Oh Dew, Do We Need To Do a Food Drive?

March 23, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

For you people from foreign states, David Dewhurt is the Lt. Governor of Texas and is in a run-off in the GOP primary to keep his damn job.

Politics takes a toll on your bank account.  Or your brain.  In this case, it’s hard to decide which.

Look what the Federal Elections Commission just sent him.   Here’s the meat of the report.  Click the little one to get the big one.

Screen Shot 2014-03-23 at 9.55.04 AM

So either he’s real bad at money management or real bad at math.

Either way, he’s gonna get his butt handed to him on a platter in the run-off or in November .

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh Dew, Do We Need To Do a Food Drive?”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Mathematical error, eh? I think not. Those forms are self-explanatory, fill in the blanks with the correct amounts and the form basically balances itself. That negative balance of $17, 224.43 would have been obvious to the person completing the form. However, if said person was playing magic numbers or hide the ball, then it’s likely they managed to mislead even their own gohmert self.

    The FEC is all too kind in they way those reports are worded. But, it does give Dewhurst the opportunity to dig a deeper hole for himself depending on which lie he chooses.

    This could be fun. Can’t wait to hear Dave ‘splain this one.

  2. A common error with a lot of ‘business people’ is to write checks they know they cannot cover because the vendor is screaming for them and they hope to have the funds. Problem is with a cash basis entity, which I am sure these are supposed to be, when you show a negative cash balance the correct entry would to show it as accounts payable (which you cannot do as a cash basis entity.)

    I was brought in by a group of investors to do bank reconciliations for 14 franchise hotel operations because they hadn’t been done for 6 (count ’em six) months. Lotsa negative cash balances ’cause the way they did their check writing was to do it immediately and then hold onto the checks to be released somewhere down a very long road. My outstanding check lists were on adding machine tape that stretched across the room and back. Did I find embezzling? Duh oh, yeah.

    Yep, it should be interesting. Can’t wait for Act II.

  3. call koch bros for overdraugh protection

  4. Grinning! This just gets better and better!

  5. Marge Wood says:

    I ain’t very smart about money but I do know that if the bank’s magic machines say you ain’t got no money, well, either their magic ain’t strong enough or else you need to repeat fourth grade. Either of those is actually possible. Lots of fizz and bubbles in banking these days, which may be why the Koch bros. can write bigger checks than big banks. You think?

  6. Marge Wood says:

    Which reminds me, what do y’all think about these points that banks and hot dog places are giving out these days? Are those points s’posed to cover the fizz and bubbles, or what?

  7. Corinne Sabo says:

    Considering his personal wealth, maybe his wife is an accountant.

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood, I’d like nothing better than to dine with Jamie Dimon and that old buzzard Alan Greenspan. Other than performing the Heimlich maneuver on each of them with their own neckties firmly secured around their throats, will leave the rest of that evening for you to fill in the blanks. Don’t want to offend Mama and the ladies present.

    Can’t wait for Dewnuts, McConnell and all the old riffraff to leave office and be in need of food stamps. Oh wait, they cut the Farm Bill, there won’t be any for them. It’s all about charity, so let them discover just how charitable the Koch brothers might be, once they become useless tools.

    The feeding frenzy between the .01% and their politician tools can’t begin soon enough for me.

  9. Marge Wood says:

    Oh, the super duper rich guys want Dan Patrick and home rule schools to run Texas so that the SDR (super duper rich) can make a profit from running the schools. Someone talk about home rule and Dallas. I’m not sure I understand home rule but I don’t think schools should be run as businesses.

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Neither schools nor prisons belong in the for profit claws. Schools should be 100% centered around education, while prisons need to have fewer not more residents. For profit is contrary to both objectives. Oh, and that other Bush crook, Neil, needs to be out of the text book business. Demons, aka the boys of Dominionism have no business within 100 kilometers of children.

    Juanita Jean is teaching me well. Republicans, I really am hating them. While many of us went to war on the buddy system, the best we can hope for them is prison on the buddy plan. Maybe Dewnuts and Delay can share a cell.

  11. maryelle says:

    He must have gone to the Steve Stockman School of Accounting.

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    maryelle, all the Gohmert Old Perverts worship at the Reagen School of Mythological Mathematics. They still believe in Trickle Down economics. No failure is too big for them to ignore. War pays for itself and Iraq will be a crashing economic success, right Wolfie?

    Dewnuts took the special Delay seminar on crooked finance, too.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    CROOKED FINANCE. Don’t you think there oughta be a band, one of them real loud kind, called CROOKED FINANCE? “Tom DeLay and The Crooked Finance” every Friday night at the Dewdrop Inn Bar and Grill.

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    That would be the Dewdrop Inn with bars motel. He and Tommy baby can practice their two part harmony as cellmates. Their first song together, “Crooked Finance, She Done Me Wrong.”

  15. Marge Wood says:

    Perfect! or how about this? “She Flushed my Funds Right Down the John.” You think maybe my brain is starting to go?

  16. Dew doesn’t need a food drive- he needs a blood drive.

    A zombie has more personality; a cadaver has more warmth.

  17. Does Dewhurst still owe $1 million to the vendors from his failed Senate campaign against Carnival Cruz?
