Oh Hell, It’s Hot

July 07, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am not talking about politics.  I’m talking about the weather. We are going to hit triple digits for the next week so I am taking the day off to watch the Astros this afternoon while drinking the last of my Limoncello mixed with Topo Chico over a couple hunks of ice.

Until later, I do have some fun stuff for you. I up and donated $25 to John Fetterman yesterday because dammit he deserves it. I like him just fine but the best part will be when he shows up in Washington, seeks out jacketless-and-damn-proud-of-it Jim Jordan and says, “Here, Jimbo, hold my hoodie and watch this.”

But, the thing that got me to Act Blue is this.

Apparently Dr. Oz is having trouble raising money. He’s gotten to the point to belly-aching and even offering to personally match 300% any donation that comes in. How does that work? Why doesn’t he just give himself the damn money? Why do I have to give him a buck fifty so he can give himself $4.50? It seems to me that he can just give himself $4.50 and not really miss my money at all. I dunno about this guy making the federal budget.

But this Twitter made me snort. Little Bubba sent it to me. You can enlarge it by clicking on it.  It starts off with this guy named Chris getting a fundraising email from Dr. Oz.


That’s funny.

Okay, if the Astros win, I’ll be back to tell you some hanky-panky Louie Gohmert is still doing.  If not, you gotta wait until tomorrow.


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0 Comments to “Oh Hell, It’s Hot”

  1. Katherine says:

    I loved Fetterman’s ‘lifestyles of the rich and famous ‘ ad!

  2. Sorry about the heat.

    I wish. We have hit 90 once.
    Yesterday was 65 and 52 last night.
    Have not used the air conditioner once.
    Right now my pool is warmer then the air temp by 5 degrees.

    I was promised summer.
    We spend 9 months of the year dreaming of being warm again without the aid of heaters, fleece, boots and thermal undies.


  3. I’m in hell, I mean AZ. There will be temps here beginning this weekend, of 111-114. All you can do here when it’s that hot, is swim in the am and spend the rest of day inside. Not even my dog wants to go out to do its business.

  4. Rooting for former-Giant Mauricio Dubon. He’s fun to watch.

  5. Malarkey says:

    @Diane #2, I just got back from Iceland, where the temps never got above 63 – and that was a heat wave! I LOVED it!

    I would gladly leave Hazy, Hot and Humid behind for a small, Democratic-Socialist Arctic island any day. And I found I LOVE the cold!

    I was in Iceland when Roe was overturned. I seriously thought about going to the Lögreglan and asking for asylum. The only thing that kept me from doing so is that I have two kitties. I’d need to get them to Iceland. I’d leave everything else behind. Seriously.

  6. I noticed that Oz has resorted to an old favorite, but totally despicable, Republican trick: printing the opponent’s photograph so that his skin looks three or four shades darker than it really is. Apparently they think this will pick up a few more percent of the undecided racist vote. Hell, he’s whiter than Dr Oz, but you wouldn’t know it from the photographs.

  7. BarbinDC says:

    The Nats are playing this afternoon. I may make myself an Italian 75, which is Gin, Limoncello, and Prosecco.

  8. slipstream says:

    Miss J.J., I’m sure you meant to type “after” the Astros win, not “if” the Astros win . . .

  9. He also chose pictures of Fetterman looking mean and threatening. That, no doubt, is how Oz sees him. I am looking forward to any interactions he has with Greene or Boebert. I have sent him donations also and will again along with some of my other favorites. Not much hope for “blue” here in Alaska, but I can at least help some others along.

  10. Mary Anne says:

    95,98 most of the week.

    Came close to Heatstroke
    Monday, out in the yard, not drinking enough water, severe leg pain.. poured the water down, but guys, not fun Drink that water on top of the booze if you have to.

    I do not know how you deal with it. Stay dehydrated!

    Gym Jordan is getting mighty nervous. Voting has already started here He is quiet as a mouse. He may be called into the Committee.

    Keep Fetterman. Beto,Nan Whaley and Tim Ryan in your thoughts.

