Oh Hell No

August 27, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh no, oh, NO.

Donald Trump is coming to strut around hurricane damage and where the damn fool tarnation do you think he’s going?

Oh yeah, his guide is gonna be Blake Stinkin’ Farenthold.

I am not kidding.  I wish the hell I were.

Ducky Boy says …

“I might be of a little bit of value to the president because I grew up in this area and can provide some context,” he added.

Sure you can, Blake, and Trump needs it.  “See this tree laying on the ground with no leaves on it?  Well, it used to be standing.  See this building with no front on it.  It used to have a front.  See that house with only the roof sticking out of the water? That water wasn’t there a week ago.”

Trump knows for damn sure he better not come to Houston.  He’d baptize him and not in the nice way.  Hell, if he sets foot in Houston, we’d have to skim nasty off the flood water for weeks and we just don’t have time.

So Trump is going to Corpus to talk about the size of his inaugural crowd.  Just what we need.


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