Oh Greta, Ride Fast Like a Deputy Sheriff and Catch Up Here With the Rest of Us
Greta Van Susteren pitched herself the silliest damn walleyed snotnosed hissy fit I have ever seen.
She took to her blog and blasted the Harris County Democratic Party for their I Stand With Wendy yard signs. Most you remember the June 25th filibuster in the Texas Senate when Texas women vowed to “stand with Wendy” while she filibustered. The rules say that Wendy had to stand the entire time she filibustered.
And, as you remember, it was a big thing. Texans swarmed the capitol and shut down the voting process.
The next day “I Stand With Wendy” tee shirts, buttons, mugs, bumper stickers, and yard signs hit the marketplace. I myself purchased several, including Christmas gifts. It was a big thing before Greg Abbott or Wendy Davis even announced they were running for Governor.
But, Greta sees it differently.
It does not matter to me that this is not the official campaign of Wendy Davis. This is her Party — the Democratic Party of Harris County. The Party and the candidate are one. The word “stand” is covertly referencing that her opponent – Attorney General Abbot – is in wheel chair. Don’t tell me this is an accident and not meant to be a cruel reference to her opponent. I don’t buy it.
Oh yeah, Greta, Democrats are just cruel like that. We hate disabled people and make fun of them all the time. That’s why we oppose the Affordable Care Act that covers disabled people – many for the first time. No, wait, that’s not us who opposes it – it’s Greg Abbott, you damn fool.
Harris County Democrats responded with a cute little graphic for Greta.
Damn fools on FOX.
Thanks to the Harris County Democratic Party for the heads up.