Oh Dude, Just Shuddup

May 22, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Entitlement.  Now that’s a strange word to use for people who collect on social security after they have paid into it their entire lives.

But there is a good use of the word entitlement.  At its entry in the dictionary this picture needs to go beside it.  That’s Republican congressvarmint Steve Fincher.

Fincher has some strongly held beliefs about food stamps that feed working families who live under the poverty level.

SNAP has already been clobbered in the Farm Bill, cutting off nearly 2 million working families, children, and seniors from food assistance.

But, that’s not enough, says Fincher.

The role of citizens, of Christians, of humanity is to take care of each other, but not for Washington to steal from those in the country and give to others in the country.

Steal?  Did he say steal?

USDA data collected in EWG’s 2013 farm subsidy database update — going live tomorrow –shows that Fincher collected a staggering $3.48 million in “our” money from 1999 to 2012. In 2012 alone, the congressman was cut a government check for a $70,000 direct payment. Direct payments are issued automatically, regardless of need, and go predominantly to the largest, most profitable farm operations in the country.

That, my friends, is entitlement.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh Dude, Just Shuddup”

  1. Bosco Brown says:

    Here’s contact numbers for Ficnher :
    His Washington office number – 202-225-4714
    or FAX him @ 202-225-1765

  2. Ain’t it always the way . . . them that scream the most about those bleepity bleeps who get those (horror!) entitlements are the ones also getting the best side of that lollipop! Time after time I have seen this happen! It also infects ordinary citizens who attend rallys against big government etcetera and they turn out to be getting payment after payment! It is way past time for The Revelation to come about with this kind of stuff printed in big fat numbers on the first page of the local paper above the fold! Hopefully, there will be someone out there who can read it!

  3. Marge Wood says:

    I doubt Fincher (202 224 4714) will ever get hungry enough to get food stamps. Somebody find out if any of his relatives do.

  4. Miss Prissybritches..... says:

    Yeah… bungholios like Fincher need to spend a week working for $8/hr flipping tacos and burgers at a fast food restaurant, or bussing tables at a Pizza Hut, Red Robin or Olive Garden… then go home to try to feed their family, keep a roof over their head, and the electricity turned on without “entitlements” Only one “entitled” around here is Fincher, who is probably a terrible tipper…. not that the bus-person would ever see any of his damned tip anyway…. People like him need a reality check. God, I hate Republican farming elitists of his ilk.

  5. TexasEllen says:

    How about our lower rank service members? Anyone want to amend his little, mean, bill to exempt them? Pregnant women? Folks older than dirt? Disabled? Blind? Children?

    Does he have a clue how Wal-Mart could possibly stay in business with their employees cut off from food stamps and medicaid?

  6. Like the two senators from Oklahoma said when asked why they voted against disaster relief for Hurricane Sandy, but now want FEMA money to clean up tornado damage in their state, “that’s different.”

  7. I just don’t understand how a number of these politicians, and their supporters, can claim they are followers of Christianity. If mean spiritness, hypocrisy and greed are the hallmarks of this faith, as exemplified by those like Fincher, why would anyone want to be part of that religion?

  8. W C Peterson says:

    The filthy rich believe they’re “entitled” to having Representatives at their beck and call and “entitled” by not having to actually pay their fair share of taxes. Members of Congress believe they’re “entitled” to special parking privileges and not having to wait in line at the airport. they’re “entitled” to respect over and above the regular guy. They’re “entitled” to special health insurance paid for by the Government, and they’re “entitled’ to retirement at full pay after just two consecutive terms in office. There’s a lot of unspoken “entitlement” going on in the United States, but Social Security and Medicare recipients aren’t in the group claiming “entitlement”.

  9. maryelle says:

    Beware the whited sepulcher! Self-righteousness and hypocrisy go hand in hand. Fincher’s busy safeguarding the public money from the poor, so he can grab great big chunks of it for himself. Now there’s a model Christian.

  10. Receiving Soc. Sec. or Medicare are entitlements only in the way my bank account, such as it is, is an entitlement. I put the money in and I’m certainly entitled to take it out.

  11. Mimi Diane says:

    When I saw this on another web site, I told my husband, “I bet his butt’s in church every Sunday morning.” And he is talking about being a Christian. Jesus must be so proud.

  12. Aggieland liz says:

    Welcome to modern Calvinism. If you are poor it’s because you aren’t one of the elect, and of God doesn’t want to do anything for you, why should we? Corollary: when rich white folks get money from the gubmint, they received a blessing from God; when poor persons of color get money from the gubmint they stole it. See?!

  13. Corinne Sabo says:

    Taking food from the hungery. Guess he doesn’t know about the loaves & fishes.

  14. Aggieland liz says:

    He’s very confused about who his neighbor is too!

  15. Best I can tell from my idiot brother is the T’s resent using social security and taxes for “programs”. If SS was just a savings account that the Fed couldn’t touch or use for other purposes they are just fine. But they think once you give those boys in dee cee access yo your money they’ll just want more of it. A what an awful thing it would be if one of those programs changed a life for the better,

  16. Rubymay says:

    Good “christian” that Fincher doubtless is, I wonder how much of his millions in subsidies he contributed to help the poor and disabled. Oh how I wish these pigs at the trough had to face just one week living under the poverty level while working minimum wage jobs. He wouldn’t last one day.

  17. Austerity must be imposed on the Wicked Poor not on the Virtuous Rich White Entitled Men

  18. I love you!

  19. Well, that helps explain why the farm subsidies can never go in any direction but up– too many “gentleman farmers” in Congress with their snouts in the trough.

  20. Rhea, all it takes to be a gentleman farmer is just a hair over 10 acres! Of course, you will hire someone else to plant your commodity crops so you can get crop insurance and all sorts of other coverage. And, oh, if it is under 10 acres, its just a hobby! No commodity crop coverage for you! And the 10 plus one hair acres need not be in one block but patches scattered here and there. Ah! The Plain Dirt Farmer! You can always tell by his fingernails and toil stained jeans! Sigh!

  21. We TRIED TO WARN the Evangelibaggers about this thief – but he got elected anyway~


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  1. Congressman Who Gets Millions In Farm Subsidies Denounces Food Stamps As Stealing ‘Other People’s Money’ | ThinkProgress | Ye Olde Soapbox 23 05 13