  11. lazrgrl says:

    Diane, I LOVE it when summer doesn’t come! Only one 90 day here, but it’s been dry, dry, dry. Most of New England is in moderate drought which is troubling to those of us with wells. TV talking heads keep yammering about the “beautiful weather” (yeah ok, 80 and breezy is kind of nice) but beautiful would be two days of steady rain on the tomatoes.

  12. Laurel in California says:

    Great story: Fetterman’s team looked closely at Oz’s campaign ad and discovered it was filmed – in his mansion in NJ. Pro tip: don’t campaign to be the next senator from PA by showing off your home in NJ. https://twitter.com/JohnFetterman/status/1545100119456071681?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1545100119456071681%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailykos.com%2Fstory%2F2022%2F7%2F7%2F2109020%2F-Fetterman-just-busted-Dr-Oz-so-hard-for-filming-a-campaign-video-from-his-New-Jersey-mansion

  13. Sandridge says:

    OK, it ain’t just the temps, the humidity has been oppressive forever too [LA/FL levels]. Stats below.

    I maintain several ‘personal’ weather stations [PWS] which record many weather parameters every few seconds 24/7 [if no glitches].
    Below are just a few stats/numbers I pulled, for temperatures and dewpoints only, for just June and July; May was essentially the same, March and April a couple degrees cooler. [hoping my medium reformatting effects stick w/o the Salon web interface hosing it; it’s not WYSIWYG..]

    You can see that –every– day but a few have had highs above 100°F degrees [highest so far 109.9°F/DP77.5°F], for weeks without end.
    Our South Texas actual ‘hot season’ doesn’t –normally– begin until late July to September, when we usually have periods of 100°F+ days.
    —Daily temps have been running 5-15°F above normal numbers this year, if you extrapolate that out, we’re heading for weeks of –110-120°F temps–. This is going to kill a lot of people, let alone the dinero for A/C light bills.

    But a key human factor are the dewpoints, which is a derived measure of humidity. Dewpoints above ~65°F are quite uncomfortable, above 75°F it’s just effing dripping wet miserable [won’t get into the ‘heat indexes/feels like stuff]. It ain’t a dry heat ’round here, babee…

    Had measurable precipitation on June 27/28 [actually just one night], just two days since March or April; we’re in an extended “Exceptional Drought” per NOAA [the highest level].

    Wildlife is stressed to the max, let alone the plant life; die-off’s have begun…

    Of course there’s no such thing as ‘climate change’ or ‘global warming’ or ‘climate emergency’; all a hoax…
    The local teevee media ‘meteorologists’ go to absurd lengths tapdancing around these hard WX facts without a peep about the dire root causes, bastards.

