Oh Hell No

April 05, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump wants Scott Pruitt for Attorney General.

Oh hell no.

Meanwhile, Pruitt wants bright lights and lotsa noise.  Check this out.

We passed swamp three months ago, we’re at the Black Lagoon at this point.

Thanks to Kary and SGray for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh Hell No”

  1. Snot Pruitt’s vehicles most assuredly should not qualify for emergency lights and sirens. Nothing the EPA Administrator does is of such import.

    (This reminds me of an employee at the old job. EVERY email she sent in Outlook had the priority flag set to high importance. When her emails arrived, they interrupted my work and rang the chimes on my laptop. For a few years I chaffed under this constant bombardment of “Important” emails from a fairly unimportant (to me) employee in a distant food chain. When I verbalized this frustration at a staff meeting, my favorite young, super-hot PC tech dropped by my office and showed me how to make a rule that removed “high importance” from all emails as they arrived in my in-box. “Free at last, Free at last, Thank God almighty we are free at last.”)

    We need a natural rule that removes self-importance from tiny little people in government. And elsewhere.

  2. What’d you expect?
    John Gotti died 16 years ago. So Pruitt’s the logical second choice.

  3. All demented donnie need is for pruitt to be ag just long enough to fire Mueller and staff seize all data and proceed to bury it using DoJ resources to aid and abet in a crime.
    Shouldn’t take more then a week.
    So wait until recess.

  4. Does anyone here think that Pruitt can pass a Senate confirmation for the AG job?

    I don’t. I know perfectly well the Senate and the committee is in the hands of the Republicans and they will do anything for Trump. BUT: Only as long as it doesn’t cost them their own skins.

    The press coverage of the Democrats questions would be devastating. No doubt the could do so, but the political capital that the GOP senators would have to spend to make it happen would very likely cost them their seats.

    On top of that they will be very very pissed with Trump if he fires Sessions.

  5. I just want the SOB the hell away from EPA where he can’t do any more damage to the planet I love. But Trump will probably land some other glassbowl in the job. We just got somebody in charge of the Endangered Species Act who wants to rip it up, as is usual for this whole crew of …. can’t on the spur of the moment come up with a word that won’t send mama after me with a hatchet. Monday to Friday Monkeyfighters.

    I’ve read that Senate hearings and confirmation would not be required to slide somebody from one cabinet-level job to another, but I don’t know for sure.

  6. Old Quaker says:

    So sad Senaror Franken is gone. He did his homework and was really good at questioning nominees for high office. He could setup stoopids like Ms DeVos beautifully, like creating a work of art.

  7. yet another baby boomer says:

    Curious memo slipped under my door (by mistake I’m sure):

    To: Trumpettes

    From: This incredible house, or building, or whatever you want to call it, because there really is no name for it

    Due to the April 5th early evening NYT article on our be-there-forever EPA head, there’ll be a slight change in the chant at the next rally. Effective immediately:

    Fill that swamp! Fill that swamp! Fill that swamp!

    Thanks in advance for your cooperation with this reversion to what was really always our goal. Have a good evening in your $50 rental from a lobbyist!

  8. Apparently Pruitt was not paid well enough in OK and did not live high enough off the hog but he surely is compensating for that in D.C. And I think he is also compensating for a lot of others things as well. And thats as close as I can come to saying something Mamma would not like. I bet he is not planning on returning to OK however his shift ends in the Capitol of this country. I also bet the poor thing thinks he can still hang on to that condo when the hatchet falls on his job. I’ve seen photos of the condo and I am underwhelmed. $50 per night? Thats when he is in town to use it. Otherwise he does not pay rent. Actually according to what I am now hearing around town, he doesn’t pay at all! So like his boss, the Golden Gibbon. Wow! They were made for each other.

  9. maryelle says:

    Rhea, you are correct that once a Cabinet member passes Senate confirmation, he does not have to undergo that process for another position requiring confirmation. However, there may be enough questions raised concerning his security clearance as to present problems for him.
    That may be going on right now for John Bolton, who is supposed to start as National Security Advisor. It has been reported that he is being interviewed by White House lawyers regarding his connection with Cambridge Analytica and funneling Russian donations to the NRA during the Trump campaign.
    One can only hope somebody in that snake pit has the presence of mind to prevent even more scandals from invading this mal-administration.

  10. Zyxomma says:

    Rhea, I use maladministration. It’s accurate and Momma-friendly.

  11. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    Pruitt’s Lobbyist Landlords Changed The Locks Because He Just Wouldn’t Leave after the six week deal to use the condo….”The couple, Vicki and Steve Hart, became so frustrated by their lingering tenant that they eventually pushed him out and changed their locks.”


  12. Scotty in Illinois says:

    Trump’s not draining the swamp. He’s turning it into the Everglades by introducing non-native, invasive predators. Burmese pythons eating gators, South American tegus eating everything’s eggs and young uns, and monitor lizards eating everything left that doesn’t run fast enough.

    This is where we are.
