Oh Hell, Might As Well

July 31, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Yeah, but who is Bigfoot endorsing?

Leslie Cockburn, a Democratic congressional nominee in Virginia, accused her Republican opponent, Denver Riggleman, on Sunday of campaigning with white supremacists and being the author of Bigfoot-themed erotica.

Bigfoot porn.

Personally, I really didn’t want to know more than those two words, but apparently Virginians care.

It appears that Riggleman has long been interested in Bigfoot.  Okay, so there’s that. And he posts pictures of a cartoon Bigfoot that I totally refuse to put on the internet machine next to my own name.

And he writes fiction books about Bigfoot. And some of the phrases he uses in those books are damn creepy. And I’m not going to put those here either so quit breathing heavy.

You know that politics are whacked-out when campaigning with white supremacists is the least of your worries.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh Hell, Might As Well”

  1. And I’ll bet the guy calls himself a Christian, too…

  2. Can you imagine how much all the Big Foots (Big Feet?) chuckle over the idea of a white guy writing erotic stories aboot them?

  3. I’m sorry! I just have the snicker! Every so often something comes along that fights right in with the training on got in grad school for my Psych degree!

  4. Bigfoot porn is a thing?
    You learn something new every day, although in this case ignorance might be more blissful.

    I am worried about President Donald J Trump though. If he sees those Bigfoot (with Bighand) pictures, he’s gonna deploy troops to go after the critters. He won’t sleep at night, lying awake resentful and vindictive, thinking that kind of better… armed… competitor could be running loose in the forest.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Who knew that there were people crazier than that crew on Animal Planet chasing Bigfoot?

  6. Lunargent says:

    Stonekettle tweeted about this yesterday, and we his followers had a truly glorious time with it!


  7. Okay, it’s 2018 and white supremacists and Nazis are not freaking ugly enough to disqualify you from being a GOP nominee for Congress. It’s gotta be weirder than that.

  8. Bigfoot porn? I had to check it out-it’s even cheesier than regular porn. About 5 seconds was more than enough.

  9. Lunargent. says:

    One of the posts said that there was some Bigfoot erotica in the Amazon free/cheap Kindle offerings. I never noticed it. (Hey, my reading tastes are very – eclectic.)

    Now werewolves, on the other hand…

  10. First this made me LOL because I had never considered the correct plural for Big Foot.:

    “Micr says: Can you imagine how much all the Big Foots (Big Feet?) chuckle over the idea of a white guy writing erotic stories aboot them?”

    Then I read the reply comments to the Stonekettle tweet. Hilarious!!
