Oh Dear, Just When He Learned to Count to Three

August 05, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It looks like all that money was wasted at Mrs. Mabel’s Memory School for Rick Perry.  Just when he learned to count to three, he lost himself.

Look, I will admit there’s times when I didn’t know where I was but then I sobered up and got the hell outta the Mustang Lounge.  Rick Perry is not so lucky.  Getting out of Louisiana ain’t that easy what with alligators and funeral processions.

During a speech he gave last week

Touting Texas, Perry declared, “There are many other states that embrace those conservative values, the approach we’ve taken over the years. I’m in one today – Florida.”

“We’re in Louisiana,” someone shouted.

By the way, the new and improved Rick Perry lost the boots in favor of dress shoes and is now wearing hipster black rimmed glasses.  I don’t know this to be true, but I’ve heard that the glasses keep him from walking into walls so much.  However, they don’t appear to be helping at reading maps.

Thanks to Willie and Jane for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh Dear, Just When He Learned to Count to Three”

  1. He looks way more smarter now with those glasses.

  2. LMAO. thanks!

  3. Is there any significant difference between Florida and Louisiana? I’m kinda confused about that myself.

  4. LucyTooners says:

    Sad and downright pathetic. Why did Texans keep electing this clown?

  5. connie555 says:

    My Aunt worked at the Mustang Lounge for over 20 years….He might look smarter with the glasses but you can bet he isn’t.

  6. Aggieland liz says:

    I TOLD y’all before, geography is not part of the core (or Corp) curriculum!!

  7. Jean Kuhn says:

    That gave me my best laugh of the day. I am still pretty sure he will still walk into walls, glasses or no glasses.

  8. Lorraine in Spring says:

    My husband just walked past my laptop while I was at the stove. He laughed out loud and asked how Texas could elect such a putz all these years.

  9. marmer, there are the states of Mississippi and Alabama between Florida and Louisiana, so it’s not like he was just on the wrong side of the Mississippi River with this mistake. It IS only about 100 miles by the shortest route along I-10 between LA and FL, so maybe he didn’t think those intervening states counted?

    Then again, he was born in Paint Creek and there’s a lot of miles of nothing but miles and miles out in that part of Texas. Maybe he just thought 100 miles didn’t matter? It was 50 miles to the booming metropolis of Abilene, and if he wanted to go to the big city it was 90+ miles to Wichita Falls and around 150 to get in trouble in Fort Worth.

  10. yes there is difference between Florida and Louisiana, both have sickos as Governor, both have Right wing legislators doing the Rights’ dirty work. Louisiana has more letters than Florida. the Rednecks voted in a Asian Indian with a Masters in Microbiology who pushed Creationism in the Educaitonal system, closed or sold all the mental hospitals to Business friends. the last one near New Orleans just got cited for various failing to follow various rules. but remember Republicans don’t believe in rules and regulations. and Jinda plans on doing the same for our public hospitals, the details haven’t been finished yet. what supporter gets what hasn’t been disclosed to us taxpayers yet.. and the Rednecks here wonder why they can’t get treatment when they are sick. Jindal is determined to get state government out of the business of public health, no matter how many people die. the Republican health care system known as “Hurry up and Die.” and the Rednecks love him for it.

    Rich Scott just looted the Hospitals for 1 Billion dollars. no comparison to Bobby/Piyush Jindal.

    Tell me about Florida?

  11. Must be the jet lag between Austin and Louisiana…yeah, that’s it.

  12. Florida and Louisiana? Funny you should ask! At one time the Republic of West Florida, what we know today as the Florida Panhandle was much bigger in the north to south direction and extended westward over to the Mississippi and covered the area that is now Baton Rouge. However, in order to know this little piece of what the hell information you would have to be a very keen researcher into old deeds and documents in Old and I mean Really, Really Old Louisiana. As even Ricky may recall, the Louisiana Territory was bought from the French during the Jefferson Administration, but the Republic of West Florida was NOT included. As time went along, this was resolved by re-distributing the land into the shape of the state of Louisiana as we now know it. Or at least some of us. Ricky, as usual , is the exception that proves the rule!

  13. OOPS.

  14. And he didn’t even have to remember three things– just one.

  15. Walking into walls might be an improvement. Perhaps he was not dropped on his head often enough as a child.

  16. Well, we know the same speech will also be given in Florida !

  17. Too bad that whoever shouted out: “We’re in Louisiana” didn’t end that with “… stupid!”

  18. Marge Wood says:

    He DOES look more distinguished in that outfit.

  19. SteveTheReturned says:

    Is anybody else finding a total lack of enthusiasm for Rick Perry among your conservative acquaintances? The humiliation of that presidential campaign seems to have done him in, for good. Thanks be to God…..

  20. Robin Frazier says:

    Can you believe the Air Force let this guy fly the big planes? The ones with 1000s of miles of range. He could have gotten seriously lost.

  21. Al Alvarez says:


    He did get seriously lost!
