Oh Goodie! Republicans Found Us Someone Else To Be Afraid Of

August 18, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, you got your Muslims, your communists, your uppity wimmen, your black President, them Mexicans, liberals ….

And now – ta da! – violent South Americans.

Congresstoad Steve King of Iowa says that people from South America coming to the United States are importing their violent society with them because, you know, the United States is like totally non-violent.

“If you bring people from a violent civilization into a less-violent civilization, you’re going to have more violence right?” he asked. “It’s like pouring hot water into cold water. Does it raise the temperature or not?”

Does this turkey read a newspaper or watch the local news at night.  Holy crap, if we were any more violent, they’d have to build a thunderdome around us.

And, of course, there are civilizations that are just violent.  Which makes the NRA give King such a high rating.

By the way, just to top off a goofball week, King also said that members of his own party are “under a spell” about immigration.

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) continued to defend his comments on immigration reform during an interview with New Day’s Kate Bolduan, explaining that most Republicans agreed with him before the presidential election, but are now cast under a “spell.”

Not the witches thing again, okay Steve?  You guys have overused that one.

Thanks to Web T for the heads up.

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