Oh Debbie, Thanks For Keeping Louie-Crazy Local

September 29, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Most of you have met Republican State House member Debbie Riddle around here at one time or another.

She’s a damn crazy woman.

Debbie Riddle: Not Smarter than Cattle

Every place she looks, she sees terrorists, illegal aliens, outer space aliens, feminists, Kenyans and oh dear God it’s a black person in my town.

She is also well known as being opposed to “free” public education and once said, “Where did this idea come from that everybody deserves free education, free medical care, free whatever? It comes from Moscow, from Russia. It comes straight out of the pit of hell.”

And nobody knows the pits of hell as well as Miss Debbie.

Today, she takes on a law school student.  It should be noted here that Miss Debbie has a Master’s Degree in Slaughtering the English Language.  The law school student had the audacity to suggest that American soldiers in Afghanistan be given some sensitivity training about the Afghan people.  You know, since we’re in their country and all.  The law school student’s name is Abdul Pasha, an American citizen.

“Our soldiers do NOT need to be taught how to be sensitive to radical Muslims. They do not need to be worried about blowing their nose wrong or using their left hand and offending someone. . . . They should not be bothered with being sensitive to people who want us all dead! We need a true leader in the White House — a vote for Obama is a vote to destroy our country.”

“Abdul, if you are so offended by our soldiers then you don’t need us or our money in Afghanistan. As an American I am greatly offended that we have had American soldiers killed by the very ones we were attempting to train and help — Afghanistan soldiers. Get a grip fellow — if you want to be an American act like one and be proud of our country and stand up for our military. If you can’t do that then go where people are sensative [sic] enough for you – I guess that would be Afghanistan – where they still live like they are in the Stone Age – but still very sensative.”

In Texas, that is what is known as a walleyed snot nosed hissy fit.  By a freekin’ crazy woman with more snot than hissy.

Thanks to all of you who sent the heads up.

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