Oh Honey

September 29, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dear Mrs. Parscale,

I think a shirtless dude holding a beer can and whining “I didn’t do anything,” should be the state flag of Florida.

But, Honey, you kinda lost your way from the trailer park yourself.  Any woman who does not call the police when her husband beats her up so badly that it leaves bruises, but does call the police when he threatens to kill himself is what they call in psychological terms ‘screwed the hell up.’

I’m not saying I enjoyed watching the cops take down your husband.  Okay, I did but that’s beside the point.

I’m betting Florida odds that you’re raising bail money for him right now.  Stop it.  Some of us are trying to raise decent men and strong women in the age of Trump and you’re not helping.

Love and Fried Okra,
Juanita Jean


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0 Comments to “Oh Honey”

  1. Oh, she’s probably on Go Fund Me as I type this — but it’s not to raise bail money [though that’s what she’s telling the suckers who’ll contribute.]

    Bail does not apply to the Baker Act. He’s in for 72 hours or till the state docs determine that it’s safe to let him out because he’s not a threat to himself or anyone else. Probably neither will apply. It will take far less than 72 hours to decide that, no, he can’t get out for the foreseeable future because he WILL hurt himself or someone else if he’s let go.

    Then they’ll keep him right up till it’s deemed appropriate to release him to the jail system to await trial for high crimes and misdemeanors. Also not eligible for bail, most likely since, given his behavior to date, he would certainly be a flight risk.

  2. Brad in Dallas says:

    I totally understand the sentiment. But for real, an abused wife needs to have a plan for making a break. Just doing a few things to get revenge can be hazardous to her health, as he’ll seek revenge for any slight, and even more for a very public one. If she lets him stew in jail or the psych ward awhile, it needs to be part of a planned move out, including finding a safe anonymous shelter, breaking financially, and getting out kids and if possible, records and valuables. Half-assing a break from an abuser can bring on blows and worse.

  3. Would Parscale’s actions, beating on his wife while shirtless and barefoot (him, not her), and threatening her with a gun even be considered a crime by People of Praise* members, where women must obey their husbands?

    * Supreme Court Justice Nominee Amy Coney Barrett was a member

  4. Violence to a spouse is not acceptable, even once. Leave. Break all goes and change your name.

    BTW, Parscale is on the hook for lying to Congress and laundering $170,000,000 of Trump Campaign money. Look for him to be “Epsteined.” The Don never forgives.

  5. Grandma Ada says:

    She ought to lock those guns somewhere offsite on the way to the attorneys office!

  6. Break all ties.

  7. “…a shirtless dude holding a beer can and whining “I didn’t do anything,” should be the state flag of Florida.” Carl Hiaasen himself couldn’t have said it better!

  8. I did note on another site that a commentator pointed out that she was wearing a bath towel around her waist and a blue bikini top…flaunting it he implied. Of course, that makes it quite obvious that the whole thing was HER FAULT.

  9. The Surly Professor says:

    To everyone: yup, breaking free from a controling abuser is not straightforward. Some things she needs to do: grab birth certificate, marriage license, social security card, passport, driver’s license, and any other hard to replace ID. Many states now have laws that allow a fleeing spouse to take up a pseudonym, will issue a temporary license and other ID to survive on, and will keep the ID secret by law. You can open bank accounts under the new ID. You can also get another SSN for employment.

    Also grab whatever cash she can – take at least half of the checking and savings accounts. You can use the new ID to get some credit cards, but don’t count on it. Especially if she has not been in the job market for a while. At the same time, freeze all three of the credit reporting agencies so the abuser cannot use that as leverage. If you cannot get hold of money (and the abusers often keep the victim financially dependent) many women’s shelters will help you find a place and keep you fed until you can get on your own.

    Shut off your cell phone, and pull the SIM card from it. Then buy a burner phone, and use it to call only TRUSTED friends and relatives. Let them know what is happening, and let them have your new phone number. They may be able to warn you if the abuser does something extremely whacko.

    Either take pets with you, or drop them off with friends who can take care of them long-term. With children, also take them with you but get a lawyer to advise you. Abusers love to use pets and children as leverage, and if you take kids and disappear then they’ll play the wronged spouse card and get the police searching for you.

    I had one grad student who had to do just this. Her stalker showed up in my department with a big sign that said “XYZ, I love you”. He was so obviously deranged (hell, he had wonky eyes) that I called the campus cops, who discovered that in addition to the sign he had two guns, a large duffle bag, newly bought rope and duct tape, and two pairs of hand cuffs in his car. [Just what a girl looks for on a romantic date, right]. That was 12 years ago, and she is now safe in a different state … and still using my cell phone that I gave her. It’s in my name, and she pays the bill indirecly through me. She had some difficulties because when applying for research positions she has to let people know she has publications in a different name that can’t be listed on Linkedln. Fortunately she has been able to refer people to me, and I’m able to fill them in. And by now she’s well established enough to not need a reference from a crusty old Ph.D. advisor.

    Since then I’ve learned about the escape route from her and others. Sorry for the long post, but if any of you are in a position to help some escapee, it’s good to know what practical steps to take.

  10. Prof, Bless You for the information!

  11. Harry Eagar says:

    10 guns? He must have a very small pecker.

  12. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Reading about the $170 mil in campaign funds Parscale apparently was illegally laundering, it included hiding payments to the significant others of the Trumpf boys, dumb jr and dumber. I’m sure they new nuuthing about it. Bet there’s more to the story including more Trumpf involvement, considering the campaign is broke and now apparently Trumpf himself is a little strapped for cash.
