Oh Look, Y’all! Rick Perry is Drunk Again.

August 14, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry is running against President Obama!

Here’s his first ad from RickPAC.



I dunno.  Maybe it’s an ad for Fox News.  Hard to tell.

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0 Comments to “Oh Look, Y’all! Rick Perry is Drunk Again.”

  1. I must say that Perry’s dorky glasses are pretty effective at distracting attention from … Well, from him.

  2. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    Well, that was nauseating to watch.

  3. The President is incompetent and not showing leadership? This from a governor who responded to a Texas drought/Texas being on fire by holding a prayerthon.

  4. The President is incompetent and not showing leadership? This from a governor who responded to a Texas drought/Texas being on fire by holding a prayerthon.

  5. Karla Furr says:

    One word—ick. He is utterly sickening.

  6. I know there are many good people in Texas, and a fair number of them have that accent. But I’m sorry, all I can hear is Dubya, and that turns me off before he can complete a sentence. Not that any of his sentences are worth listening to. Mind you, he’s got some good PR company working for him, if you don’t know the facts.

  7. Pollytiques says:

    I saw it was paid for by RicPac. Is that what they are calling Rupert Murdoch’s people now?

  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pvrvRT23is


    These are for Rhea, so she can associate the accent with something other than stupidity. Unfortunately, the world will hear more from W and pRick, than from the late, greats Richards and Ivins.

  9. Oh, man. I just had to look at that right before lunch. Uggg!
    That video should have come with a warning–keep your barf bag handy.

  10. Cheryl, thank you for those– wish I had time right now to listen to Molly Ivins for an hour, and I love Ann Richards too. Barbara Jordan, who appeared in some side-linked videos, is what God ought to sound like if there is one.

    I guess Ricky and Dubya just have the same semi-educated dumb Texas male GOP fake-man-of-the-people politician accent.

    A favorite Barbara Jordan story: someone asked her if she still had that obnoxious neighbor who had been giving her so much trouble. Jordan: “I am pleased to say that that woman has since died… and gone to Hell!”

  11. e platypus onion says:

    Bush is as much Texan as me and I have lived within 20 miles of my birthplace my entire life in iowa.

  12. @Rhea: re: God’s voice
    I’ll see your Barbara Jordan and raise you James Earl Jones.

  13. @e platypus onion:
    Ole George W was born in New Haven Connecticut. Now grew up in Midland and later in Houston. I found that out when me and George W and Barry were comparing each other’s ……. long form birth certificates!

  14. Connie555 says:

    George Worthless will never be a Texan and his side kick pRick can pack up and go with him

  15. Those pics of Perry and Hannity riding in the gun boat searching for some children to kill were bound to turn up in his campaign video. Calling out the National Guard to change diapers and babysit was another stunt his handlers told him would make him look like a leader. Trouble is he has to open his mouth and speak. That’s when it all goes to hell.

  16. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Connecticut did apologize. Are they ready to pay reparations?


  17. Perry’s campaign strategy is awesome! He figured out the best time to win against President Obama is when he’s not running.

  18. UmptyDump says:

    The news on Thursday evening is that under Perry’s direction, the deployment of 1,000 of the Texas National Guard to the border has begun, with troops taking up visible positions such as monitoring towers. For $12 million a month of Texas taxpayers’ money, these troops will supposedly “deter” illegal border crossings by their presence, although they will not have power to arrest. Will their weapons be loaded and locked? Possibly. But the soldiers more likely will be waving big signs in Spanish saying, “We are the Texas National Guard and our governor says you are not supposed to cross the border here.”

  19. UmptyDump says:

    When I think about the Ferguson, Missouri, Police and St. Louis County Police, my thoughts turn to the Texas National Guard on the border with Mexico.

    This. Will. Not. End. Well.

  20. vickie parker says:

    pRick also cut the state budget for money going to volunteer fire depts. during the worse period of drought in Texas history….. seems like a ‘smart’ thang to do, right? Ask Bastrop State Park !

  21. What a pRick!
