Oh Holy Crap, Texas

May 08, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It was an awful weekend to be a Texan.

After the shopping mall massacre, a guy drives his mini van off the road to hit a group of people waiting for a bus in front of Catholic Charities.  He kills 8 people and injures more.

We are waiting for the third show to drop.

By the way, there is some information I got from the League of Women voters where voter fraud is broken down state, cause, year, and punishment.  Click right here.

The link will take you to Texas but you can change the state.  Click “details” to see … well, you can figure it out.  Warning: the information comes from The Heritage Foundation, so you’ll need cootie protector before you go.


0 Comments to “Oh Holy Crap, Texas”

  1. Two observations.
    I did not get through the whole list, but oddly, the only Political party name that came up was Democratic (referring to the Democratic Primaries).

    What are all those “vote buying” charges? I thought according to the Citizens United ruling, giving somebody some cash or a little cocaine was just exercising one’s Constitutional right to free speech.

  2. Harry Eagar says:

    If we are being honest, we know why pro-gun legislators are not ever going to change their votes. They think that if they do, they will be shot. They will, too.

  3. Malarkey says:

    I’m moving to Delaware soon, so I checked. No fraud records for Delaware!

    I checked my current state, Virginia. Lo and behold, the top of the list is dominated by R’s! There were 2 or 3 for the 2020 election…

  4. Three in Alaska between 2005 and 2013. Not too bad. No political parties mentioned. Two were illegal aliens. Fair to guess they weren’t Republicans. Don’t know about #3 who forged signatures on a petition.

  5. Mike in MO says:

    I think I found another “Oh Holy Crap, Texas” moment on Raw Story this morning, but to the best of my knowledge, it hasn’t cost any lives YET!


  6. The other shoe:
    Dallas DART train shooting, 1 dead, 2 wounded:

  7. Harry Eagar says:

    Texas hasn’t always been like this. Back when the XIT was the biggest ranch in the world, its cowboys were forbidden to have firearms (or their own horses).

  8. Did you see where Slaton resigned ahead of his expulsion vote in the TX House?

  9. Sandridge says:

    The vehicular murderer in Brownsville wasn’t driving a “mini van”. He used, and wrecked, a very expensive Range Rover Sport SUV; quite outside the norm for the impoverished Rio Grande Valley region.

    Later news reports have named him and provided sketchy details about him. You can be certain that he’s a Hispanic RWNJ [and with his radio tuned to Beck & Co.], of which there are many more of in TX and elsewhere than y’all lib Dems are aware of.

    If you spend any time around Brownsville and the Valley you’ll notice that the average vehicle in the poorest area of the country isn’t a Range Rover [owned by the wealthy overclass and drug kingpins]. It’s a beatup 20-30 year old Chevy, Ford, or Dodge pickup. [There actually is still a thriving business for the last 6-8 decades of transporting the cheapest American used vehicles from northern auctions, etc., down to the Valley, with many going across the border. You can see and dodge hordes of them on every southbound highway into the Valley at any time day or night, one vehicle towing another, or loaded on old transports.]

    Pretty sure that the perp was a local, which means that he knew full well who his victims were: refugees, given the location just outside the Ozanam Refugee Center.

    I commented on this here yesterday :

    “Sandridge says:
    May 7, 2023 at 9:27 pm
    In Brownsville, TX, it looks like a Hispanic RWNJ [yes, there are lots of them around, y’all’s counting on the Hispanics to be solid Democrats are totally delusional], who was hating on recent border crossers, ran into a bunch of them waiting at a bus stop and killed ~9, maiming a bunch more.
    Happened just north of the Brownsville airport off Boca Chica Blvd [I’m quite familiar with the area, being from the Valley, and the ex grew up a couple of miles away].

    The perp was apparently driving a recent vintage Range Rover Sport model SUV, a fairly expensive vehicle, in one of the poorest cities in the country.

    This probably won’t get near the media coverage of a mass shooting incident invoking non-border dwellers, but any vehicle is potentially a deadly weapon in the right setting, perhaps more so than most firearms..

    Sandridge says:
    May 7, 2023 at 9:34 pm
    Damn, forgot the links :






    Sandridge says:
    May 7, 2023 at 10:18 pm
    One more detailed look:


  10. Sandridge says:

    The Brownsville vehicular murderer has been identified and arrested, more details in the Texas Tribune article below.
    Looks like he’s got a long criminal history, gotta wonder how they manage to afford the fancy Range Rovers and stuff when most cons are barely employable. Oh wait…drug running is exceedingly profitable, due to our idiotic, massively failed ‘War on Drugs’.
    [BTW, my ex grew up with, went to school with, is bff with, the Sister Norma Pimentel mentioned in the story].


  11. Harry Eagar says:

    I don’t know how the old Spanish elites are holding out, but if you look through my father’s Naval Academy yearbooks for the early ’40s, you will find 99+% white guys and a small number of slightly swarthy midshipmen with Spanish names from Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.