    Some local WX numbers :
    July 7, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 103.6 °F 87.1 °F 99.7 °F
    Dew Point 76.5 °F 68.2 °F 70.4 °F
    July 6, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 105.6 °F 83.3 °F 95.6 °F
    Dew Point 76.1 °F 69.6 °F 71.8 °F
    July 5, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 102.0 °F 80.2 °F 94.7 °F
    Dew Point 74.6 °F 69.2 °F 72.1 °F
    July 4, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 103.3 °F 78.6 °F 96.1 °F
    Dew Point 75.1 °F 68.9 °F 72.1 °F
    July 3, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 102.2 °F 78.8 °F 93.9 °F
    Dew Point 77.2 °F 68.5 °F 71.3 °F
    July 2, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 99.7 °F 77.4 °F 89.9 °F
    Dew Point 76.8 °F 34.2 °F 75.2 °F
    July 1, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 99.5 °F 75.9 °F 94.3 °F
    Dew Point 74.3 °F 69.7 °F 72.6 °F
    June 30, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 100.8 °F 73.4 °F 94.8 °F
    Dew Point 74.6 °F 67.3 °F 70.7 °F
    June 29, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 100.4 °F -13.4 °F 93.9 °F
    Dew Point 76.3 °F -22.0 °F 67.3 °F
    June 28, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 91.6 °F 70.7 °F 75.8 °F
    Dew Point 75.0 °F 68.8 °F 71.9 °F
    June 27, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 105.8 °F 71.1 °F 83.5 °F
    Dew Point 74.7 °F 63.4 °F 68.2 °F
    June 26, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 106.3 °F 71.8 °F 87.0 °F
    Dew Point 76.3 °F 61.2 °F 69.8 °F
    June 25, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 105.4 °F 75.6 °F 88.9 °F
    Dew Point 74.4 °F 60.8 °F 69.0 °F
    June 24, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 106.9 °F 71.6 °F 89.2 °F
    Dew Point 74.9 °F 63.8 °F 69.4 °F
    June 23, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 107.8 °F 72.1 °F 92.7 °F
    Dew Point 72.8 °F 61.9 °F 66.9 °F
    June 22, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 105.1 °F 74.1 °F 89.8 °F
    Dew Point 75.7 °F 63.9 °F 70.3 °F
    June 21, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 103.8 °F 73.4 °F 92.0 °F
    Dew Point 76.8 °F 63.9 °F 70.2 °F
    June 20, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 105.1 °F 71.2 °F 85.3 °F
    Dew Point 75.3 °F 65.1 °F 70.4 °F
    June 19, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 104.5 °F 74.1 °F 94.2 °F
    Dew Point 75.8 °F 25.1 °F 68.4 °F
    June 18, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 103.5 °F 72.3 °F 88.5 °F
    Dew Point 71.8 °F 11.0 °F 68.7 °F
    June 17, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 102.9 °F 72.9 °F 85.0 °F
    Dew Point 74.2 °F 67.0 °F 70.7 °F
    June 16, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 106.3 °F 74.8 °F 94.7 °F
    Dew Point 74.9 °F 60.7 °F 66.8 °F
    June 15, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature
    99.5 °F 79.9 °F 86.3 °F
    Dew Point 74.6 °F 67.5 °F 72.5 °F
    June 14, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 101.7 °F 77.4 °F 87.0 °F
    Dew Point 74.4 °F 63.3 °F 71.7 °F
    June 13, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 104.0 °F 75.9 °F 91.3 °F
    Dew Point 75.7 °F 63.1 °F 71.3 °F
    June 12, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 109.9 °F 76.8 °F 94.3 °F
    Dew Point 77.5 °F 62.1 °F 70.7 °F
    June 11, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 108.7 °F 74.7 °F 84.3 °F
    Dew Point 75.8 °F 25.1 °F 72.3 °F
    June 10, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 106.9 °F 74.5 °F 92.2 °F
    Dew Point 76.0 °F 66.8 °F 72.0 °F
    June 9, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 104.4 °F 73.9 °F 86.1 °F
    Dew Point 75.5 °F 66.8 °F 72.4 °F
    June 8, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 105.3 °F 75.9 °F 89.8 °F
    Dew Point 73.9 °F 64.3 °F 70.9 °F
    June 7, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 105.6 °F 75.6 °F 88.2 °F
    Dew Point 73.4 °F 66.5 °F 71.0 °F
    June 6, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 108.9 °F 75.2 °F 94.7 °F
    Dew Point 74.0 °F 68.5 °F 71.5 °F
    June 5, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 104.7 °F 69.6 °F 86.5 °F
    Dew Point 73.2 °F 61.6 °F 67.5 °F
    June 4, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 105.1 °F 69.3 °F 85.8 °F
    Dew Point 70.9 °F 64.5 °F 67.3 °F
    June 3, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 100.2 °F 73.4 °F 82.0 °F
    Dew Point 72.4 °F 50.2 °F 68.6 °F
    June 2, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature
    99.7 °F 81.5 °F 87.3 °F
    Dew Point 71.9 °F 66.7 °F 68.4 °F
    June 1, 2022
    High Low Average Temperature 101.5 °F 76.5 °F 86.4 °F
    Dew Point 76.1 °F 67.6 °F 73.3 °F

    WX Forecast for next 7 days [more of the same chit]:

  14. The Surly Professor says:

    Before I became a professor, I worked for a living in a steel mill and foundry in Texas. Spending lots of time next to 165 tons of 3000 degree molten steel in an electric arc furnace, plus not having air conditioning in either car or my home meant that I learned to spot heat exhaustion early on.

