Oh Hell, Randy, Give Them a Ride on Your Yacht

July 14, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

West Texas Congressman Randy Neugebauer is a nincompoop.

You might remember Neugebauer for his rant against a park ranger at the World War II Memorial during the government shutdown so he could look good in front of a crowd.  He claimed his statements were “misunderstood.”  They were on tape.  It should be noted that Neugebauer never served in the military himself.

Randy_NeugebauerHe’s one of those prissy Republicans who think they did, in fact, get rich because that’s what God wanted. He got his 15 minutes of fame by yelling “Baby Killer!” at Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak on the House floor during debate.  He claims that he was misunderstood then, too.

Neugebauer is a man of great passion and of great luxury.  He bought a yacht with campaign funds.  The guy represents people in the desert who are suffering a drought and he bought a yacht with his campaign donations.  Did I mention that he lives in a desert?  He thought a yacht would help, I guess.

The guy got his stupid at a two for one sale.

You’ve heard about the deplorable conditions at the border, where children are being housed in third world conditions.  Well, that just too damn fancy for Randy.

Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-TX) on Wednesday downplayed the horrible conditions in U.S. Border Patrol detention centers by describing all of the supposed benefits undocumented immigrants are receiving there.

“They belong back with their families. When you look at the lovely way they’re getting treated — they’re getting free health care, free housing, you know, they’re watching the World Cup on big screen TVs,” he said on Sean Hannity’s radio show, as recorded by the Huffington Post.

So there you have it.

The lap of lovely:


The lap of congressional lovely:

Randy's Yacht

Randy’s Yacht

Thanks to Andrew for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh Hell, Randy, Give Them a Ride on Your Yacht”

  1. Shades of Barbara Bush, who said that Katrina evacuees who’d lost everything were living in a stadium in Texas, “so this is working out well for them.”

    Let’s have these jackwagons live for a week or month or year like the people they think have it so well.

    Some 77-86% of conservatives (depending on category) think the poor “have it easy.” I’m guessing these are people who haven’t been poor.


  2. Yes, Rhea, today’s winner of the ‘Barbara Bush Sensitivity to People in Crisis Award’ is Tey-uk-suss very own… Randy Neugebauer! Randy has once again shown the voting public (if only they would pay attention) that there really are no depths of deprivation the Rs will not plumb. Way to go Randy!!

  3. Lorraine in Spring says:

    I despise the “religious” right of the GOP.

    That is all.

  4. Hey, Randy. Even the Titanic sank.

  5. Good, bad or indifferent my sense of humor has left me today.
    “Congressman Randy Neugebauer there is a special place in Hell reserved just for you. Hope you see it soon.”

  6. Jerry C. says:

    At least Ole Randy actually looks like what he is. Kinda got that Mitch Maconel (fogot how to spell this morning) dorky smirk.

  7. e platypus onion says:

    The least NoogerBooger could do is offer these children a ride back to where ever on his yacht. Course they’d go all Somali pirate on his fat asss and the yacht would end up in cartel hands and be used to run more drugs to American drug users and with any luck at all,Tesas would be missing one wingnut pol whose only and best contribution to the environment might be as fish food. Que sera,sera.

  8. I live in Abilene, which is gerrymandered all the way pass Lubbock so I’m in Neugebauer’s district. I have a hard time believing I could feel less represented in Washington than I do now. His Twitter feed is a trip. Very, very few words about the border for years and then WHAM. Three or four tweets a day for the last few weeks.

  9. 1smartcanerican™ says:

    I just don’t get how politicians are using their campaign funds for such things as yachts, family travel, whatever and whatnot. Why is the IRS not auditing these fools and throwing their asses in jail? It is well past time to show the people that those in power can lose it when they break the law!

  10. Aggieland liz says:

    There’s a parable about a poor man named Lazurus and a rich man whose gates he sat at to beg. Lazurus got his reward when he died; in due course of time, the rich man got HIS too, but he didn’t go join Lazurus in the bosom of Abraham! Wonder if Yachting Randy has read that part of the Bible? I’m thinking the answer is “no!!”

  11. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    “The guy got his stupid at a two for one sale.”


    And RA, I love the ‘Barbara Bush Sensitivity to People in Crisis Award’

  12. @ Aggieland liz: These guys read from the Smorgasbord Bible–the one that leaves in the parts they like (like “God helps those who help themselves,” which is Ben Franklin’s translation of Greek mythology, not the bible my sisters use), but none of those ugly little stories about helping one another, feeding and clothing the hungry and poor, or getting camels through the eyes of needles.

  13. e platypus onion says:

    B Bush finally coughed up a sizable check for Katrina relief with the understanding that the money be spent buying snake oil education videos from Neal Bush,which apparently had no value. I wasn’t aware disaster donations could be spent on family members.

  14. Corinne Sabo says:

    Let him live in the same conditions. It would be lovely for him.

  15. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    The photo of that tub Randy’s tub has me itching for my mask, snorkel and this: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31fWW98WCTL._SP160,160,0,T_.jpg

  16. e platypus, that is how you keep the money in the family. Rich Saudis do the same thing. Wow! Did I just make a comparison?

  17. e platypus onion says:

    maggie,ain’t it funny that the Bush family and the Saudi Royal family have been in bed together for just about forever with the bin-Ladin family. Palling around with terrorists,isn’t that what Palin accused Obama of?

  18. Randy Neugebauer is the Marie Antoinette of the GOP. He can often be seen wandering the halls of Congress muttering, “Let them eat cake!”

  19. maryelle says:

    I am also confused about how he gets away with spending campaign funds on that yacht.
    There must be campaign spending rules which spell out that you can’t spend it on your own selfish whims. I guess that slippery snake used “creative accounting”. I hear there are a lot of guys in jail for their creativity.

  20. Smug wealth is SO gonna get a smackdown in the hereafter.

  21. Keep in mind that this man got his congressional seat thanks to the then speaker of the house, Craddick, who refused to go along with the Delay redistricting scheme until the plan included a district in Midland. The congressman was then mayor of Midland.

  22. That boat is a waste of good fiberglass. I mean Good Grief you can only fish off the stern! This tool probably doesn’t even know how to start the engines much less take it offshore. He stole the money from his supporters and undoubtably got a tax break as well.
