”.

    But my friend just said, “He’ll show! He can’t walk away from that white-hot spotlight. He’ll show and scream “Rigged!” And I’m disturbed by how well I understand him.” *chuckle*

  30. Same ad in the Philadelphia Inquirer, twice.