    Drink water until it starts coming out the other end. Unless you’re going to spend hours outside at a time, standard American diet will provide enough salt (I took 4 salt tablets an hour at the mill). Don’t drink Cokes, diet or otherwise. Ice tea is OK, but not with sugar in it. Avoid alcohol, it is dehydrating. Save that for when you’re home and won’t be going anywhere.

    I put a large plastic soda bottle half full of water into a freezer until it freezes, then fill it with water the rest of the way. I have three of those in rotation at all times even now.

    If you really need to replace electrolytes, get powdered Gatorade and mix it with four times the amount of water they recommend. I’ve been told to eat lightly but when working at the steel mill I ate like Baby Huey [standard breakfast was three pork chops, four scrambled eggs, hash browns, six biscuits with cream gravy – and then I was hungry four hours later].

    If you stop sweating, or find yourself sorta standing around befuddled, get into shade if not AC for a few hours. Look for others in that condition and hustle them off to someplace cool. Folks not used to those temperatures are not capable of recognizing when they are in trouble. Of course if they are wearing a red MAGA hat, befuddlement is probably their natural state.

  15. Opinionated Hussy says:

    I hate to complain about temps in the low 80’s given what y’all are dealing with, but…especially with the humidity…I’m complaining about the heat. Thank God nighttime temps are mid-60’s and I’m waking up at 5:00 to work in the garden for a couple of hours. 20 years ago, we’d hit low 80’s for a week in August, max….it started in May this year (which used to be our last date of frost).

    But the Supremes (“Supreme” my foot) think Big Oil/Big Coal need a freer rein to screw the planet.

  16. Sandridge says:

    The Surly Professor @14, My dad was a steelworker, he sometimes mentioned some of the conditions, gaackk. He did various work, but his main job was as an overhead crane operator, up high where the heat and stuff was; always wondered about ‘toilet breaks’.

    “large plastic soda bottle”, The perfect containers for this icing purpose are the rectangular Ocean Spray juice bottle ones [~64oz or the big 128oz? too]. Used them for decades, space-saving and fit handily in coolers/bags [full frozen will provide cold water/tea/coffee for days].
    They’re much tougher than flimsy soda bottles, have a larger and sturdier opening, and last -forever-.
    I always have a bunch in the freezers too [space efficient]. They [nearly full ones] also help protect other contents during power outages [thermal inertia].
    I also turn them into pet bowls by cutting much of one wide face away [roughly where the label is], leave the cap on and fill with water or food/kibble; mostly for water for the barncats, raccoons, etc. Also setting out a couple of 6gal containers of water too now, for whatever wanders by.
    If I don’t nightly placate the raccoon gods, they retaliate in amazing ways…the little sonuvabitches [I’m convinced that those masked bandits are all thieving Republicans].

    Opinionated Hussy @15, Nighttime temps only dropping to the low 80s here [have seen 90s at 3AM some nights]. Gives a good warm kickoff for the day to come; 90-94 by noon, 100+ by 2; aahhhh.. with the dripping humidity, it’s paradise…

  17. Suzanne Melton says:

    Surly Professor:

    Hasn’t been bad here in Western Washington State but, for the past few years, I put bottles of water in the freezer.

    If it’s going to be 75 or above, I pull one out and place it in the mailbox with the flag up. I think we’re about two-thirds through the delivery person’s route.

    By the time she gets here, she has half a bottle of really cold water.

  18. Oz is just another grifter. Odds are he will retire from the meidcal profession or his license will be yanke4. And who in hell would miss him!

  19. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Fetterman is still recovering from a stroke and plans to resume campaigning soon. And even resting at home he’s beating Oz.

