Oh Dear God. They Are Giving Rick Perry Nukes.
Okay, okay, I am trying to get a grip but I just can’t. There’s no grip here. I’ve looked everywhere.
Forbes Magazine posted an opinion piece about Rick Perry being the best thing ever to grab ahold of the Department of Energy.
The column praises Rick Perry for letting the oil industry run amuck in Texas, where we have the worst pollution in America and there are times when unregulated dangerous chemicals are allowed to blow up a whole damn town and kill 15 people. Because …. liberty!
Here’s how Rick does it.
Texas is indeed blessed with oil and natural gas, but it takes well-devised policy to turn those resources into economic results. New York, for example, has tremendous natural gas resources but will not allow the hydraulic fracturing (fracking) processes to extract them. Other states allow fracking but have impeded a constructive business environment to allow energy production to reach its full potential.
Oh hell yeah, you can frack in downtown Dallas plus not pay any taxes. We’re last in education and children are dying because they don’t have health insurance but, by gawd, we can drive a gas guzzler.
But here’s when I lost my grip.
Perry has consistently advocated removing obstacles to all-of-the-above energy sources. Beyond fracking, Perry supported removing obstacles to building new nuclear power plants.
Nukes. He’s going to oversee damn nukes. He’s gonna let Bubba Hank’s Nuclear Power and Fishing Bait build a nuke in your backyard. Bubba Hank don’t need no damn obstacles. Bubba Hank don’t need no damn paperwork or oversight. You can just trust him because he gave Rick Perry a campaign donation.
I can’t get a grip, y’all.
Thanks to Steve for the heads up.